Application of synthetic pheromones on animals in captivity: A possibility on wild ungulates?
Castells Urgell, Clara
Manteca Vilanova, Xavier, dir.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Veterinària

Date: 2014
Description: 1 pag.
Abstract: There is an increasing evidence proving the existence of diverse abnormal behaviours due to stress on captive animals. The growing awareness for animal welfare, specifically for those captive in zoos or similar centres accommodating wild animals, has triggered that numerous measures of environmental enrichment are being implemented all over the globe. A recent practice of environmental enrichment to reduce the stress of wild animals in captivity is the employment of different odours and specifically the use of pheromones.
Note: Póster
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Language: Anglès
Studies: Veterinària [2502445]
Study plan: Grau en Veterinària [955]
Document: Treball final de grau ; Text
Subject area: Veterinària
Subject: Veterinària

1 p, 150.5 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Research literature > Bachelor's degree final project > Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

 Record created 2015-10-05, last modified 2024-05-19

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