
Formalization of patterns of textual use for the management of multilingual documentation

Project type: 
Languages involved: 


Source of funding: 

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Brief description: 

Since 2000 the GENTT research group has been working on the analysis of the application of the concept of “textual genre” to conduct research on the drafting and translation of specialised texts within socio-professional domains. The methodology of GENTT combines corpus analysis techniques and methodological principles of the sociology of professions. In this new project the GENTT group intends to take one step further towards its objective to create an intelligent management system for specialised multilingual documents which allows the automatisation of the process of retrieval, indexation, semi-controlled writing and computer-assisted translation of specialised texts, taking into account the professional needs, habits and processes of the final users of these texts. Taking as a sample two professional communities that have accepted to participate actively in the project (Translation Services of the Valencian Community Higher Court of Justice and Oncological Unit of the Valencia Clinical Hospital), the GENTT group aims to identify their requirements for multilingual document management and create an automatised system which, by means of a sole interface adapted to their particular requirements, allows users to reuse, in an optimized manner, linguistic resources of diverse nature (textual corpora, translation memories, terminological and phraselogical glossaries, etc.).

Project publications: 
Linked projects: 

Máster en traducción médico-sanitaria (Universitat Jaume I)

PhD: (see

Natividad Juste

Ana Muñoz Miquel

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Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B