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Pàgina inicial > Articles > Articles publicats > Making interaction with virtual reality accessible : |
Data: | 2020 |
Resum: | Accessibility in immersive media is a relevant research topic, still in its infancy. This article explores the appropriateness of two rendering modes (fixed-positioned and always-visible) and two guiding methods (arrows and auto-positioning) for subtitles in 360º video. All considered conditions have been implemented and integrated in an end-to-end platform (from production to consumption) for their validation and evaluation. A pilot study with end-users has been prepared and conducted with the goals of determining the preferred options by users, the options that results in a higher presence, and of gathering extra valuable feedback from end-users. The obtained results reflect that, for the considered 360º content types, always-visible subtitles are more preferred by viewers and received better results in the presence questionnaire than the fixed-positioned subtitles. Regarding guiding methods, participants preferred arrows over auto-positioning, because arrows were considered more intuitive and easy to follow and reported better results in the presence questionnaire. |
Ajuts: | Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca 2017/SGR-113 European Commission 761974 |
Drets: | Tots els drets reservats. |
Llengua: | Anglès |
Document: | Article ; recerca ; Versió sotmesa a revisió |
Matèria: | Virtual reality ; 360º videos ; Human computer interaction ; Subtitles ; Accessibility |
Publicat a: | AI EDAM (Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing), Vol. 33, núm. 4 (2020) , ISSN 0890-0604 |
Pre-print 38 p, 704.9 KB |