Web of Science: 3 cites, Scopus: 4 cites, Google Scholar: cites,
Reduced airway levels of fatty-acid binding protein 4 in COPD : relationship with airway infection and disease severity
Perea, Lídia (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Rodrigo-Troyano, Ana (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Cantó, Elisabet (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Domínguez-Álvarez, Marisol (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques)
Giner, Jordi (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Sanchez-Reus, Ferran (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Villar, Judit (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques)
Quero, Sara (Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari. Institut d'Investigació i Innovació Parc Taulí (I3PT))
Garcia-Nuñez, Marian (Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari. Institut d'Investigació i Innovació Parc Taulí (I3PT))
Marín, Alicia (Institut Germans Trias i Pujol. Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol)
Monsó, Eduard (Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari. Institut d'Investigació i Innovació Parc Taulí (I3PT))
Faner, Rosa (Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)
Agustí, Àlvar (Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)
Vidal, Silvia (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Sibila, Oriol (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Data: 2020
Resum: For still unclear reasons, chronic airway infection often occurs in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), particularly in those with more severe airflow limitation. Fatty-acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) is an adipokine involved in the innate immune response against infection produced by alveolar macrophages (Mɸ). We hypothesized that airway levels of FABP4 may be altered in COPD patients with chronic airway infection. In this prospective and controlled study we: (1) compared airway FABP4 levels (ELISA) in induced sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and plasma samples in 52 clinically stable COPD patients (65. 2 ± 7. 9 years, FEV 59 ± 16% predicted) and 29 healthy volunteers (55. 0 ± 12. 3 years, FEV 97 ± 16% predicted); (2) explored their relationship with the presence of bacterial airway infection, defined by the presence of potentially pathogenic bacteria (PPB) at ≥10 3 colony-forming units/ml in BALF; (3) investigated their relationship with the quantity and proportion of Mɸ in BALF (flow cytometry); and, (4) studied their relationship with the severity of airflow limitation (FEV), GOLD grade and level of symptoms (CAT questionnaire). We found that: (1) airway levels of FABP4 (but not plasma ones) were reduced in COPD patients vs. controls [219. 2 (96. 0-319. 6) vs. 273. 4 (203. 1-426. 7) (pg/ml)/protein, p = 0. 03 in BALF]; (2) COPD patients with airway infection had lower sputum FABP4 levels [0. 73 (0. 35-15. 3) vs. 15. 6 (2. 0-29. 4) ng/ml, p = 0. 02]; (3) in COPD patients, the number and proportion of Mɸ were positively related with FABP4 levels in BALF; (4) BALF and sputum FABP4 levels were positively related with FEV, negatively with the CAT score, and lowest in GOLD grade D patients. Airway FABP4 levels are reduced in COPD patients, especially in those with airway infection and more severe disease. The relationship observed between Mɸ and airway FABP4 levels supports a role for FABP4 in the pathogenesis of airway infection and disease severity in COPD.
Ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI15-02042
Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI15-00167
Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI18-00311
Nota: Altres ajuts: This study is supported by Fundació Ramon Pla i Armengol. RF is recipient of a MS research contract (CP16/000039). OS is supported by PERIS.
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: FABP4 ; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ; Macrophages ; Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
Publicat a: Respiratory Research, Vol. 21 (january 2020) , ISSN 1465-993X

DOI: 10.1186/s12931-020-1278-5
PMID: 31931795

8 p, 935.1 KB

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