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Articles, 10 registres trobats
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Articles 10 registres trobats  
12 p, 1.2 MB Mendelian randomization implies no direct causal association between leukocyte telomere length and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis / Gao, Yixin (Xuzhou Medical University) ; Wang, Ting (Xuzhou Medical University) ; Yu, Xinghao (Xuzhou Medical University) ; Ferrari, Raffaele (Russell Square House) ; Hernandez, Dena G. (Queen Square) ; Nalls, Michael A. (National Institute on Aging (Bethesda, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Rohrer, Jonathan D. (Queen Square) ; Ramasamy, Adaikalavan (University of Oxford) ; Kwok, John B.J. (University of New South Wales) ; Dobson-Stone, Carol (University of New South Wales) ; Brooks, William S. (University of New South Wales) ; Schofield, Peter R. (Neuroscience Research Australia) ; Halliday, Glenda M. (Neuroscience Research Australia) ; Hodges, John R. (Neuroscience Research Australia) ; Piguet, Olivier (Neuroscience Research Australia) ; Bartley, Lauren (Neuroscience Research Australia) ; Thompson, Elizabeth (University of Adelaide) ; Haan, Eric (University of Adelaide) ; Hernández, Isabel (Institut Català de Neurociéncies Aplicades) ; Ruiz, Agustín (Institut Català de Neurociéncies Aplicades) ; Boada, Mercè (Institut Català de Neurociéncies Aplicades) ; Borroni, Barbara (University of Brescia) ; Padovani, Alessandro (University of Brescia) ; Cruchaga, Carlos (Washington University School of Medicine) ; Cairns, Nigel J. (Washington University) ; Benussi, Luisa (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Binetti, Giuliano (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Ghidoni, Roberta (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Forloni, Gianluigi (IRCCS Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche. "Mario Negri") ; Albani, Diego (IRCCS Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche. "Mario Negri") ; Galimberti, Daniela (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Fenoglio, Chiara (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Serpente, Maria (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Scarpini, Elio (University of Milan) ; Clarimón, Jordi (Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona, Catalunya)) ; Lleó, Alberto (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Blesa, Rafael (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Waldö, Maria Landqvist (Lund University) ; Nilsson, Karin (Lund University) ; Nilsson, Christer (Lund University) ; Mackenzie, Ian R.A. (University of British Columbia) ; Hsiung, Ging-Yuek R. (University of British Columbia) ; Mann, David M. A. (Salford Royal Hospital) ; Grafman, Jordan (Northwestern University) ; Morris, Christopher M. (Newcastle University) ; Attems, Johannes (Newcastle University) ; Griffiths, Timothy D. (Newcastle University Medical School) ; McKeith, Ian G. (Newcastle University) ; Thomas, Alan J. (Newcastle University) ; Pietrini, Pietro (IMT School for Advanced Studies) ; Huey, Edward D. (Columbia University) ; Wassermann, Eric M. (National Insititutes of Health) ; Baborie, Atik (University of Alberta Edmonton) ; Jaros, Evelyn (Newcastle University) ; Tierney, Michael C. (National Insititutes of Health) ; Pastor, Pau (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Razquin, Cristina (Universidad de Navarra) ; Ortega-Cubero, Sara (Universidad de Navarra) ; Alonso, Elena (Universidad de Navarra) ; Perneczky, Robert (West London Mental Health Trust) ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine (Technische Universität München) ; Alexopoulos, Panagiotis (Technische Universität München) ; Kurz, Alexander (Technische Universität München) ; Rainero, Innocenzo (A.O. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Rubino, Elisa (A.O. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Pinessi, Lorenzo (A.O. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Rogaeva, Ekaterina (University of Toronto) ; St George Hyslop, Peter (University of Cambridge) ; Rossi, Giacomina (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Tagliavini, Fabrizio (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Giaccone, Giorgio (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Rowe, James B. (Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute) ; Schlachetzki, Johannes C. M. (University of California San Diego) ; Uphill, James (University College London. Institute of Neurology) ; Collinge, John (University College London. Institute of Neurology) ; Mead, Simon (University College London. Institute of Neurology) ; Danek, Adrian (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Van Deerlin, Vivianna M. (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Grossman, Murray (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Trojanowski, John Q. (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; van der Zee, Julie (University of Antwerp) ; Cruts, Marc (University of Antwerp) ; Van Broeckhoven, Christine (University of Antwerp) ; Cappa, Stefano F. (Vita-Salute University and San Raffaele Scientific Institute) ; Leber, Isabelle (CNRS UMR 7225) ; Hannequin, Didier (Rouen University Hospital (França)) ; Golfier, Véronique (CH Saint Brieuc) ; Vercelletto, Martine (CHU Nantes) ; Brice, Alexis (AP-HP. Hôpital de la Salpêtrière) ; Nacmias, Benedetta (University of Florence) ; Sorbi, Sandro (University of Florence and IRCCS "Don Carlo Gnocchi" Firenze) ; Bagnoli, Silvia (University of Florence) ; Piaceri, Irene (University of Florence) ; Nielsen, Jørgen E. (Copenhagen University Hospital) ; Hjermind, Lena E. (University of Copenhagen) ; Riemenschneider, Matthias (Saarland University) ; Mayhaus, Manuel (Saarland University) ; Ibach, Bernd (University Regensburg) ; Gasparoni, Gilles (Saarland University) ; Pichler, Sabrina (Saarland University) ; Gu, Wei (University of Luxembourg) ; Rossor, Martin N. (Queen Square) ; Fox, Nick C. (University College London Queen Square Institute of Neurology. Dementia Research Centre) ; Warren, Jason D. (Queen Square) ; Spillantini, Maria Grazia (University of Cambridge) ; Morris, Huw R. (Russell Square House) ; Rizzu, Patrizia (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases-Tübingen) ; Heutink, Peter (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases-Tübingen) ; Snowden, Julie S. (University of Manchester) ; Rollinson, Sara (University of Manchester) ; Richardson, Anna (University of Manchester) ; Gerhard, Alexander (The University of Manchester) ; Bruni, Amalia C. (ASPCZ) ; Maletta, Raffaele (ASPCZ) ; Frangipane, Francesca (ASPCZ) ; Cupidi, Chiara (ASPCZ) ; Bernardi, Livia (ASPCZ) ; Anfossi, Maria (ASPCZ) ; Gallo, Maura (ASPCZ) ; Conidi, Maria Elena (ASPCZ) ; Smirne, Nicoletta (ASPCZ) ; Rademakers, Rosa (Mayo Clinic Jacksonville) ; Baker, Matt (Mayo Clinic Jacksonville) ; Dickson, Dennis W. (Mayo Clinic Jacksonville) ; Graff-Radford, Neill R. (Mayo Clinic Jacksonville) ; Petersen, Ronald C. (Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Knopman, David (Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Josephs, Keith A. (Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Boeve, Bradley (Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Parisi, Joseph E. (Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Seeley, William W. (University of California) ; Miller, Bruce L. (University of California) ; Karydas, Anna M. (University of California) ; Rosen, Howard (University of California) ; van Swieten, John C. (VU University Medical Centre) ; Dopper, Elise G. P. (Erasmus Medical Centre) ; Seelaar, Harro (Erasmus Medical Centre) ; Pijnenburg, Yolande A. L. (VU University Medical Centre) ; Scheltens, Philip (VU University Medical Centre) ; Logroscino, Giancarlo (University of Bari) ; Capozzo, Rosa (University of Bari) ; Novelli, Valeria (Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli) ; Puca, Annibale A. (University of Salerno) ; Franceschi, Massimo (IRCCS Multimedica) ; Postiglione, Alfredo (University of Naples Federico II) ; Milan, Graziella (Geriatric Center Frullone- ASL Napoli 1 Centro) ; Sorrentino, Paolo (Geriatric Center Frullone- ASL Napoli 1 Centro) ; Kristiansen, Mark (Institute of Child Health (ICH)) ; Chiang, Huei-Hsin (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suecia)) ; Graff, Caroline (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suecia)) ; Pasquier, Florence (Univ Lille) ; Rollin, Adeline (Univ Lille) ; Deramecourt, Vincent (Univ Lille) ; Lebouvier, Thibaud (Univ Lille) ; Kapogiannis, Dimitrios (National Institute on Aging (NIA/NIH)) ; Ferrucci, Luigi (National Institute on Aging (Baltimore, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Pickering-Brown, S. (University of Manchester) ; Singleton, Andrew B. (National Institute on Aging (Bethesda, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Hardy, John (Russell Square House) ; Momeni, Parastoo (Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Zhao, Huashuo (Xuzhou Medical University) ; Zeng, Ping (Xuzhou Medical University) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
We employed Mendelian randomization (MR) to evaluate the causal relationship between leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with summary statistics from genome-wide association studies (n = ~ 38,000 for LTL and ~ 81,000 for ALS in the European population; n = ~ 23,000 for LTL and ~ 4,100 for ALS in the Asian population). [...]
2020 - 10.1038/s41598-020-68848-9
Scientific reports, Vol. 10 Núm. 1 (january 2020) , p. 12184  
2 p, 2.0 MB Author Correction : Common variants in Alzheimer's disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores / De Rojas, Itziar (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Moreno-Grau, Sonia (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Tesi, Niccolo (Delft Univeristy of Technology) ; Grenier-Boley, Benjamin (Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; Andrade, Victor (University Clinic Bonn) ; Jansen, Iris E. (VU University) ; Pedersen, Nancy L. (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia)) ; Stringa, Najada (Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute) ; Zettergren, Anna (University of Gothenburg) ; Hernández, Isabel (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Montrreal, Laura (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Antúnez, Carmen (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Antonell, Anna (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Tankard, Rick M. (Murdoch University) ; Bis, Joshua C (University of Washington) ; Sims, Rebecca (Cardiff University) ; Bellenguez, Céline (Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; Quintela, Inés (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; González-Perez, Antonio (Centro Andaluz de Estudios Bioinformáticos) ; Calero, Miguel (Fundación Reina Sofía) ; Franco-Macías, Emilio (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Macías, Juan (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Blesa, Rafael (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Cervera Carles, Laura (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Mendez-Gonzalez, Manuel (Universidad de Oviedo) ; Frank-García, Ana (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) ; Royo, Jose Luís (Universidad de Málaga) ; Moreno, Fermin (Biodonostia Osasun Ikerketako Institutura (País Basc)) ; Huerto Vilas, Raquel (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida) ; Baquero, Miquel (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (València)) ; Diez-Fairen, Monica (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Lage, Carmen (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; García-Madrona, Sebastián (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; García-González, Pablo (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Alarcón-Martín, Emilio (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Valero, Sergi (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Sotolongo Grau, Oscar (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Ullgren, Abbe (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suecia)) ; Naj, Adam C. (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Lemstra, Afina W. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Benaque, Alba (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Pérez-Cordón, Alba (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Benussi, Alberto (University of Brescia) ; Rábano, Alberto (BT-CIEN) ; Padovani, Alessandro (University of Brescia) ; Squassina, Alessio (University of Cagliari) ; de Mendonça, Alexandre (University of Lisbon) ; Arias Pastor, Alfonso (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida) ; Kok, Almar A. L. (Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute) ; Meggy, Alun (Cardiff University) ; Pastor, Ana Belén (BT-CIEN) ; Espinosa, Ana (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Corma-Gómez, Anaïs (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Martín Montes, Angel (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Sanabria, Ángela (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; DeStefano, Anita L. (Boston University School of Public Health) ; Schneider, Anja (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Haapasalo, Annakaisa (University of Eastern Finland) ; Kinhult Ståhlbom, Anne (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suecia)) ; Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne (University of Copenhagen) ; Hartmann, Annette M. (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) ; Spottke, Annika (University of Bonn) ; Corbatón-Anchuelo, Arturo (Hospital Clínico San Carlos (Madrid)) ; Rongve, Arvid (University of Bergen) ; Borroni, Barbara (University of Brescia) ; Arosio, Beatrice (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Nacmias, Benedetta (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi) ; Nordestgaard, Børge G. (Herlev Gentofte Hospital) ; Kunkle, Brian W. (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine) ; Charbonnier, Camille (Normandie Univ) ; Abdelnour, Carla (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Masullo, Carlo (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) ; Martínez Rodríguez, Carmen (Hospital Universitario de Cabueñes (Gijón)) ; Muñoz-Fernandez, Carmen (Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr.Negrín) ; Dufouil, Carole (CHU de Bordeaux) ; Graff, Caroline (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suecia)) ; Ferreira, Catarina B. (Universidade de Lisboa) ; Chillotti, Caterina (University Hospital of Cagliari) ; Reynolds, Chandra A. (University of California-Riverside) ; Fenoglio, Chiara (University of Milan) ; Van Broeckhoven, Christine (University of Antwerp) ; Clark, Christopher (University of Zürich) ; Pisanu, Claudia (University of Cagliari) ; Satizabal, Claudia L. (UT Health San Antonio) ; Holmes, Clive (University of Southampton) ; Buiza-Rueda, Dolores (Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla) ; Aarsland, Dag (Stavanger University Hospital) ; Rujescu, Dan (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) ; Alcolea, Daniel (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Galimberti, Daniela (Ospedale Policlinico) ; Wallon, David (Normandie Univ) ; Seripa, Davide (Complex Structure of Geriatrics) ; Grünblatt, Edna (University of Zurich) ; Dardiotis, Efthimios (University of Thessaly) ; Düzel, Emrah (Otto-von-Guericke University) ; Scarpini, Elio (Ospedale Policlinico, Milan, Italy) ; Conti, Elisa (University of Milano-Bicocca and Milan Center for Neuroscience) ; Rubino, Elisa (AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Gelpi, Ellen (Medical University of Vienna) ; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Eloy (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Duron, Emmanuelle (Hôpital Broca) ; Boerwinkle, Eric (Baylor College of Medicine) ; Ferri, Evelyn (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Tagliavini, Fabrizio (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Küçükali, Fahri (University of Antwerp) ; Pasquier, Florence (CHU CNR-MAJ) ; Sanchez-Garcia, Florentino (Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín) ; Mangialasche, Francesca (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia)) ; Jessen, Frank (University of Cologne) ; Nicolas, Gaël (Hospital Universitario de Cabueñes (Gijón)) ; Selbæk, Geir (University of Oslo) ; Ortega, Gemma (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Chêne, Geneviève (CHU de Bordeaux) ; Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios (University of Cyprus) ; Rossi, Giacomina (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Spalletta, Gianfranco (Baylor College of Medicine) ; Giaccone, Giorgio (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Grande, Giulia (Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University) ; Binetti, Giuliano (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Papenberg, Goran (Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University) ; Hampel, Harald (Sorbonne University) ; Bailly, Henri (Université Paris Descartes) ; Zetterberg, Henrik (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit)) ; Soininen, Hilkka (Kuopio University Hospital ( Finlàndia)) ; Karlsson, Ida K. (Jönköping University) ; Alvarez, Ignacio (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Appollonio, Ildebrando (Ospedale San Gerardo (Itàlia)) ; Giegling, Ina (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) ; Skoog, Ingmar (University of Gothenburg) ; Saltvedt, Ingvild (Norwegian University of Science and Technhology) ; Rainero, Innocenzo (University of Torino) ; Rosas Allende, Irene (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; Hort, Jakub (St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine (Technical University of Munich) ; Van Dongen, Jasper (Institute Born-Bunge) ; Vidal, Jean-Sébastien (Université Paris Descartes) ; Lehtisalo, Jenni (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Wiltfang, Jens (University of Aveiro) ; Thomassen, Jesper Qvist (Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet) ; Kornhuber, Johannes (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) ; Haines, Jonathan L. (Case Western Reserve University) ; Vogelgsang, Jonathan (Harvard Medical School) ; Pineda, Juan A. (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Fortea, Juan (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Popp, Julius (Lausanne University Hospital) ; Deckert, Jürgen (University Hospital) ; Buerger, Katharina (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Morgan, Kevin (University of Nottingham) ; Fließbach, Klaus (University Clinic Bonn) ; Sleegers, Kristel (University of Antwerp) ; Molina-Porcel, Laura (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Kilander, Lena (Uppsala) ; Weinhold, Leonie (University Hospital of Bonn) ; Farrer, Lindsay A. (Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health) ; Wang, Li-San (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Kleineidam, Luca (University Clinic Bonn) ; Farotti, Lucia (University of Perugia) ; Parnetti, Lucilla (University of Perugia) ; Tremolizzo, Lucio (Ospedale San Gerardo (Itàlia)) ; Hausner, Lucrezia (University of Heidelberg) ; Benussi, Luisa (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Froelich, Lutz (University of Heidelberg) ; Ikram, M. Arfan (Erasmus Medical Center) ; Deniz-Naranjo, M. Candida (Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín) ; Tsolaki, Magda (1st Department of Neurology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Rosende-Roca, Maitée (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Löwenmark, Malin (Uppsala) ; Hulsman, Marc (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Spallazzi, Marco (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria) ; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine) ; Esiri, Margaret (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences) ; Bernal Sánchez-Arjona, María (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Dalmasso, Maria Carolina (University of Cologne) ; Martínez-Larrad, María Teresa (Hospital Clínico San Carlos (Madrid)) ; Arcaro, Marina (Ospedale Policlinico) ; Nöthen, Markus M. (University of Bonn) ; Fernández-Fuertes, Marta (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Dichgans, Martin (Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)) ; Ingelsson, Martin (Uppsala) ; Herrmann, Martin J. (University Hospital) ; Scherer, Martin (University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf) ; Vyhnalek, Martin (St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Kosmidis, Mary H. (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Yannakoulia, Mary (Harokopio University) ; Schmid, Matthias (University Hospital of Bonn) ; Ewers, Michael (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Heneka, Michael T. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Wagner, Michael (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Scamosci, Michela (University of Perugia) ; Kivipelto, Miia (Stockholms Sjukhem) ; Hiltunen, Mikko (University of Eastern Finland) ; Zulaica, Miren (Biodonostia Osasun Ikerketako Institutura (País Basc)) ; Alegret, Montserrat (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Fornage, Myriam (University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston) ; Roberto, Natalia (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; van Schoor, Natasja M. (Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute) ; Seidu, Nazib M. (University of Gothenburg) ; Banaj, Nerisa (IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Armstrong, Nicola (Murdoch University) ; Scarmeas, Nikolaos (Columbia University) ; Scherbaum, Norbert (University of Duisburg-Essen) ; Goldhardt, Oliver (Technical University of Munich) ; Hanon, Olivier (Université Paris Descartes) ; Peters, Oliver (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Skrobot, Olivia Anna (Southmead Hospital) ; Quenez, Olivier (Normandie Univ) ; Lerch, Ondrej (St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Bossù, Paola (IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Caffarra, Paolo (University of Parma) ; Dionigi Rossi, Paolo (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Sakka, Paraskevi (Athens Association of Alzheimer's disease and Related Disorders) ; Mecocci, Patrizia (University of Perugia) ; Hoffmann, Per (University Hospital Basel (Basilea, Suïssa)) ; Holmans, Peter (Cardiff University) ; Fischer, Peter (Social Medicine Center East- Donauspital) ; Riederer, Peter (University Hospital of Würzburg) ; Yang, Qiong (Boston University School of Public Health) ; Marshall, Rachel (Cardiff University) ; Kalaria, Rajesh N. (Campus for Ageing anf Vitality) ; Mayeux, Richard (Columbia University) ; Vandenberghe, Rik (University Hospitals Leuven (Bèlgica)) ; Cecchetti, Roberta (University of Perugia) ; Ghidoni, Roberta (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth (University of Copenhagen) ; Sorbi, Sandro (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi) ; Hägg, Sara (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia)) ; Engelborghs, Sebastiaan (VUB University Hospital Brussels) ; Helisalmi, Seppo (University of Eastern Finland) ; Botne Sando, Sigrid (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Kern, Silke (University of Gothenburg) ; Archetti, Silvana (Brescia Hospital) ; Boschi, Silvia (University of Torino) ; Fostinelli, Silvia (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Gil, Silvia (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Mendoza, Silvia (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Mead, Simon (University College London. Institute of Prion Diseases) ; Ciccone, Simona (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Djurovic, Srdjan (University of Bergen) ; Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie (School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn) ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi (University of Leipzig) ; Kuulasmaa, Teemu (University of Eastern Finland) ; del Ser, Teodoro (Fundación Reina Sofía) ; Lebouvier, Thibaud (CHU CNR-MAJ) ; Polak, Thomas (University Hospital) ; Ngandu, Tiia (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Grimmer, Timo (Technical University of Munich) ; Bessi, Valentina (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi Largo Brambilla) ; Escott-Price, Valentina (Cardiff University) ; Giedraitis, Vilmantas (Uppsala) ; Deramecourt, Vincent (CHU CNR-MAJ) ; Maier, Wolfgang (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Jian, Xueqiu (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Pijnenburg, Yolande A. L. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Kehoe, Patrick (University of Bristol) ; García-Ribas, Guillermo (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Sánchez-Juan, Pascual (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Pastor, Pau (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Pérez-Tur, Jordi (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe) ; Piñol-Ripoll, Gerard (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida) ; Lopez de Munain, Adolfo (Hospital de Donostia (Sant Sebastià, País Basc)) ; García-Alberca, Jose María (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Bullido, María J (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz) ; Álvarez, Victoria (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; Lleó, Alberto (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Real, Luis M. (Universidad de Málaga) ; Mir, Pablo (Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla) ; Medina, Miguel (Fundación Reina Sofía) ; Scheltens, Philip (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Holstege, Henne (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Marquié, Marta (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Sáez, María Eugenia (Centro Andaluz de Estudios Bioinformáticos) ; Carracedo, Ángel (Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica) ; Amouyel, Philippe (Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; Schellenberg, Gerard D. (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Williams, Julie (Cardiff University) ; Seshadri, Sudha (Framingham Heart Study) ; van Duijn, Cornelia M. (University of Oxford) ; Mather, Karen A (Neuroscience Research Australia) ; Sanchez-Valle, Raquel (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Serrano-Ríos, Manuel (Hospital Clínico San Carlos (Madrid)) ; Orellana, Adelina (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Tárraga, Lluís (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; Blennow, Kaj (Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg) ; Huisman, Martijn A (VU University) ; Andreassen, Ole A. (Oslo University Hospital (Oslo, Noruega)) ; Posthuma, Danielle (VU University) ; Clarimón, Jordi (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Boada, Mercè (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades) ; van der Flier, Wiesje M (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Ramirez, Alfredo (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Lambert, Jean-Charles (Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; van der Lee, Sven J. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Ruiz, Agustín (National Institute of Health Carlos III) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Genetic discoveries of Alzheimer's disease are the drivers of our understanding, and together with polygenetic risk stratification can contribute towards planning of feasible and efficient preventive and curative clinical trials. [...]
2023 - 10.1038/s41467-023-36192-x
Nature communications, Vol. 14 (february 2023)  
33 p, 4.9 MB New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias / Bellenguez, Céline (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Küçükali, Fahri (University of Antwerp) ; Jansen, Iris E. (Department of Complex Trait Genetics. Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije University) ; Kleineidam, Luca (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Moreno-Grau, Sonia (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Amin, Najaf (Nuffield Department of Population Health. Oxford University) ; Naj, Adam C. (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Campos-Martin, Rafael (Universität zu Köln (Colònia, Alemaya). Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy) ; Grenier-Boley, Benjamin (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Andrade, Victor (Universität zu Köln (Colònia, Alemaya). Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy) ; Holmans, Peter (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Boland, Anne (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Damotte, Vincent (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; van der Lee, Sven J. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Costa, Marcos R. (Brain Institute. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) ; Kuulasmaa, Teemu (Institute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Yang, Qiong (Framingham Heart Study) ; De Rojas, Itziar (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Bis, Joshua C (Cardiovascular Health Research Unit. Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Yaqub, Amber (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Prokic, Ivana (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Chapuis, Julien (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Ahmad, Shahzad (LACDR) ; Giedraitis, Vilmantas (Department of Public Health and Carins Sciences/Geriatrics. Uppsala University) ; Aarsland, Dag (Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology & Neuroscience) ; Garcia-Gonzalez, Pablo (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Abdelnour, Carla (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Alarcón-Martín, Emilio (Department of Surgery. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. School of Medicine. University of Málaga) ; Alcolea, Daniel (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Alegret, Montserrat (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Alvarez, Ignacio (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Alvarez, Victoria (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; Armstrong, Nicola (Curtin University) ; Tsolaki, Anthoula (Alzheimer Hellas) ; Antúnez, Carmen (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Appollonio, Ildebrando (Neurology Unit. San Gerardo Hospital) ; Arcaro, Marina (Fondazione IRCCS Ca'Granda. Ospedale Policlinico) ; Archetti, Silvana (Department of Laboratory Diagnostics. III Laboratory of Analysis. Brescia Hospital) ; Pastor, Alfonso A. (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida) ; Arosio, Beatrice (Geriatic Unit. Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Athanasiu, Lavinia (NORMENT Centre. University of Oslo) ; Bailly, Henri (EA 4468. Université de Paris. APHP. Hôpital Broca) ; Banaj, Nerisa (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Baquero, Miquel (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (València)) ; Barral, Sandra (Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center. Columbia University) ; Beiser, Alexa (Boston University and the NHLBI's Framingham Heart Study) ; Pastor, Ana Belén (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Below, Jennifer E. (Human Genetics Center. Department of Epidemiology. Human Genetics. and Environmental Sciences. School of Public Health. The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Benchek, Penelope (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Benussi, Luisa (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Berr, Claudine (Université Montpellier, INSERM, Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier) ; Besse, Céline (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Bessi, Valentina (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi) ; Binetti, Giuliano (MAC - Memory Clinic. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Bizarro, Alessandra (Geriatrics Unit. Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Blesa, Rafael (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Boada, Mercè (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Boerwinkle, Eric (Baylor College of Medicine) ; Borroni, Barbara (Centre for Neurodegenerative Disorders. Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences. University of Brescia) ; Boschi, Silvia (Department of Neuroscience "Rita Levi Montalcini". University of Torino) ; Bossù, Paola (Experimental Neuro-psychobiology Laboratory. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Bråthen, Geir (Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science. Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Bressler, Jan (School of Public Health. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Bresner, Catherine (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Brodaty, Henry (Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration. School of Psychiatry. University of New South Wales) ; Brookes, Keeley J. (Biosciences. School of Science and Technology. Nottingham Trent University) ; Brusco, Luis Ignacio (Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos Eva Perón. San Martín) ; Buiza-Rueda, Dolores (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Bûrger, Katharina (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE. Munich)) ; Burholt, Vanessa (Wales Centre for Ageing & Dementia Research. Swansea University) ; Bush, William S. (Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Calero, Miguel (UFIEC. Instituto de Salud Carlos III) ; Cantwell, Laura B (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Chene, Geneviève (Pole Santé Publique. CHU de Bordeaux) ; Chung, Jaeyoon (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Cuccaro, MichaelL. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Carracedo, Ángel (Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica- CIBERER-IDIS. University of Santiago de Compostela) ; Cecchetti, Roberta (Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Perugia) ; Cervera Carles, Laura (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Charbonnier, Camille (Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Chen, Hung-Hsin (Division of Genetic Medicine. Vanderbilt University) ; Chillotti, Caterina (Unit of Clinical Pharmacology. University Hospital of Cagliari) ; Ciccone, Simona (Geriatic Unit. Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Claassen, Jurgen A.H.R. (Radboudumc Alzheimer Center. Department of Geriatrics. Radboud University Medical Center) ; Clark, Christopher (Institute for Regenerative Medicine. University of Zürich) ; Conti, Elisa (School of Medicine and Surgery. University of Milano-Bicocca) ; Corma-Gómez, Anaïs (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Costantini, Emanuele (Department of Neuroscience. Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Custodero, Carlo (University of Bari. "A. Moro") ; Daian, Delphine (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Dalmasso, Maria Carolina (Universität zu Köln (Colònia, Alemaya). Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy) ; Daniele, Antonio (Department of Neuroscience. Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Dardiotis, Efthimios (School of Medicine. University of Thessaly) ; Dartigues, Jean-François (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. University Bordeaux. INSERM) ; de Deyn, Peter Paul (Department of Neurology. University Medical Center Groningen) ; de Paiva Lopes, Katia (Department of Psychiatry. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; de Witte, Lot D. (Department of Psychiatry. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Debette, Stéphanie (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. University Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Deckert, Jürgen (Department of Psychiatry. Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy. Center of Mental Health. University Hospital) ; del Ser, Teodoro (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Denning, Nicola (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; DeStefano, Anita (Department of Neurology. Boston University School of Medicine) ; Dichgans, Martin (Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)) ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine (Klinikum rechts der Isar. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technical University of Munich. School of Medicine) ; Diez-Fairen, Mónica (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Rossi, Paolo Dionigi (Geriatic Unit. Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Djurovic, Srdjan (NORMENT Centre. University of Oslo) ; Duron, Emmanuelle (EA 4468. Université de Paris. APHP. Hôpital Broca) ; Düzel, Emrah (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Dufouil, Carole (Pole Santé Publique. CHU de Bordeaux) ; Eiriksdottir, Gundy (Icelandic Heart Association) ; Engelborghs, Sebastiaan (Department of Neurology. UZ Brussel) ; Escott-Price, Valentina (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Espinosa, Ana (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Ewers, Michael (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE. Munich)) ; Faber, Kelley M. (Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics. Indiana University) ; Fabrizio, Tagliavini (Fondazione IRCCS. Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Nielsen, Sune Fallgaard (Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Herlev and Gentofte Hospital) ; Fardo, David W. (Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. Department of Biostatistics. University of Kentucky) ; Farotti, Lucia (Centre for Memory Disturbances. Lab of Clinical Neurochemistry. Section of Neurology. University of Perugia) ; Fenoglio, Chiara (University of Milan) ; Fernández-Fuertes, Marta (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Ferrari, Raffaele (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit)) ; Ferreira, Catarina B. (Faculty of Medicine. University of Lisbon) ; Ferri, Evelyn (Geriatic Unit. Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Fin, Bertrand (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Fischer, Peter (Department of Psychiatry. Social Medicine Center East- Donauspital) ; Fladby, Tormod (Institute of Clinical Medicine. University of Oslo) ; Fließbach, Klaus (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Fongang, Bernard (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Fornage, Myriam (School of Public Health. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Fortea, Juan (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Foroud, Tatiana M. (Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics. Indiana University) ; Fostinelli, Silvia (Molecular Markers Laboratory. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Fox, Nick C. (Dementia Research Centre. UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology) ; Franco-Macías, Emilio (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Bullido, María J. (Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (UAM-CSIC)) ; Frank-García, Ana (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Froelich, Lutz (Department of Geriatric Psychiatry. Central Institute for Mental Health. Mannheim. University of Heidelberg) ; Fulton-Howard, Brian (Department of Neuroscience. Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Galimberti, Daniela (University of Milan (Itàlia)) ; García-Alberca, Jose Maria (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; García-González, Pablo (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Garcia-Madrona, Sebastian (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Garcia-Ribas, Guillermo (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Ghidoni, Roberta (Molecular Markers Laboratory. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Giegling, Ina (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical University of Vienna) ; Giorgio, Giaccone (Fondazione IRCCS. Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Goate, Alison M. (Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences. Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Goldhardt, Oliver (Klinikum rechts der Isar. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technical University of Munich. School of Medicine) ; Gomez-Fonseca, Duber (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics Perelman School of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; González-Pérez, Antonio (CAEBI. Centro Andaluz de Estudios Bioinformáticos) ; Graff, Caroline (Karolinska University (Suècia)) ; Grande, Giulia (Aging Research Center. Department of Neurobiology. Care Sciences and Society. Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University) ; Green, Emma (Institute of Public Health. University of Cambridge) ; Grimmer, Timo (Klinikum rechts der Isar. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technical University of Munich. School of Medicine) ; Grünblatt, Edna (University of Zurich) ; Grunin, Michelle (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Gudnason, Vilmundur (Icelandic Heart Association. Faculty of Medicine. University of Iceland) ; Guetta-Baranes, Tamar (Human Genetics. School of Life Sciences. Life Sciences Building. University Park. University of Nottingham) ; Haapasalo, Annakaisa (AI Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences. University of Eastern Finland) ; Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios (Department of Neurology. Medical School. University of Cyprus) ; Haines, Jonathan L. (Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Hamilton-Nelson, Kara L. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Hampel, Harald (GRC 21. Alzheimer Precision Medicine Initiative (APMI). Sorbonne University. AP-HP. Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital) ; Hanon, Olivier (EA 4468. Université de Paris. APHP. Hôpital Broca) ; Hardy, John (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit)) ; Hartmann, Annette M. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical University of Vienna) ; Hausner, Lucrezia (Department of Geriatric Psychiatry. Central Institute for Mental Health. Mannheim. University of Heidelberg) ; Harwood, Janet (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie (Institute of Human Genetics. University of Bonn. School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn) ; Helisalmi, Seppo (Institute of Clinical Medicine. Internal Medicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Heneka, Michael T. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Hernández, Isabel (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Herrmann, Martin J. (Department of Psychiatry. Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy. Center of Mental Health. University Hospital) ; Hoffmann, Per (Institute of Human Genetics. University of Bonn. School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn) ; Holmes, Clive (Clinical and Experimental Science. Faculty of Medicine. University of Southampton) ; Holstege, Henne (Section Genomics of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Aging. Department of Human Genetics Amsterdam UMC. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Huerto Vilas, Raquel (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida) ; Hulsman, Marc (Section Genomics of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Aging. Department of Human Genetics Amsterdam UMC. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Humphrey, Jack (Nash Family Department of Neuroscience & Friedman Brain Institute. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Biessels, Geert Jan (Department of Neurology. UMC Utrecht Brain Center) ; Jian, Xueqiu (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Johansson, Charlotte (Center for Alzheimer Research. Department NVS. Division of Neurogeriatrics. Karolinska Institutet) ; Jun, Gyungah R. (Medicine Biomedical Genetics Boston University School of Medicine) ; Kastumata, Yuriko (Biostatistics. University of Kentucky College of Public Health) ; Kauwe, John (Department of Biology. Brigham Young University) ; Kehoe, Patrick G. (University of Bristol (Regne Unit)) ; Kilander, Lena (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Ståhlbom, Anne Kinhult (Center for Alzheimer Research. Department NVS. Division of Neurogeriatrics. Karolinska Institutet) ; Kivipelto, Miia (Research & Development. UnitStockholms Sjukhem) ; Koivisto, Anne (Department of Neurosciences. University of Helsinki and Department of Geriatrics. Helsinki University Hospital) ; Kornhuber, Johannes (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Universitätsklinikum Erlangen. and Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) ; Kosmidis, Mary H. (Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience. School of Psychology. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Kukull, Walter A. (Department of Epidemiology. University of Washington) ; Kuksa, Pavel P. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Kunkle, Brian W. (Department of Neurology. Medical School. University of Cyprus) ; Kuzma, Amanda B. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Lage, Carmen (Service of Neurology. University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. IDIVAL. University of Cantabria) ; Laukka, Erika J. (Stockholm Gerontology Research Center) ; Launer, Lenore (Intramural Research Program/National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health) ; Lauria, Alessandra (Geriatrics Unit. Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Lee, Chien-Yueh (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Lehtisalo, Jenni (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Lerch, Ondrej (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Lleó, Alberto (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Longstreth, William (Departments of Neurology and Epidemiology. University of Washington) ; Lopez, Oscar (Framingham Heart Study) ; Lopez de Munain, Adolfo (Department of Neurology. Hospital Universitario Donostia. OSAKIDETZA-Servicio Vasco de Salud) ; Love, Seth (Translational Health Sciences. Bristol Medical School. University of Bristol) ; Löwemark, Malin (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Luckcuck, Lauren (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Lunetta, Kathryn L. (Institute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Ma, Yiyi (Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Macías, Juan (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; MacLeod, Catherine A. (School of Health Sciences. Bangor University) ; Maier, Wolfgang (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Mangialasche, Francesca (Division of Clinical Geriatrics. Center for Alzheimer Research. Care Sciences and Society (NVS). Karolinska Institutet) ; Spallazzi, Marco (Unit of Neurology. University of Parma and AOU) ; Marquié, Marta (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Marshall, Rachel (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Martin, Eden R. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Martín Montes, Angel (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Martínez Rodríguez, Carmen (Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias- Oviedo and Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria del Principado de Asturias) ; Masullo, Carlo (Institute of Neurology. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) ; Mayeux, Richard (Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center. Columbia University) ; Mead, Simon (MRC Prion Unit at UCL. UCL Institute of Prion Diseases) ; Mecocci, Patrizia (Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Perugia) ; Medina, Miguel (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Meggy, Alun (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Mehrabian, Shima (Alexandrovska Medical University (Sofia, Bulgària)) ; Mendoza, Silvia (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Menéndez-González, Manuel (Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias- Oviedo and Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria del Principado de Asturias) ; Mir, Pablo (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Moebus, Susanne (Institute for Urban Public Health. University Hospital of University Duisburg-Essen) ; Mol, Merel (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Molina-Porcel, Laura (Alzheimer's Disease and Other Cognitive Disorders Unit. Neurology Department. Hospital Clinic) ; Montrreal, Laura (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Morelli, Laura (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration. FIL-CONICET) ; Moreno, Fermin (Department of Neurology. Hospital Universitario Donostia. OSAKIDETZA-Servicio Vasco de Salud) ; Morgan, Kevin (Human Genetics. School of Life Sciences. University of Nottingham) ; Mosley, Thomas (Memory Impairment and Neurodegenerative Dementia (MIND) Center. University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Nöthen, Markus M. (Institute of Human Genetics. University of Bonn. School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn) ; Muchnik, Carolina (Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas Alfredo Lanari (Buenos Aires, Argentina)) ; Mukherjee, Shubhabrata (Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Nacmias, Benedetta (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi) ; Ngandu, Tiia (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Nicolas, Gael (Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Nordestgaard, Børge G. (Department of Clinical Medicine. University of Copenhagen) ; Olaso, Robert (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Orellana, Adelina (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Orsini, Michela (Department of Neuroscience. Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Ortega, Gemma (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Padovani, Alessandro (Human Genome Sequencing Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Paolo, Caffarra (DIMEC. University of Parma) ; Papenberg, Goran (Aging Research Center. Department of Neurobiology. Care Sciences and Society. Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University) ; Parnetti, Lucilla (Centre for Memory Disturbances. Lab of Clinical Neurochemistry. Section of Neurology. University of Perugia) ; Pasquier, Florence (Resources and Research Memory Center (MRRC) of Distalz. LicendUniversity of Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. UMR1172) ; Pastor, Pau (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Peloso, Gina (Boston University and the NHLBI's Framingham Heart Study) ; Pérez-Cordón, Alba (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Pérez-Tur, Jordi (Unitat Mixta de de Neurología y Genética. Institut d'Investigació Sanitària La Fe) ; Pericard, Pierre (US 41-UMS 2014-PLBS. bilille. Université de Lille. CNRS. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; Peters, Oliver (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Pijnenburg, Yolande A.L. (Alzheimer Center Amsterdam. Department of Neurology. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Pineda, Juan A. (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Piñol-Ripoll, Gerard (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida) ; Pisanu, Claudia (Department of Biomedical Sciences. University of Cagliari) ; Polak, Thomas (Department of Psychiatry. Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy. Center of Mental Health. University Hospital) ; Popp, Julius (University Hospital of Psychiatry Zürich) ; Posthuma, Danielle (Department of Complex Trait Genetics. Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije University) ; Priller, Josef (Department of Neuropsychiatry and Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry. Charité. Charitéplatz 1) ; Puerta, Raquel (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Quenez, Olivier (Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Quintela, Inés (Grupo de Medicina Xenómica. Centro Nacional de Genotipado (CEGEN-PRB3-ISCIII). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Thomassen, Jesper Qvist (Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Rigshospitalet) ; Rábano, Alberto (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Rainero, Innocenzo (Centre for Neurodegenerative Disorders. Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences. University of Brescia) ; Rajabli, Farid (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Ramakers, Inez (Department of Psychiatry & Neuropsychologie. Maastricht University. Alzheimer Center Limburg) ; Real, Luis M. (Universidad de Málaga. Depatamento de Especialidades Quirúrgicas Bioquímica e Inmunología.) ; Reinders, Marcel J.T. (Delft Bioinformatics Lab. Delft University of Technology) ; Reitz, Christiane (Taub Institute. Columbia University) ; Reyes-Dumeyer, Dolly (Taub Institute. Columbia University) ; Ridge, Perry (Bioinformatics. College of Life Sciences. Brigham Young University) ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi (Institute of Social Medicine. Occupational Health and Public Health. University of Leipzig) ; Riederer, Peter (University Hospital of Würzburg (Alemanya)) ; Roberto, Natalia (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Eloy (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Rongve, Arvid (Institute of Clinical Medicine (K1). The University of Bergen) ; Rosas Allende, Irene (Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias- Oviedo and Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria del Principado de Asturias) ; Rosende-Roca, Maitée (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Royo, Jose Luis (Departamento de Especialidades Quirúrgicas. Bioquímicas e Inmunología. School of Medicine. University of Málaga) ; Rubino, Elisa (Department of Neuroscience and Mental Health. AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Rujescu, Dan (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical University of Vienna) ; Sáez, María Eugenia (CAEBI. Centro Andaluz de Estudios Bioinformáticos) ; Sakka, Paraskevi (Athens Association of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders) ; Saltvedt, Ingvild (Department of Geriatrics. St. Olav's Hospital. Trondheim University Hospital) ; Sanabria, Ángela (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Sánchez-Arjona, Maria B. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Sanchez-Garcia, Florentino (Department of Immunology. Hospital Universitario Doctor Negrín. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) ; Sánchez Juan, Pacual (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Sánchez-Valle, Raquel (Neurology Department-Hospital Clínic. IDIBAPS. Universitat de Barcelona) ; Sando, Sigrid B. (Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology. University Hospital of Trondheim) ; Sarnowski, Chloé (Human Genetics Center. School of Public Health. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Satizabal, Claudia L. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Scamosci, Michela (Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Perugia) ; Scarmeas, Nikolaos (First Department of Neurology. Aiginition Hospital. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Medical School) ; Scarpini, Elio (University of Milan) ; Scheltens, Philip (Alzheimer Center Amsterdam. Department of Neurology. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Scherbaum, Norbert (LVR-Hospital Essen. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical Faculty. University of Duisburg-Essen) ; Scherer, Martin (Department of Primary Medical Care. University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf) ; Schmid, Matthias (Institute of Medical Biometry. Informatics and Epidemiology. University Hospital of Bonn) ; Schneider, Anja (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Schott, Jonathan M. (Dementia Research Centre. UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology) ; Selbæk, Geir (Department of Geriatric Medicine. Oslo University Hospital) ; Seripa, Davide (Laboratory for Advanced Hematological Diagnostics. Department of Hematology and Stem Cell Transplant. Vito Fazzi Hospital) ; Serrano, Manuel (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas. CIBERDEM. Hospital Clínico San Carlos) ; Sha, Jin (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Shadrin, Alexey A. (NORMENT Centre. University of Oslo) ; Skrobot, Olivia (Translational Health Sciences. Bristol Medical School. University of Bristol) ; Slifer, Susan H. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Snijders, Gijsje J.L. (Department of Psychiatry. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Soininen, Hilkka (Institute of Clinical Medicine. Neurology. University of Eastern) ; Solfrizzi, Vincenzo (University of Bari. "A. Moro") ; Solomon, Alina (Division of Clinical Geriatrics. Center for Alzheimer Research. Care Sciences and Society (NVS). Karolinska Institutet) ; Song, Yeunjoo (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Sorbi, Sandro (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi) ; Sotolongo Grau, Oscar (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Spalletta, Gianfranco (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Spottke, Annika (Department of Neurology. University of Bonn) ; Squassina, Alessio (Department of Biomedical Sciences. Section of Neuroscience and Clinical Pharmacology. University of Cagliari) ; Stordal, Eystein (Department of Psychiatry. Namsos Hospital) ; Tartan, Juan Pablo (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Tárraga, Lluís (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Tesí, Niccolo (Section Genomics of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Aging. Department of Human Genetics Amsterdam UMC. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Thalamuthu, Anbupalam (Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing. School of Psychiatry. Faculty of Medicine. University of New South Wales) ; Thomas, Tegos (Alzheimer Hellas) ; Tosto, Giuseppe (Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Traykov, Latchezar (Alexandrovska Medical University (Sofia, Bulgària)) ; Tremolizzo, Lucio (Neurology Unit. San Gerardo Hospital) ; Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne (Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Rigshospitalet) ; Uitterlinden, Andre (Department of Internal Medicine and Biostatistics. Erasmus MC) ; Ullgren, Abbe (Center for Alzheimer Research. Department NVS. Division of Neurogeriatrics. Karolinska Institutet) ; Ulstein, Ingun (Department of Geriatric Medicine. Oslo University Hospital) ; Valero, Sergi (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Valladares, Otto (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Van Broeckhoven, Christine (Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases Group. VIB Center for Molecular Neurology. VIB) ; Vance, Jeffery (Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Department of Human Genetics. University of Miami) ; Vardarajan, Badri N. (Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain. Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; van der Lugt, Aad (Department of Neurology. ErasmusMC) ; Van Dongen, Jasper (Department of Biomedical Sciences. University of Antwerp) ; van Rooij, Jeroen (Department of Neurology. ErasmusMC) ; van Swieten, John (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Vandenberghe, Rik (Neurology Department. University Hospitals Leuven) ; Verhey, Frans (Department of Psychiatry & Neuropsychologie. Maastricht University. Alzheimer Center Limburg) ; Vidal, Jean-Sébastien (EA 4468. Université de Paris. APHP. Hôpital Broca) ; Vogelgsang, Jonathan (Department of Psychiatry. Harvard Medical School. McLean Hospital) ; Vyhnalek, Martin (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Wagner, Michael (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Wallon, David (Department of Neurology and CNR-MAJ. F 76000. Normandy Center for Genomic and Personalized Medicine. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Wang, Li-San (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Wang, Ruiqi (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Weinhold, Leonie (Institute of Medical Biometry. Informatics and Epidemiology. University Hospital of Bonn) ; Wiltfang, Jens (Medical Science Department. iBiMED) ; Windle, Gill (School of Health Sciences. Bangor University) ; Woods, Bob (School of Health Sciences. Bangor University) ; Yannakoulia, Mary (Department of Nutrition and Diatetics. Harokopio University) ; Zare, Habil (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Zhao, Yi (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Zhang, Xiaoling (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Zhu, Congcong (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Zulaica, Miren (Neurosciences Area. Instituto Biodonostia) ; Laczo, Jan (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Matoska, Vaclav (Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Hematology and Immunology. Na Homolce Hospital) ; Serpente, Maria (University of Milan) ; Assogna, Francesca (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Piras, Fabrizio (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Ciullo, Valentina (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Shofany, Jacob (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Ferrarese, Carlo (Neurology Unit. San Gerardo Hospital) ; Andreoni, Simona (School of Medicine and Surgery. University of Milano-Bicocca) ; Sala, Gessica (School of Medicine and Surgery. University of Milano-Bicocca) ; Zoia, Chiara Paola (School of Medicine and Surgery. University of Milano-Bicocca) ; Zompo, Maria del (Department of Biomedical Sciences. Section of Neuroscience and Clinical Pharmacology. University of Cagliari) ; Benussi, Alberto (Centre for Neurodegenerative Disorders. Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences. University of Brescia) ; Bastiani, Patrizia (Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Department of Medicine. University of Perugia) ; Takalo, Mari (Insitute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Natunen, Teemu (Insitute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Laatikainen, Tiina (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Tuomilehto, Jaakko (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Antikainen, Riitta (Medical Research Center Oulu. Oulu University Hospital) ; Strandberg, Timo (Helsinki University Hospital) ; Lindström, Jaana (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Peltonen, Markku (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Abraham, Richard (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Al-Chalabi, Ammar (Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Bass, Nicholas J. (Division of Psychiatry. University College London) ; Brayne, Carol (Institute of Public Health. University of Cambridge) ; Brown, Kristelle S. (Institute of Genetics. Queens Medical Centre. University of Nottingham) ; Collinge, John (MRC Prion Unit at UCL. UCL Institute of Prion Diseases) ; Craig, David (Ageing Group. Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queen's University Belfast) ; Deloukas, Pangiotis (The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. Hinxton) ; Fox, Nick (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Gerrish, Amy (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Gill, Michael (Mercer's Institute for Research on Ageing. St James' Hospital) ; Gwilliam, Rhian (The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. Hinxton) ; Harold, Denise (School of Biotechnology. Dublin City University) ; Hollingworth, Paul (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Johnston, Jarret A. (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; Jones, Lesley (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Lawlor, Brian (Mercer's Institute for Research on Ageing. St James' Hospital) ; Livingston, Gill (Division of Psychiatry. University College London) ; Lovestone, Simon (Department of Psychiatry. University of Oxford) ; Lupton, Michelle (Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Lynch, Aoibhinn (Mercer's Institute for Research on Ageing. St James' Hospital) ; Mann, David (Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology. School of Biological Sciences. Faculty of Biology. Medicine and Health. University of Manchester. Manchester Academic Health Science Centre) ; McGuinness, Bernadette (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; McQuillin, Andrew (Division of Psychiatry. University College London) ; O'Donovan, Michael C. (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Owen, Michael J. (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Passmore, Peter (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; Powell, John F. (Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Proitsi, Petra (Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Rossor, Martin (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Shaw, Christopher E. (Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Smith, A. David (Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA). University of Oxford. Level 4. John Radcliffe Hospital) ; Gurling, Hugh (Department of Mental Health Sciences. University College London) ; Todd, Stephen (Ageing Group. Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queen's University Belfast) ; Mummery, Catherine (Dementia Research Centre. UCL) ; Ryan, Nathalie (Dementia Research Centre. UCL) ; Lacidogna, Giordano (Department of Neuroscience. Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Adarmes-Gómez, A.D (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Mauleón, Ana (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Pancho, Ana (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Gailhajenet, Anna (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Lafuente, Asunción (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Macias-García, D. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Martín, Elvira (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Pelejá, Esther (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Carrillo, F. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Sastre Merlín, Isabel (Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (UAM-CSIC)) ; Garrote-Espina, L. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Vargas, Liliana (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Carrión-Claro, M. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Marín, M. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Labrador, Ma (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Buendia, Mar (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Alonso, María Dolores (Servei de Neurologia. Hospital Clínic Universitari de València) ; Guitart, Marina (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Moreno, Mariona (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Ibarria, Marta (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Periñán, Mt (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Aguilera, Nuria (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Gómez-Garre, P. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Cañabate, Pilar (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Escuela, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Pineda-Sánchez, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Vigo-Ortega, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Jesús, S. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Preckler, S. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Rodrigo-Herrero, S. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Diego, Susana (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Vacca, Alessandro (University of Torino (Itàlia)) ; Roveta, Fausto (University of Torino (Itàlia)) ; Salvadori, Nicola (Otto-Von-Guericke University (Alemanya)) ; Chipi, Elena (Otto-Von-Guericke University (Alemanya)) ; Boecker, Henning (University Hospital Bonn (Alemanya)) ; Laske, Christoph (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alemanya)) ; Perneczky, Robert (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital. LMU Munich) ; Anastasiou, Costas (Harokopio University (Grècia)) ; Janowitz, Daniel (Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (Munich, Alemanya)) ; Malik, Rainer (Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (Munich, Alemanya)) ; Anastasiou, Anna (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Grècia)) ; Parveen, Kayenat (University Hospital Bonn (Alemanya)) ; Lage, Carmen (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; López-García, Sara (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Antonell, Anna (Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer) ; Mihova, Kalina Yonkova (Medical University of Sofia (Bulgària)) ; Belezhanska, Diyana (Alexandrovska Medical University (Sofia, Bulgària)) ; Weber, Heike (University Hospital of Würzburg (Alemanya)) ; Kochen, Silvia (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Solis, Patricia (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Medel, Nancy (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Lisso, Julieta (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Sevillano, Zulma (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Politis, Daniel G. (HIGA Eva Perón (Argentina)) ; Cores, Valeria (HIGA Eva Perón (Argentina)) ; Cuesta, Carolina (HIGA Eva Perón (Argentina)) ; Ortiz, Cecilia (Neurología Clinica (Argentina)) ; Bacha, Juan Ignacio (Neurología Clinica (Argentina)) ; Rios, Mario (Dirección de Atención de Adultos Mayores del Min. Salud Desarrollo Social y Deportes de la Pcia. de Mendoza) ; Saenz, Aldo (Dirección de Atención de Adultos Mayores del Min. Salud Desarrollo Social y Deportes de la Pcia. de Mendoza) ; Sánchez Abalos, Mariana (Laboratorio de Genética Forense del Ministerio Público de la Pcia de La Pampa) ; Kohler, Eduardo (Fundacion Sinapsis (Argentina)) ; Palacio, D.L. (Hospital Dr. Lucio Molas. Santa Rosa; Fundacion Ayuda Enfermo Renal y Alta Complejidad (FERNAC)) ; Etchepareborda, I. (Hospital Dr. Lucio Molas. Santa Rosa; Fundacion Ayuda Enfermo Renal y Alta Complejidad (FERNAC)) ; Kohler, M. (Hospital Dr. Lucio Molas. Santa Rosa; Fundacion Ayuda Enfermo Renal y Alta Complejidad (FERNAC)) ; Novack, G. (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration (FIL)) ; Prestia, F.A. (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration (FIL)) ; Galeano, P. (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration (FIL)) ; Castaño, E.M. (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration (FIL)) ; Germani, S. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Toso, C.R. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Rojo, M. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Ingino, C. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Mangone, C. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Rubinsztein, D.C. (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and UK Dementia Research Institute. University of Cambridge) ; Teipel, S. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Fievet, N. (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Deramerourt, V. (Resources and Research Memory Center (MRRC) of Distalz. LicendUniversity of Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. UMR1172) ; Forsell, C. (Unit for Hereditary Dementias. Karolinska University Hospital-Solna) ; Thonberg, H. (Unit for Hereditary Dementias. Karolinska University Hospital-Solna) ; Bjerke, M. (Grupo de Medicina Xenómica. Centro Nacional de Genotipado (CEGEN-PRB3-ISCIII). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Roeck, E.D. (Grupo de Medicina Xenómica. Centro Nacional de Genotipado (CEGEN-PRB3-ISCIII). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Martínez-Larrad, M.T. (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas. CIBERDEM. Hospital Clínico San Carlos) ; Olivar, N. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Aguilera, N. (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Cano, A. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Cañabate, P. (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Macias, J. (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Maroñas, O. (Grupo de Medicina Xen'omica. Centro Nacional de Genotipado (CEGEN-PRB3-ISCIII). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) ; Nuñez-Llaves, R. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Olivé, C. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Pelejá, E. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Adarmes-Gómez, A.D (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Alonso, M.D. (Servei de Neurologia. Hospital Clínic Universitari de València) ; Amer-Ferrer, G. (Hospital Universitari Son Espases (Palma de Mallorca, Balears)) ; Antequera, M. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Burguera, J.A. (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (València)) ; Carrillo, F. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Carrión-Claro, M. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Casajeros, M.J. (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Martinez de Pancorbo, M. (BIOMICs. País Vasco; Centro de Investigación Lascaray. Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU) ; Escuela, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Garrote-Espina, L. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Gómez-Garre, P. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Hevilla, S. (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Jesús, S. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Espinosa, M.A.L. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Legaz, A. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; López-García, S. (Service of Neurology. University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. IDIVAL. University of Cantabria) ; Macias-García, D. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Manzanares, S. (Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de la Región de Murcia) ; Marín, M. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Marín-Muñoz, J. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Marín, T. (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Martínez, B. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Martínez, V. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Martínez-Lage Álvarez, P. (Centro de Investigación y Terapias Avanzadas. Fundación CITA-Alzheimer) ; Iriarte, M.M. (Navarrabiomed) ; Periñán-Tocino, M.T. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Pineda-Sánchez, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Real de Asúa, D. (Hospital Universitario de la Princesa (Madrid)) ; Rodrigo, S. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Sastre, I. (Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (UAM-CSIC)) ; Vicente, M. P. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Vigo-Ortega, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Vivancos, L. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Epelbaum, J. (UMR 7179 CNRS/MNHN) ; Hannequin, D. (Department of Neurology and CNR-MAJ. F 76000. Normandy Center for Genomic and Personalized Medicine. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; campion, D. (Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Deramecourt, V. (Resources and Research Memory Center (MRRC) of Distalz. LicendUniversity of Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. UMR1172) ; Tzourio, C. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. University Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Brice, A. (Sorbonne Université. Paris Brain Institute. APHP. INSERM. CNRS) ; Dubois, B. (Department of Neurology. Institute of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease (IM2A). Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital. AP-HP. Boulevard de l'Hôpital) ; Williams, A. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Thomas, C. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Davies, C. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Nash, W. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Dowzell, K. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Morales, A.C. (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Bernardo-Harrington, M. (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Turton, J. (Institute of Genetics. Queen's Medical Centre. University of Nottingham) ; Lord, J. (Institute of Genetics. Queen's Medical Centre. University of Nottingham) ; Brown, K. (Institute of Genetics. Queens Medical Centre. University of Nottingham) ; Vardy, E. (Institute for Ageing and Health. Newcastle University. Campus for Ageing and Vitality) ; Fisher, E. (Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Warren, J.D. (Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Rossor, M. (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Ryan, N.S. (Dementia Research Centre. UCL) ; Guerreiro, R. (Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Uphill, J. (MRC Prion Unit at UCL. UCL Institute of Prion Diseases) ; Bass, N. (Division of Psychiatry. University College London) ; Heun, R. (Department of Old Age Psychiatry. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. King's College London) ; Kölsch, H. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University of Bonn) ; Schürmann, B. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University of Bonn) ; Lacour, A. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Herold, C. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Johnston, J.A. (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; Passmore, P. (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; Powell, J. (Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Patel, Y. (University of Toronto) ; Hodges, A. (Department of Old Age Psychiatry. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. King's College London) ; Becker, T. (Institute for Medical Biometry. Informatics and Epidemiology. University of Bonn) ; Warden, D. (Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA). University of Oxford. Level 4. John Radcliffe Hospital) ; Wilcock, G. (Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA). University of Oxford. Level 4. John Radcliffe Hospital) ; Clarke, R. (Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Deloukas, P. (The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. Hinxton) ; Ben-Shlomo, Y. (Population Health Sciences. Bristol Medical School. University of Bristol) ; Hooper, N.M. (Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology. School of Biological Sciences. Faculty of Biology. Medicine and Health. University of Manchester. Manchester Academic Health Science Centre) ; Pickering-Brown, S. (University of Manchester. Manchester Academic Health Science Centre) ; Sussams, R. (Division of Clinical Neurosciences. School of Medicine. University of Southampton) ; Warner, N. (Somerset Partnership NHS Trust) ; Bayer, A. (Institute of Primary Care and Public Health. Cardiff University. University Hospital of Wales) ; Heuser, I. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Charité University Medicine) ; Drichel, D. (Universität zu Köln (Colònia, Alemaya). Cologne Center for Genomics) ; Klopp, N. (Institute of Epidemiology. Helmholtz Zentrum München. German Research Center for Environmental Health. Neuherberg) ; Mayhaus, M. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; Riemenschneider, M. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; Pinchler, S. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; Feulner, T. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; Gu, W. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; van den Bussche, H. (Department of Primary Medical Care. University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf) ; Hüll, M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Freiburg) ; Frölich, L. (Central Institute of Mental Health. Medical Faculty Mannheim. University of Heidelberg) ; Wichmann, H.E. (Institute of Epidemiology. Helmholtz Zentrum München. German Research Center for Environmental Health. Neuherberg) ; Jöckel, K.H. (Institute for Medical Informatics. Biometry and Epidemiology. University Hospital of Essen. University Duisburg-Essen) ; O'Donovan, M. (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Owen, M. (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Bahrami, S. (Division of Mental Health and Addiction. Oslo University Hospital) ; Bosnes, I. (Department of Psychiatry. Hospital Namsos. Nord-Trøndelag Health Trust) ; Selnes, P. (Department of Neurology. Akershus University Hospital) ; Bergh, S. (Centre for Old Age Psychiatry Research. Innlandet Hospital Trust) ; Palotie, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Daly, M. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Jacob, H. (AbbVie) ; Matakidou, A. (Astra Zeneca) ; Runz, H. (Biogen) ; John, S. (Biogen) ; Plenge, R. (Celgene) ; McCarthy, M. (Genentech) ; Hunkapiller, J. (Genentech) ; Ehm, M. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Waterworth, D. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Fox, C. (Merck) ; Malarstig, A. (Pfizer) ; Klinger, K. (Sanofi) ; Call, K. (Sanofi) ; Behrens, T. (Maze Therapeutics) ; Loerch, P. (Janssen Biotech) ; Mäkelä, T. (HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Kaprio, Jaakko (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Virolainen, P. (Auria Biobank. University of Turku. Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Pulkki, K. (Auria Biobank. University of Turku. Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Kilpi, T. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Perola, M. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Partanen, J. (Finnish Red Cross Blood Service. Finnish Hematology Registry and Clinical Biobank) ; Pitkäranta, A. (Helsinki Biobank. Helsinki University and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Kaarteenaho, R. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Vainio, S. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Turpeinen, M. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Serpi, R. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Laitinen, T. (Oxford Healthy Aging Project. Clinical Trial Service Unit. University of Oxford) ; Mäkelä, J. (Finnish Clinical Biobank Tampere. University of Tampere. Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Kosma, V.M. (Biobank of Eastern Finland. University of Eastern Finland / Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Kujala, U. (Central Finland Biobank. University of Jyväskylä. Central Finland Health Care District) ; Tuovila, O. (Business Finland) ; Hendolin, M. (Business Finland) ; Pakkanen, R. (Business Finland) ; Waring, J. (AbbVie) ; Riley-Gillis, B. (AbbVie) ; Liu, J. (Biogen) ; Biswas, S. (Celgene) ; Diogo, D. (Merck) ; Marshall, C. (Pfizer) ; Hu, X. (Pfizer) ; Gossel, M. (Sanofi) ; Graham, R. (Maze Therapeutics) ; Cummings, B. (Janssen Biotech) ; Ripatti, Samuli (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Schleutker, J. (Auria Biobank. University of Turku. Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Arvas, M. (Finnish Red Cross Blood Service. Finnish Hematology Registry and Clinical Biobank) ; Carpén, O. (Helsinki Biobank. Helsinki University and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Hinttala, R. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kettunen, J. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Mannermaa, A. (Biobank of Eastern Finland. University of Eastern Finland / Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Laukkanen, J. (Central Finland Biobank. University of Jyväskylä. Central Finland Health Care District) ; Julkunen, V. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Remes, A. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Kälviäinen, R. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Peltola, J. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Tienari, P. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Rinne, J. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Ziemann, A. (AbbVie) ; Waring, J. (AbbVie) ; Esmaeeli, S. (AbbVie) ; Smaoui, N. (AbbVie) ; Lehtonen, A. (AbbVie) ; Eaton, S. (Biogen) ; Lahdenperä, S. (Biogen) ; van Adelsberg, J. (Celgene) ; Michon, J. (Genentech) ; Kerchner, G. (Genentech) ; Bowers, N. (Genentech) ; Teng, E. (Genentech) ; Eicher, J. (Genentech) ; Mehta, V. (Merck) ; Gormley, P. (Merck) ; Linden, K. (Pfizer) ; Whelan, C. (Pfizer) ; Xu, F. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Pulford, D. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Färkkilä, M. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Pikkarainen, S. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Jussila, A. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Blomster, T. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kiviniemi, M. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Voutilainen, M. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Georgantas, B. (AbbVie) ; Heap, G. (AbbVie) ; Rahimov, F. (AbbVie) ; Usiskin, K. (Celgene) ; Lu, T. (Department of Complex Trait Genetics. Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije University) ; Oh, D. (Genentech) ; Kalpala, K. (Pfizer) ; Miller, M. (Pfizer) ; McCarthy, L. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Eklund, K. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Palomäki, A. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Isomäki, P. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Pirilä, L. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Kaipiainen-Seppänen, O. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Huhtakangas, J. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Lertratanakul, A. (AbbVie) ; Hochfeld, M. (Celgene) ; Bing, N. (Pfizer) ; Gordillo, J.E. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Mars, N. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Pelkonen, M. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Kauppi, P. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Kankaanranta, H. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Harju, T. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Close, D. (Astra Zeneca) ; Greenberg, S. (Celgene) ; Chen, H. (Genentech) ; Betts, J. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Ghosh, S. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Salomaa, V. (The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Niiranen, T. (The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Juonala, M. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Metsärinne, K. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Kähönen, M. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Junttila, J. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Laakso, Markku (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Pihlajamäki, J. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Sinisalo, J. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Taskinen, M.R. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Tuomi, T. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Challis, B. (Astra Zeneca) ; Peterson, A. (Genentech) ; Chu, A. (Merck) ; Parkkinen, J. (Pfizer) ; Muslin, A. (Sanofi) ; Joensuu, H. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Meretoja, T. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Aaltonen, L. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Mattson, J. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Auranen, A. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Karihtala, P. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kauppila, S. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Auvinen, P. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Elenius, K. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Popovic, R. (AbbVie) ; Schutzman, J. (Genentech) ; Loboda, A. (Merck) ; Chhibber, A. (Merck) ; Lehtonen, H. (Pfizer) ; McDonough, S. (Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development) ; Crohns, M. (Sanofi) ; Kulkarni, D. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Kaarniranta, K. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Turunen, J.A. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Ollila, T. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Seitsonen, S. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Uusitalo, H. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Aaltonen, V. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Uusitalo-Järvinen, H. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Luodonpää, M. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Hautala, N. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Loomis, S. (Biogen) ; Strauss, E. (Genentech) ; Chen, H. (Genentech) ; Podgornaia, A. (Merck) ; Hoffman, J. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Tasanen, K. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Huilaja, L. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Hannula-Jouppi, K. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Salmi, T. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Peltonen, S. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Koulu, L. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Harvima, I. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Wu, Y. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Choy, D. (Genentech) ; Pussinen, P. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Salminen, A. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Salo, T. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Rice, D. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Nieminen, P. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Palotie, U. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Siponen, M. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Suominen, L. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Mäntylä, P. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Gursoy, U. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Anttonen, V. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Sipilä, K. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Davis, J.W. (AbbVie) ; Quarless, D. (AbbVie) ; Petrovski, S. (Astra Zeneca) ; Wigmore, E. (Astra Zeneca) ; Chen, C.Y. (Biogen) ; Bronson, P. (Biogen) ; Tsai, E. (Biogen) ; Huang, Y. (Biogen) ; Maranville, J. (Celgene) ; Shaikho, E. (Celgene) ; Mohammed, E. (Celgene) ; Wadhawan, S. (Bristol Myers Squibb) ; Kvikstad, E. (Bristol Myers Squibb) ; Caliskan, M. (Bristol Myers Squibb) ; Chang, D. (Genentech) ; Bhangale, T. (Genentech) ; Pendergrass, S. (Genentech) ; Holzinger, E. (Merck) ; Chen, X. (Pfizer) ; Hedman, Å. (Pfizer) ; King, K.S. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Wang, C. (Sanofi) ; Xu, E. (Sanofi) ; Auge, F. (Sanofi) ; Chatelain, C. (Sanofi) ; Rajpal, D. (Sanofi) ; Liu, D. (Population Health Sciences. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Call, K. (Sanofi) ; Xia, T.h. (Sanofi) ; Brauer, M. (Maze Therapeutics) ; Kurki, M. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Karjalainen, J. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Havulinna, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Jalanko, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Palta, P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; della Briotta Parolo, P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Zhou, W. (Broad Institute) ; Lemmelä, S. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Rivas, M. (University of Stanford) ; Harju, J. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Lehistö, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Ganna, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Llorens, V. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Laivuori, H. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Rüeger, S. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Niemi, M.E. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Tukiainen, T. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Reeve, M.P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Heyne, H. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Palin, K. (University of Helsinki) ; Garcia-Tabuenca, J. (University of Tampere) ; Siirtola, H. (University of Tampere) ; Kiiskinen, T. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Lee, J. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Tsuo, K. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Elliott, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Kristiansson, K. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Hyvärinen, K. (Finnish Red Cross Blood Service) ; Ritari, J. (Finnish Red Cross Blood Service) ; Koskinen, M. (Helsinki Biobank. Helsinki University and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Pylkäs, K. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kalaoja, M. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Karjalainen, M. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Mantere, T. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kangasniemi, E. (Finnish Clinical Biobank Tampere. University of Tampere. Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Heikkinen, S. (Biobank of Eastern Finland. University of Eastern Finland / Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Laakkonen, E. (Central Finland Biobank. University of Jyväskylä. Central Finland Health Care District) ; Sipeky, C. (University of Turku) ; Heron, S. (University of Turku) ; Karlsson, A. (Auria Biobank. University of Turku. Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Jambulingam, D. (University of Turku) ; Rathinakannan, V.S. (University of Turku) ; Kajanne, R. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Aavikko, M. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Jiménez, M.G. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; della Briotta Parola, P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Lehistö, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Kanai, M. (Broad Institute) ; Kaunisto, M. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Kilpeläinen, E. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Sipilä, T.P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Brein, G. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Awaisa, G. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Shcherban, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Donner, K. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Loukola, A. (Helsinki Biobank. Helsinki University and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Laiho, P. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Sistonen, T. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Kaiharju, E. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Laukkanen, M. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Järvensivu, E. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Lähteenmäki, S. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Männikkö, L. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Wong, R. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Mattsson, H. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Hiekkalinna, T. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Paajanen, T. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Pärn, K. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Gracia-Tabuenca, J. (University of Tampere) ; Abner, E. (Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. Department of Epidemiology. College of Public Health. University of Kentucky) ; Adams, P.M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Aguirre, A. (Department of Neurology. Dell Medical School. University of Texas at Austin) ; Albert, M.S. (Department of Neurology. Johns Hopkins University) ; Albin, R.L. (Michigan Alzheimer's Disease Center. University of Michigan) ; Allen, M. (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic) ; Alvarez, L. (Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Apostolova, L.G. (Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. Indiana University School of Medicine) ; Arnold, S.E. (Department of Psychiatry. Perelman School of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Asthana, S. (Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) ; Atwood, C.S. (Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) ; Ayres, G. (Department of Neurology. Dell Medical School. University of Texas at Austin) ; Baldwin, C.T. (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Barber, R.C. (Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Barnes, L.L. (Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center. Rush University Medical Center) ; Barral, Sandra (Columbia University (Nova York, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Beach, T.G. (Civin Laboratory for Neuropathology. Banner Sun Health Research Institute) ; Beecham, G.W. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Beekly, D. (National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center. University of Washington) ; Below, J.E. (Human Genetics Center. Department of Epidemiology. Human Genetics. and Environmental Sciences. School of Public Health. The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Benchek, P. (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Benitez, B.A. (Department of Psychiatry and Hope Center Program on Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration. Washington University School of Medicine) ; Bennett, D. (Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center. Rush University Medical Center) ; Bertelson, J. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Texas at Austin/Dell Medical School) ; Margaret, F.E. (Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) ; Bird, T.D. (VA Puget Sound Health Care System/GRECC) ; Blacker, D. (Department of Psychiatry. Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School) ; Boeve, B.F. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic) ; Bowen, J.D. (Swedish Medical Center) ; Boxer, A. (Department of Neurology. University of California San Francisco) ; Brewer, J. (Department of Neurosciences. University of California San Diego) ; Burke, J.R. (Department of Medicine. Duke University) ; Burns, J.M. (University of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Center. University of Kansas Medical Center) ; Bush, W.S. (Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Buxbaum, J.D. (Nash Family Department of Neuroscience & Friedman Brain Institute. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Cairns, N.J. (Department of Pathology and Immunology. Washington University) ; Cao, C. (USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute. University of South Florida) ; Carlson, C.S. (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) ; Carlsson, C.M. (Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) ; Carney, R.M. (Mental Health and Behavioral Science Service. Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center) ; Carrasquillo, M.M. (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic) ; Chasse, S. (Department of Genetics. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ; Chesselet, M.F. (Neurogenetics Program. University of California. Los Angeles) ; Chesi, A. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Chin, N.A. (Department of Medicine. University of Wisconsin) ; Chui, H.C. (Department of Neurology. University of Southern California) ; Craft, S. (Section of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Research. Wake Forest School of Medicine) ; Crane, P.K. (Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Cribbs, D.H. (Department of Neurology. University of California. Irvine) ; Crocco, E.A. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami) ; Cruchaga, C. (Department of Psychiatry. Washington University in St. Louis) ; Cullum, M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Darby, E. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Davis, B. (Department of Population and Data Sciences. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; De Jager, P.L. (Center for Translational and Computational Neuroimmunology. Department of Neurology. Columbia University Medical Center) ; DeCarli, C. (Department of Neurology. University of California. Davis) ; DeToledo, J. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Dick, M. (Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders. University of California. Irvine) ; Dickson, D.W. (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic) ; Dombroski, B.A. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Doody, R.S. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Duara, R. (Wien Center for Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders. Mount Sinai Medical Center) ; Ertekin-Taner, N. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic) ; Evans, D.A. (Rush Institute for Healthy Aging. Department of Internal Medicine. Rush University Medical Center) ; Fairchild, T.J. (Office of Strategy and Measurement. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Fallon, K.B. (Department of Pathology. University of Alabama at Birmingham) ; Farlow, M.R. (Department of Neurology. Indiana University) ; Farrell, J.J. (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Fernandez-Hernandez, V. (Department of Psychiatry and Hope Center Program on Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration. Washington University School of Medicine) ; Ferris, S. (Department of Psychiatry. New York University) ; Frosch, M.P. (C.S. Kubik Laboratory for Neuropathology. Massachusetts General Hospital) ; Fulton-Howard, B. (Department of Neuroscience. Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Galasko, D.R. (Department of Neurosciences. University of California San Diego) ; Gamboa, A. (Department of Health Management and Policy. School of Public Health. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Gearing, M. (Emory Alzheimer's Disease Center. Emory University) ; Geschwind, D.H. (NeuroGenomics and Informatics. Washington University in St. Louis) ; Ghetti, Bernardino (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Indiana University) ; Gilbert, J.R. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Grabowski, T.J. (Department of Radiology. University of Washington) ; Graff-Radford, N.R. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic) ; Grant, S.F.A. (Department of Genetics. Perelman School of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Green, R.C. (Division of Genetics. Department of Medicine and Partners Center for Personalized Genetic Medicine. Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School) ; Growdon, J.H. (Harvard Medical School) ; Haines, J.L. (Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Hakonarson, H. (Division of Human Genetics. Department of Pediatrics. Perelman School of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Hall, J. (Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Hamilton, R.L. (Department of Pathology (Neuropathology). University of Pittsburgh) ; Harari, O. (Department of Psychiatry. Washington University in St. Louis) ; Harrell, L.E. (Department of Neurology. University of Alabama at Birmingham) ; Haut, J. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Head, E. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California Irvine) ; Henderson, V.W. (Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences. Stanford University) ; Hernandez, M. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Hohman, T. (Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer's Center. Department of Neurology. Vanderbilt University Medical Center) ; Honig, L.S. (Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain. Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Huebinger, R.M. (Department of Surgery. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Huentelman, M.J. (Neurogenomics Division. Translational Genomics Research Institute) ; Hulette, C.M. (Department of Pathology. Duke University) ; Hyman, B.T. (Harvard Medical School) ; Hynan, L.S. (Department of Neurological Surgery. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Ibanez, L. (Hope Center Program on Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration. Washington University School of Medicine) ; Jarvik, G.P. (Department of Genome Sciences. University of Washington) ; Jayadev, S. (Departments of Neurology and Epidemiology. University of Washington) ; Jin, L.W. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California. Davis) ; Johnson, K. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Johnson, L. (Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Kamboh, M.I. (Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. University of Pittsburgh) ; Karydas, A.M. (Department of Neurology. University of California San Francisco) ; Katz, M.J. (Department of Neurology. Albert Einstein College of Medicine) ; Kaye, J.A. (Department of Neurology. Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center) ; Keene, C.D. (Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. University of Washington) ; Khaleeq, A. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Kim, R. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California Irvine) ; Knebl, J. (Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Kowall, N.W. (Department of Pathology. Boston University) ; Kramer, J.H. (Department of Neuropsychology. University of California San Francisco) ; Kuksa, P.P. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; LaFerla, F.M. (Department of Neurobiology and Behavior. University of California Irvine) ; Lah, J.J. (Department of Neurology. Emory University) ; Larson, E.B. (Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute) ; Lee, C.Y. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Lee, E.B. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Lerner, A. (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Leung, Y.Y. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Leverenz, J.B. (Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health. Cleveland Clinic) ; Levey, A.I. (Department of Neurology. Emory University) ; Li, M. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Lieberman, A.P. (Department of Pathology. University of Michigan) ; Lipton, R.B. (Department of Neurology. Albert Einstein College of Medicine) ; Logue, M. (National Center for PTSD at Boston VA Healthcare System) ; Lyketsos, C.G. (Department of Psychiatry. Johns Hopkins University) ; Malamon, J. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Mains, D. (Department of Health Management and Policy. School of Public Health. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Marson, D.C. (Department of Neurology. University of Alabama at Birmingham) ; Martiniuk, F. (Department of Medicine (Pulmonary). New York University) ; Mash, D.C. (Department of Neurology. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami) ; Masliah, E. (Department of Pathology. University of California San Diego) ; Massman, P. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Masurkar, A. (Department of Psychiatry. New York University) ; McCormick, W.C. (Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; McCurry, S.M. (School of Nursing Northwest Research Group on Aging. University of Washington) ; McDavid, A.N. (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) ; McDonough, S. (Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development) ; McKee, A.C. (Department of Pathology. Boston University) ; Mesulam, M. (Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) ; Mez, J. (Institute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Miller, B.L. (Weill Institute for Neurosciences. Memory and Aging Center. University of California. San Francisco) ; Miller, C.A. (Department of Pathology. University of Southern California) ; Miller, J.W. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California. Davis) ; Montine, T.J. (Department of Pathology. Stanford University School of Medicine) ; Monuki, E.S. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California Irvine) ; Morris, J.C. (Department of Neurology. Washington University at St. Louis) ; Myers, A.J. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami) ; Nguyen, T. (Department of Neurology. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; O'Bryant, S. (Institute for Translational Research. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Olichney, J.M. (Center for Mind and Brain and Department of Neurology. University of California. Davis) ; Ory, M. (Center for Population Health and Aging. Texas A&M University Health Science Center) ; Palmer, R. (Department of Family and Community Medicine. University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio) ; Parisi, J.E. (Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. Mayo Clinic) ; Paulson, H.L. (Michigan Alzheimer's Disease Center. University of Michigan) ; Pavlik, V. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Paydarfar, D. (Department of Neurology. Dell Medical School. University of Texas at Austin) ; Perez, V. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Peskind, E. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. University of Washington School of Medicine) ; Phillips-Cremins, J.E. (Department of Bioengineering. University of Pennsylvania) ; Pierce, A. (Department of Neurology. University of California. Irvine) ; Polk, M. (Alzheimer's Disease Center. New York University) ; Poon, W.W. (Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders. University of California. Irvine) ; Potter, H. (Department of Neurology. University of Colorado School of Medicine) ; Qu, L. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Quiceno, M. (Department of Medical Education. TCU/UNTHSC School of Medicine) ; Quinn, J.F. (Department of Neurology. Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center) ; Raj, A. (USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute. University of South Florida) ; Raskind, M. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. University of Washington School of Medicine) ; Reiman, E.M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Arizona) ; Reisberg, B. (Alzheimer's Disease Center. New York University) ; Reisch, J.S. (Department of Population and Data Sciences. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Ringman, J.M. (Department of Neurology. University of Southern California) ; Roberson, E.D. (Department of Neurology. University of Alabama at Birmingham) ; Rodriguear, M. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Rogaeva, E. (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Disease. University of Toronto) ; Rosen, H.J. (Department of Neurology. University of California San Francisco) ; Rosenberg, R.N. (Department of Neurology. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Royall, D.R. (Department of Family and Community Medicine. University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio) ; Sager, M.A. (Department of Medicine. University of Wisconsin) ; Sano, M. (Department of Psychiatry. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Saykin, A.J. (Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences. Indiana University) ; Schneider, J.A. (Department of Pathology (Neuropathology). Rush University Medical Center) ; Schneider, L.S. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Southern California) ; Seeley, W.W. (Department of Neurology. University of California San Francisco) ; Slifer, S.H. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Small, S. (Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center. Columbia University) ; Smith, A.G. (USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute. University of South Florida) ; Smith, J.P. (Department of Population and Data Sciences. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Song, Y.E. (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Sonnen, J.A. (Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. University of Washington) ; Spina, S. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Indiana University) ; St George Hyslop, Peter (University of Toronto) ; Stern, R.A. (Institute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Stevens, A.B. (College of Medicine. Texas A&M University Health Science Center) ; Strittmatter, S.M. (Program in Cellular Neuroscience. Neurodegeneration and Repair. Yale University School of Medicine) ; Sultzer, D. (Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior. University of California. Irvine) ; Swerdlow, R.H. (University of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Center. University of Kansas Medical Center) ; Tanzi, Rudolph E (Harvard Medical School) ; Tilson, J.L. (Renaissance Computing Institute. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ; Trojanowski, J.Q. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Troncoso, J.C. (Department of Pathology. Johns Hopkins University) ; Tsuang, D.W. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. University of Washington School of Medicine) ; Valladares, Otto (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Van Deerlin, V.M. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; van Eldik, L.J. (Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. Department of Biostatistics. University of Kentucky) ; Vassar, R. (Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) ; Vinters, H.V. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California. Los Angeles) ; Vonsattel, J.P. (Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain. Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Weintraub, S. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) ; Welsh-Bohmer, K.A. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Duke University) ; Whitehead, P.L. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Wijsman, E.M. (Department of Biostatistics. University of Washington) ; Wilhelmsen, K.C. (Department of Genetics. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ; Williams, B. (Section of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Research. Wake Forest School of Medicine) ; Williamson, J. (Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain. Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Wilms, H. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Wingo, T.S. (Department of Neurology. Emory University) ; Wisniewski, T. (Center for Cognitive Neurology and Departments of Neurology and Pathology. New York University Grossman School of Medicine) ; Woltjer, R.L. (Department of Pathology. Oregon Health and Science University) ; Woon, M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Texas at Austin/Dell Medical School) ; Wright, C.B. (Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute. Department of Neurology. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami) ; Wu, C.K. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Younkin, S.G. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic) ; Yu, C.E. (Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Yu, L. (Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center. Rush University Medical Center) ; Zhang, Y. (Center for Applied Genomics. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) ; Zhao, Y. (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Zhu, X. (Department of Pathology. Case Western Reserve University) ; Adams, Hieab (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Akinyemi, R.O. (Centre for Genomic and Precision Medicine. College of Medicine. UI) ; Ali, M. (Washington University at St. Louis) ; Aparicio, H.J. (Department of Neurology. Boston University School of Medicine) ; Bahadori, M. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Becker, James T. (University of Pittsburgh) ; Breteler, M. (Population Health Sciences. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Chasman, D. (Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Chauhan, G. (INSERM U1219. University of Bordeaux) ; Comic, H. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Cox, S. (University of Edinburgh) ; Cupples, A.L. (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Davies, G. (Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology. University of Edinburgh) ; DeCarli, C.S. (Department of Neurology and Center for Neuroscience. University of California. Davis) ; Duperron, M.G. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. Team VIN-TAGE. UMR 1219. University of Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Dupuis, J. (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Evans, T. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Fan, F. (University of Pittsburgh) ; Fitzpatrick, A. (Department of Family Medicine. University of Washington) ; Fohner, A.E. (Cardiovascular Health Research Unit. Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Ganguli, M. (University of Pittsburgh) ; Geerlings, M. (University Medical Center Utrecht) ; Glatt, S.J. (Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology & Neurobiology Laboratory (PsychGENe Lab). Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. SUNY Upstate Medical University) ; Gonzalez, H.M. (University of California. San Diego) ; Goss, M. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Grabe, H. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Medicine Greifswald) ; Habes, M. (Department of Radiology. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) ; Heckbert, S.R. (School of Public Health. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Hofer, E. (Clinical Division of Neurogeriatrics. Department of Neurology. Medical University of Graz) ; Hong, E. (University of Maryland) ; Hughes, T. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Kautz, T.F. (Department of General Medicine. University of Texas Health Science Center) ; Knol, M. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Kremen, W. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Lacaze, P. (Monash University Clayton Campus) ; Lahti, J. (University of Helsinki) ; Grand, Q.L. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. Team VIN-TAGE. UMR 1219. University of Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Litkowski, E. (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center) ; Li, S. (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Liu, D. (Population Health Sciences. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Liu, X. (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Loitfelder, M. (Medical University of Graz) ; Manning, A. (Massachusetts General Hospital. Harvard University) ; Maillard, P. (Imaging of Dementia and Aging (IDeA) Laboratory. Department of Neurology. University of California. Davis) ; Marioni, R. (University of Staffmail) ; Mazoyer, B. (University of Bordeaux. IMN) ; van Lent, D.M. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Mei, H. (University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Mishra, Aniket (Université de Bordeaux) ; Nyquist, P. (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine) ; O'Connell, J. (University of Maryland) ; Patel, Y. (University of Toronto) ; Paus, T. (University of Montreal. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Saint-Justine) ; Pausova, Z. (Hospital for Sick Children. University of Toronto) ; Raikkonen-Talvitie, K. (University of Helsinki) ; Riaz, M. (Monash University Clayton Campus) ; Rich, S. (Monash University Clayton Campus) ; Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute and Pediatrics ; Romero, J. (Boston Medical Center) ; Roshchupkin, G. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Saba, Y. (Gottfried Schatz Research Center. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Medical University of Graz) ; Sargurupremraj, M. (Gottfried Schatz Research Center. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Medical University of Graz) ; Schmidt, H. (Gottfried Schatz Research Center. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Medical University of Graz) ; Schmidt, R. (Clinical Division of Neurogeriatrics. Department of Neurology. Medical University of Graz) ; Shulman, J.M. (Departments of Neurology. Molecular & Human Genetics. and Neuroscience and Program in Developmental Biology. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Smith, J. (Department of Epidemiology. School of Public Health. University of Michigan) ; Sekhar, H. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. Team VIN-TAGE. UMR 1219. University of Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Rajula, R. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. Team VIN-TAGE. UMR 1219. University of Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Shin, J. (Hospital for Sick Children. University of Toronto) ; Simino, J. (University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Sliz, E. (University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Teumer, A. (Institute for Community Medicine. University Medicine Greifswald) ; Thomas, A. (University of North Carolina) ; Tin, A. (University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Tucker-Drob, E. (University of Texas) ; Vojinovic, D. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Wang, Y. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Weinstein, G. (Clinical Division of Neurogeriatrics. Department of Neurology. Medical University of Graz) ; Williams, D. (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia)) ; Wittfeld, K. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE). Site Rostock/Greifswald) ; Yanek, L. (GeneSTAR Research Program. Department of Neurology. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine) ; Yang, Y. (Institute of Molecular Medicine. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School) ; Farrer, L.A. (Department of Neurology. Boston University School of Medicine) ; Psaty, B.M. (Department of Health Service. University of Washington) ; Ghanbari, M. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Raj, T. (Nash Family Department of Neuroscience & Friedman Brain Institute. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Sachdev, Perminder S. (University of New South Wales) ; Mather, Karen A (Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing. School of Psychiatry. Faculty of Medicine. University of New South Wales) ; Jessen, F. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Ikram, M. Arfan (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; de Mendonça, Alexandre (Universidade de Lisboa) ; Hort, J. (Memory Clinic. Department of Neurology. Charles University. 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Motol University Hospital) ; Tsolaki, Magda (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Grècia)) ; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A (AI Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences. University of Eastern Finland) ; Amouyel, Philippe (Institut Pasteur Lille (França)) ; Williams, J. (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth (University of Copenhagen (Dinamarca)) ; Clarimón, Jordi (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Deleuze, J.F. (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Rossi, G. (Fondazione IRCCS. Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Seshadri, S. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Andreassen, Ole A. (NORMENT Centre. University of Oslo) ; Ingelsson, Martin (Department of Public Health and Carins Sciences/Geriatrics. Uppsala University) ; Hiltunen, M. (Brain Institute. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) ; Sleegers, Kristel (Department of Biomedical Sciences. University of Antwerp) ; Schellenberg, G.D. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; van Duijn, C.M. (Nuffield Department of Population Health. Oxford University) ; Sims, Rebecca (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; van der Flier, Wiesje M (Alzheimer Center Amsterdam. Department of Neurology. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Ruiz, Agustín (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Ramirez, Alfredo (The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Lambert, Jean-Charles (Institut Pasteur Lille (França)) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. [...]
2022 - 10.1038/s41588-022-01024-z
Nature genetics, Vol. 54 Núm. 4 (April 2022) , p. 412-436  
4 p, 973.0 KB Long-term follow-up of recovered MPN patients with COVID-19 / Barbui, Tiziano (Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital) ; Iurlo, Alessandra (Foundation IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Masciulli, Arianna (Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital) ; Carobbio, Alessandra (Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital) ; Ghirardi, Arianna (Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital) ; Rossi, Giuseppe (Spedali Civili) ; Harrison, Claire (Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust) ; Alvarez-Larran, Alberto (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Elli, Elena María (Ospedale San Gerardo (Itàlia)) ; Kiladjian, Jean-Jaques (Hospital Saint-Louis) ; Gasior Kabat, Mercedes (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Marin Sanchez, Alberto (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete) ; Palandri, Francesca (IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna) ; Andrade-Campos, Marcio Miguel (Hospital del Mar (Barcelona, Catalunya)) ; Vannucchi, Alessandro Maria (University of Florence) ; Carreño-Tarragona, Gonzalo (Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (Madrid)) ; Papadopoulos, Petros (Hospital Clínico San Carlos (Madrid)) ; Quiroz Cervantes, Keina (Hospital Universitario de Móstoles (Madrid)) ; Foncillas, Maria Angeles (Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor) ; Fox, Maria Laura (Vall d'Hebron Institut d'Oncologia) ; Sagues Serrano, Miguel (Hospital de Sant Joan Despí Moisès Broggi) ; Rumi, Elisa (University of Pavia) ; Osorio, Santiago (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón) ; Benevolo, Giulia (AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Patriarca, Andrea (AOU Maggiore della Carità) ; Navas Elorza, Begoña (Hospital Moncloa) ; Garcia-Gutierrez, Valentín (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Magro Mazo, Elena (Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid)) ; Lunghi, Francesca (IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele) ; Bonifacio, Massimiliano (Ospedale Policlinico "G.B. Rossi". Borgo Roma) ; De Stefano, Valerio (Fondazione Policlinico "A. Gemelli" IRCCS) ; Hernandez-Boluda, Juan Carlos (Hospital Clínic Universitari (València)) ; Lopez Abadia, Emma (Hospital General de Elche (Alicante)) ; Angona, Anna (Hospital Universitari de Girona Doctor Josep Trueta) ; Xicoy Cirici, Blanca (Institut Germans Trias i Pujol. Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol) ; Ruggeri, Marco (Ospedale San Bortolo) ; Koschmieder, Steffen (RWTH Aachen University) ; Sobas, Marta Anna (Wroclaw Medical University) ; Cuevas, Beatriz (Hospital Universitario de Burgos) ; Cattaneo, Daniele (Foundation IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Daffini, Rosa (Spedali Civili) ; Bellini, Marta (ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII) ; Curto-Garcia, Natalia (Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust) ; Garrote, Marta (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Cavalca, Fabrizio (Hematology Division and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. San Gerardo Hospital. ASST Monza) ; Benajiba, Lina (Hospital Saint-Louis) ; Bellosillo Paricio, Beatriz (Hospital del Mar (Barcelona, Catalunya)) ; Guglielmelli, Paola (University of Florence) ; Borsani, Oscar (University of Pavia) ; Betti, Silvia (Fondazione Policlinico "A. Gemelli" IRCCS) ; Salmoiraghi, Silvia (ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII) ; Rambaldi, Alessandro (Università degli Studi di Milano) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
2021 - 10.1038/s41408-021-00509-0
Blood Cancer Journal, Vol. 11 Núm. 6 (june 2021) , p. 115  
11 p, 1.8 MB Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on planned cancer surgery for 15 tumour types in 61 countries : an international, prospective, cohort study / Glasbey, James (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ademuyiwa, Adesoji (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Adisa, Adewale (Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex. COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; AlAmeer, Ehab S. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Arnaud, Alexis Pierre (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ayasra, Faris (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Azevedo, José Gonçalves Moreira De (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Minaya Bravo, Ana Maria (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Costas-Chavarri, Ainhoa (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Elhadi, Muhammed (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Fiore, Marco (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Fotopoulou, Christina (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Gallo, Gaetano (Sapienza University of Rome (Itàlia). COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ghosh, Dhruva N. (Christian Medical College (Ludhiana, Índia).COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Griffiths, Ewen A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Harrison, Ewen (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Hutchinson, Peter John A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Lawani, Ismaïl (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire et Départemental Ouémé -Plateau (Àfrica). COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Lawday, Samuel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Lederhuber, Hans (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Leventoglu, Sezai (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Li, Elizabeth (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Mendoça Ataíde Gomes, Gustavo (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Mann, Harvinder S. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Marson, Ella J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Martin, Janet (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Mazingi, Dennis S. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; McLean, Kenneth A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Modolo, Mariamarta (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Moore, Rachel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Morton, Dion (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ntirenganya, Faustin (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Pata, Francesco (Ospedale Nicola Giannettasio (Calabria, Itàlia). COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Picciochi, María (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Pockney, Peter (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ramos-De la Medina, Antonio (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Roberts, John Keith (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Roslani, April Camilla (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Kottayasamy Seenivasagam, Rajkumar (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Shaw, Richard John (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Simões, Joana Filipa Ferreira (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Smart, Neil J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Stewart, Grant D. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Sullivan, Richard (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Sundar, Sudha (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Tabiri, Stephen (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Taylor, Elliott H. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Vidya, Raghavan (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Nepogodiev, Dimitri (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Bhangu, Aneel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Siaw-Acheampong, Kwabena (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Benson, Ruth A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Bywater, Edward P. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Chaudhry, Daoud (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Dawson, Brett E. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Evans, Jonathan Paul (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Gujjuri, Rohan R. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Heritage, Emily (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Jones, Conor Stephen (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Kamarajah, Sivesh K. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Khatri, Chetan (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Khaw, Rachel Alys (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Keatley, James M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Knight, Andrew (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Mann, Harvinder S. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; McKay, Siobhan (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Mills, Emily C. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Pellino, Gianluca (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Tiwari, Abhinav (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Simões, Joana (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Trout, Isobel M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Venn, Mary L (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Wilkin, Richard Jw (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Smart, Neil J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Moug, Susan (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Di Saverio, Salomone (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Vallance, Abigail (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Vimalchandran, Dale (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Evans, Richard Pt. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Townend, Philip (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; McKay, Siobhan (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Isaac, John (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Satoi, Sohei (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Coonar, Aman S. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Marchbank, Adrian (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Caruana, Edward J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Layton, Georgia R. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Patel, Akshay (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Brunelli, Alessandro (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ford, Samuel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Desai, Anant (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Gronchi, Alessandro (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Almond, Max (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Tirotta, Fabio (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Dumitra, Sinziana (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Kolias, Angelos (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Price, Stephen J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Fountain, Daniel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Jenkinson, Michael (University of Liverpool. COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Marcus, Hani J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Piper, Rory J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Lippa, Laura (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Servadei, Franco (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Esene, Ignatius (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Freyschlag, Christian (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Neville, Iuri (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Rosseau, Gail (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Schaller, Karl (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Demetriades, Andreas K. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Robertson, Faith (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Alamri, Alex (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Schache, Andrew G. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Winter, Stuart C. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ho, Michael (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Nankivell, Paul (University of Birmingham. COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Rey-Biel, Juan (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Batstone, Martin (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ganly, Ian (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Wilkins, Alex (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Singh, Jagdeep K. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Thekinkattil, Dinesh (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Leung, Elaine Yl (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Khan, Tabassum (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Chiva, Luis (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Sehouli, Jalid (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Fagotti, Anna (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Cohen, Paul (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Gutelkin, Murat (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ghebre, Rahel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Konney, Thomas (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Pareja, Rene (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Bristow, Rob (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Dowdy, Sean (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Shylasree, T.S. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ng, Joe (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Fujiwara, Keiichi (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Lamb, Benjamin (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Narahari, Krishna (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; McNeill, Alan (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Colquhoun, Alexandra (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; McGrath, John S. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Bromage, Steve (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Barod, Ravi (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Kasivisvanathan, Veeru (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Klatte, Tobias (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Abbott, Tom Ef (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Abukhalaf, Sadi (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Adamina, Michel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Agarwal, Arnav (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Akkulak, Murat (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Alderson, Derek (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Alakaloko, Felix (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Albertsmeier, Marcus (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Alser, Osaid (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Alshaar, Muhammad (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Alshryda, Sattar (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Augestad, Knut Magne (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Bankhead-Kendall, Brittany K. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Barlow, Emma (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Beard, David (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Blanco-Colino, Ruth (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Brar, Amanpreet (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Breen, Kerry A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Bretherton, Chris (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Lima Buarque, Igor (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Burke, Joshua (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (Regne Unit). COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Chaar, Mohammad (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Chakrabortee, Sohini (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Christensen, Peter (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Cox, Daniel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Cukier, Moises (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Cunha, Miguel F. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Davidson, Giana H. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Drake, Thomas M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Edwards, John G. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Emile, Sameh (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Farik, Shebani (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Fitzgerald, J.Edward (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Garmanova, Tatiana (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Grecinos, Gustavo (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Gruendl, Magdalena (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Halkias, Constantine (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Harrison, Ewen M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Hisham, Intisar (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Hutchinson, Peter J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Hwang, Shelley (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Isik, Arda (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Jonker, Pascal (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Kaafarani, Haytham Ma (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Keller, Debby (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Kruijff, Schelto (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Litvin, Andrey (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Loehrer, Andrew (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Löffler, Markus W. (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Alemanya). COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Aguilera Lorena, Maria (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Modolo, Maria Marta (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Major, Piotr (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Mashbari, Hassan N. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Metallidis, Symeon (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Mohan, Helen M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Moszkowicz, David (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ng-Kamstra, Joshua S. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Maimbo, Mayaba (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Negoi, Ionut (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Niquen-Jimenez, Milagros (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Olivos, Mari Carmen (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Oussama, Kacimi (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Outani, Oumaima (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Parreno-Sacdalanm, Marie Dione (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Perez Rivera, Carlos J (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Pinkney, Thomas D. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; van der Plas, Willemijn (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Qureshi, Ahmad (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Radenkovic, Dejan (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Richards, Toby (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Rutegård, Martin (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Segura-Sampedro, Juan José (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Santos, Irène (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Sayyed, Raza (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Schache, Andrew (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Schnitzbauer, Andreas A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Seyi-Olajide, Justina O. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Sharma, Neil (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Shaw, Catherine A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Shu, Sebastian (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Soreide, Kjetil (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Spinelli, Antonino (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Sund, Malin (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Tsoulfas, Georgios (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Van Ramshorst, Gabrielle H. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Vimalachandran, Dale (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Warren, Oliver J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Wedderburn, Duane (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Wright, Naomi (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; EuroSurg, None (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Booth, Lesly (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Runigamugabo, Emmy (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Barker, Margaret (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Barker, Neil (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Cooke, Shirley (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Doré, Suzanne (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Horwood, Nigel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Tierney Weir, Carrie (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Dajti, I. ; Allemand, C. ; Boccalatte, L.A. ; Figari, M. ; Lamm, M. ; Larrañaga, J. ; Marchitelli, C. ; Noll, F. ; Odetto, D. ; Perrotta, M. ; Saadi, J. ; Zamora, Lurdes ; Ballester, A.M. ; Tapper, K.E. ; Zeff, N. ; Valenzuela, J.I. ; Alurralde, C. ; Anastasio, J. ; Apas Perez de Nucci, A. ; Caram, E.L. ; Eskinazi, D. ; Mendoza, J.P. ; Usandivaras, M. ; Badra, R. ; Esteban, A. ; García, J.S. ; García, P.M. ; Gerchunoff, J.I. ; Lucchini, S.M. ; NIgra, M.A. ; Vargas, L. ; Hovhannisyan, T. ; Stepanyan, A. ; Vasey, C.E. ; Watson, Eleanor G. R. (Austin Hospital(Melbourne, Austràlia)) ; Ip, C. ; Kealey, J. ; Lim, Christopher Seng Hong (Royal North Shore Hospital) ; Sengupta, Shomik (Monash University (Clayton, Austràlia)) ; Ward, S. ; Wong, E. ; Gould, T. ; Gourlay, R. ; Griffiths, B. ; Gananadha, Sivakumar (Canberra Hospital (Canberra, Austràlia)) ; McLaren, M. ; Cecire, J. ; Joshi, N. ; Salindera, S. ; Sutherland, A. ; Ahn, J.H. ; Charlton, G. ; Chen, S. ; Gauri, N. ; Hayhurst, R. ; Jang, S. ; Jia, F. ; Mulligan, C. ; Yang, Wah (The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University (Xina)) ; Ye, G. ; Zhang, H. ; Ballal, M. ; Gibson, D. ; Hayne, D. ; McMillan, H. ; Moss, J. ; Pugliese, M.J. ; Seow, Y.T.N. ; Thian, A. ; Viswambaram, P. ; Vo, U.G. ; Bennetts, J. ; Bright, T. ; Brooke-Smith, M. ; Fong, R. ; Gricks, B. ; Huang, L. ; Lam, Y.H. ; Nathan, A. ; Ong, B.S. ; Ooi, E. ; Szpytma, M. ; Watson, D. ; Bagraith, K. ; Caird, S. ; Chan, E. ; Dawson, C. ; Ho, D. ; Hui, N. ; Izwan, S. ; Jeyarajan, E. ; Jordan, S. ; Liang, R. ; Lim, A. ; Nolan, G.J. ; Oar, A. ; Parker, D. ; Puhalla, H. ; Quennell, A. ; Rutherford, L. ; Sommerville, C. ; Townend, P. ; Von Papen, M. ; Wullschleger, M. ; Dawson, Amanda Caroline (University of Newcastle (Gosford, Austràlia)) ; Drane, A. ; Blatt, A. ; Cope, D. ; Egoroff, N. ; Fenton, M. ; Gani, J. ; Lott, N. ; Shugg, N. ; Elliott, M. ; Phung, D. ; Phan, D. ; Townend, D. ; Bong, C. ; Gundara, J. ; Frankel, A. ; Bowman, S. ; Guerra, G.R. ; Gerns, N. ; McGeorge, S. ; Riddell, A. ; Roberts, M. ; Rukin, N. ; Bolt, J. ; Buddingh, K. ; Dudi-Venkata, N.N. ; Jog, S. ; Kroon, H.M. ; Sammour, T. ; Smith, R. ; Stranz, C. ; Batstone, M. ; Lah, K. ; McGahan, W. ; Mitchell, D. ; Morton, A. ; Pearce, A. ; Sheahan, G. ; Swinson, B. ; Waldron, A. ; Walker, P. ; Alam, Nurul ; Banting, S. ; Chong, L. ; Choong, P. ; Clatworthy, S. ; Foley, D. ; Fox, A. ; Hii, M.W. ; Knowles, B. ; Mack, J. ; Read, M. ; Rowcroft, A. ; Wright, G. ; Lun, E.W.Y. ; Lanner, M. ; Burtscher, J. ; Trivik-Barrientos, F. ; Königsrainer, I. ; Bauer, M. ; Freyschlag, C. ; Kafka, M. ; Messner, F. ; Öfner, D. ; Tsibulak, I. ; Holawe, S. ; Zimmermann, M. ; Emmanuel, K. ; Grechenig, M. ; Gruber, R. ; Harald, M. ; Öhlberger, L. ; Presl, J. ; Wimmer, A. ; Namazov, I. ; Samadov, E. ; Barker, D. ; Boyce, R. ; Corbin, S. ; Doyle, A. ; Eastmond, A. ; Gill, R. ; Haynes, A. ; Millar, S. ; O'Shea, M. ; Padmore, G. ; Paquette, N. ; Phillips, E. ; St. John, S. ; Walkes, K. ; Abeloos, J. ; De Backer, T. ; De Ceulaer, J. ; Dick, C. ; Diez-Fraile, A. ; Lamoral, P. ; Spaas, C. ; Ceelen, W. ; Pattyn, P. ; Van de putte, D. ; Van Nieuwenhove, Y. ; Van Ramshorst, G. ; Willaert, W. ; Bazzett-Matabele, L. ; Chiyapo, S.P. ; Ramogola-Masire, D. ; Ramontshonyana, G. ; Seiphetlheng, A. ; Vuylsteke, P. ; Abdallah, E.A. ; Aguiar Júnior, Samuel ; Baiocchi, G. ; Carvalho, G.B. ; Coimbra, F.J.F. ; Kowalski, Luiz Paulo ; Makdissi, F. ; Marques, N. ; Marques, T. ; Soares Dos Santos, S. ; Tirapelli Gonçalves, B. ; Vartanian, J.G. ; Dos Reis, R. ; Camara, P. ; De Lima, R.K. ; Della Giustina, E. ; Hoffmann, P.V. ; Gatti, A. ; Nardi, C. ; Oliva, R. ; Nacif, L. ; Carvalho Ferro, C. ; Gomes Mendonça Ataíde, G. ; Lima Buarque, I. ; Lira dos Santos Leite, A. ; Pol-Fachin, L. ; Santos Bezerra, T. ; Maylson Ramos da Silva, A. ; Windson de Araújo Silvestre, D. ; Vieira Barros, A. ; Campbell, L. ; De Cicco, Rafael (Instituto do Câncer Doutor Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho (Brasil)) ; Cecconello, I. ; Gregorio, P. ; Pontual Lima, L. ; Ribeiro Junior, Ulysses (Hospital das Clínicas Instituto do Câncer (Brasil)) ; Takeda, F.R. ; Terra, R.M. ; Faccini Teixeira, M. ; Kulcsar, M.A.V. ; Matos, L.L. ; Nunes, K.S. ; Laporte, G. ; Salem, M. ; Barakat Awada, J. ; Ijichi, T.R. ; Kim, N.J. ; Marreiro, A. ; Muller, B. ; Nunes, R. ; Bodanese, B. ; Eidt, E.R. ; Isoton, J.C. ; Lemos Vieira da Cunha, M. ; Regina de Sampaio, L. ; Vendrame, C. ; Zeni, M. ; Zortéa, J.A. ; Zortéa, M.R. ; Sokolov, M. ; Kidane, B. ; Srinathan, S. ; Munro, A. ; Helyer, L. ; McKeen, D. ; Boutros, M. ; Caminsky, N.G. ; Ghitulescu, G. ; Jamjoum, G. ; Moon, J. ; Pelletier, J. ; Vanounou, T. ; Wong, S. ; Cheng, D. ; MacNeil, S.D. ; Dumitra, S. ; Kouyoumdjian, A. ; Schmid, S. ; Spicer, J. ; Agarwal, A. ; Brar, A. ; Dada, J. ; Dare, A. ; Hameed, U. ; Osman, F. ; Johnston, B. ; Russell, C. ; Groot, G. ; Persad, A. ; Pham, H. ; Wood, M. ; Ko, M. ; Rajendran, L. ; Demyttenaere, S. ; Garfinkle, R. ; Brown, C. ; Karimuddin, A. ; Lee, N. ; Liu, J. ; Madani Kia, T. ; Phang, P.T. ; Raval, M. ; Tom, K. ; Abou-Khalil, J. ; Martel, A. ; Nessim, C. ; Stevenson, J. ; Al Riyami, S. ; Bali, K. ; Bigam, D. ; Dajani, K. ; Dell, A. ; Modolo, M.M. ; Ramirez Nieto, P. ; Sepulveda, R. ; Molero, A. ; Bolbaran, A. ; Ruiz, I. ; Heredia, F. ; Bellolio, F. ; Besser, N. ; Grasset, E. ; Guaman, J.O. ; Inzunza, M. ; Irarrázaval, M.J. ; Jarry, C. ; Quintana Martinic, M. ; Riquoir Altamirano, C. ; Romero Manqui, C.A. ; Ruiz Esquide, M. ; Vargas Añazco, C. ; Almeciga, A. ; Fletcher, A. ; Merchan, A. ; Quijano, T. ; Sanabria, D. ; Arias-Amézquita, Fernando (Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá (Colòmbia)) ; Cétares, C. ; Cortes Murgueitio, N. ; Gomez-Mayorga, J.L. ; Herrera-Almario, G. ; Rodriguez, J. ; Iglesias, P. ; Puentes, L.O. ; Calvache, J.A. ; Orozco-Chamorro, C.M. ; Rojas, D.A. ; Sánchez-Gómez, A. ; Abadia, M. ; Acosta, J. ; Angel Aristizabal, J. ; Bonilla, A. ; Caicedo, L. ; Calderon Quiroz, P.H. ; Cervera Bonilla, S. ; Diaz, S. ; Facundo, H. ; Garcia Mora, M. ; Guevara, O. ; Guzman, L. ; Herrera Mora, D.R. ; Jimenez Ramirez, L.J. ; Lehmann, C. ; Manrique, E. ; Mariño, I. ; Medina, M. ; Pinilla Morales, R.E. ; Puerto, A. ; Puerto Horta, J. ; Quintero, M. ; Rey Ferro, M. ; Saénz, A. ; Santana, D. ; Serrano, W. ; Suescun, O. ; Trujillo Sanchez, L.M. ; Velasquez Cuasquen, B.G. ; Mendoza Quevedo, J. ; Bacic, G. ; Karlovic, D. ; Kršul, D. ; Zelic, M. ; Luksic, I. ; Mamic, M. ; Bacic, I. ; Bakmaz, B. ; Coza, I. ; Dijan, Emilio (Opća Bolnica Zadar (Croàcia)) ; Katusic, Z. ; Mihanovic, J. ; Morovic, D. ; Rakvin, I. ; Almezghwi, H. ; Arslan, K. ; Besim, H. ; Özant, A. ; Özçay, N. ; Frantzeskou, K. ; Gouvas, N. ; Kokkinos, G. ; Papatheodorou, P. ; Pozotou, I. ; Stavrinidou, O. ; Yiallourou, A. ; Martinek, L. ; Skrovina, M. ; Straka, M. ; Szubota, I. ; Peteja, M. ; Žatecký, J. ; Javurkova, V. ; Klat, J. ; Antony, S. ; Avlund, T. ; Berg, K.D. ; Borre, M. ; Christensen, P. ; Elkjær, M.C. ; Ernst, A. ; Fensman, S.K. ; Haldrup, M. ; Harbjerg, J.L. ; Iversen, L.H. ; Jensen, P.T. ; Jeppesen, T.D. ; Kjaer, D.W. ; Kristensen, H. ; Lund, N. ; Maigaard Axelsen, S. ; Mekhael, M. ; Mikic, N. ; Ostenfeld, E.B. ; Ebbehøj, A.L. ; Krarup, P. ; Schlesinger, N. ; Smith, H. ; Batista, S. ; Crespo, A. ; Díaz, P.J. ; Rivas, R. ; Rodriguez-Abreu, J. ; Tactuk, N. ; El Kassas, M. ; Omar, W. ; Tawheed, A. ; Talaat, M. ; Abdelsamed, A. ; Azzam, A.Y. ; Salem, H. ; Seleim, A. ; Abdelmajeed, A. ; Abdou, M. ; Abosamak, N.E. ; AL Sayed, M. ; Ashoush, F. ; Atta, R. ; Elazzazy, E. ; Elnemr, M. ; Elsayed Hewalla, M.E. ; Elsherbini, I. ; Essam, E. ; Ewedah, M. ; Ghallab, I. ; Hassan, E. ; Ibrahim, M. ; Metwalli, M. ; Mourad, Mohamed (Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine (Alexandria, Egipte)) ; Qatora, M.S. ; Ragab, M. ; Sabry, A. ; Saifeldin, H. ; Samih, A. ; Samir Abdelaal, A. ; Shehata, S. ; Shenit, K. ; Attia, D. ; Kamal, N. ; Osman, N. ; Abbas, A.M. ; Abd Elazeem, H.A.S. ; Abd-Elkariem, A.Y. ; Abdelkarem, M.M. ; Alaa, S. ; Ashraf, M. ; Ayman, A. ; Azizeldine, M.G. ; Elkhayat, H. ; Emad Mashhour, A. ; Gaber, M. ; Hamza, H.M. ; Hawal, I. ; Hetta, H.F. ; K. Ali, A. ; M.elghazaly, S. ; Mohammed, M.M. ; Monib, F.A. ; Nageh, M.A. ; Saad, A. ; Saad, M.M. ; Shahine, M. ; Yousof, E.A. ; Youssef, A. ; El-Deeb, M. ; Fawzy, M. ; Ghaly, G. ; Ibraheem, M. ; Eldaly, A. ; Esmail, E. ; ElFiky, Mahmoud (Cairo University Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine (Cairo, Egipte)) ; Nabil, A. ; Alrahawy, M. ; Sakr, A. ; Soliman, H. ; Soltan, H. ; Amira, G. ; Sallam, I. ; Sherief, M. ; Sherif, A. ; Abdelrahman, A. ; Aboulkassem, H. ; Hamdy, R. ; Morsi, A. ; Sherif, G. ; Abdeldayem, H. ; Abdelkader Salama, I. ; Balabel, M. ; Fayed, Y. ; Sherif, A.E. ; Elmorsi, R. ; Emile, S. ; Refky, B. ; Abd-elsalam, Sherief (Tanta University Faculty of Medicine (Tanta, Egipte)) ; Badr, H. ; Elbahnasawy, M. ; Elzoghby, M. ; Essa, M. ; Gamal Badr, S. ; Ghoneim, A. ; Hamad, O. ; Hamada, M. ; Hammad, M. ; Hawila, A. ; Morsy, M.S. ; Salman, S. ; Sarsik, S. ; Bekele, K. ; Kauppila, J.H. ; Sarjanoja, E. ; Helminen, O. ; Huhta, H. ; Beyrne, C. ; Jouffret, L. ; Lugans, L. ; Marie-Macron, L. ; Chouillard, E. ; De Simone, B. ; Fredon, F. ; Roux, A. ; Bettoni, J. ; Dakpé, S. ; Devauchelle, B. ; Lavagen, N. ; Testelin, S. ; Boucher, S. ; Breheret, R. ; Gueutier, A. ; Kahn, A. ; Kün-Darbois, J. ; Barrabe, A. ; Lakkis, Z. ; Louvrier, A. ; Manfredelli, S. ; Mathieu, P. ; Chebaro, A. ; Drubay, V. ; El amrani, M. ; Eveno, C. ; Lecolle, K. ; Legault, G. ; Martin, L. ; Piessen, G. ; Pruvot, F.R. ; Truant, S. ; Zerbib, P. ; Ballouhey, Q. ; Barrat, B. ; Fourcade, L. ; Laloze, J. ; Salle, H. ; Taibi, A. ; Tricard, J. ; Usseglio, J. ; Bergeat, D. ; Merdrignac, A. ; Le Roy, B. ; Perotto, L.O. ; Scalabre, A. ; Gornes, H. ; Vaysse, C. ; Vergriete, K. ; Aimé, A. ; Ezanno, A. ; Malgras, B. ; Arnaud, A.P. ; Fustec, E. ; Lavoue, V. ; Tesson, C. ; Bouche, P. ; Tzedakis, S. ; Cotte, E. ; Glehen, O. ; Lifante, J. ; Bendjemar, L. ; Braham, H. ; Charre, L. ; El Arbi, N. ; Morel-chevillet, L. ; Police, A. ; Villefranque, V. ; Volpin, E. ; D'Urso, A. ; Felli, E. ; Mutter, D. ; Pessaux, P. ; Seeliger, B. ; Barbé, Y. ; Bardet, J. ; Barret, E. ; Berry, R. ; Boddaert, G. ; Bonnet, S. ; Brian, E. ; Cathala, N. ; Cathelineau, X. ; Denet, C. ; Fuks, D. ; Gossot, D. ; Grigoroiu, M. ; Laforest, A. ; Levy-Zauberman, Y. ; Louis-Sylvestre, C. ; Macek, P. ; Mombet, A. ; Moumen, A. ; Pourcher, G. ; Rozet, F. ; Sanchez Salas, R. ; Seguin-givelet, A. ; Tribillon, E. ; Crenn, V. ; De Vergie, S. ; Duchalais, E. ; Espitalier, F. ; Ferron, C. ; Fragnaud, H. ; Malard, O. ; Regenet, N. ; Rigaud, J. ; Varenne, Y. ; Waast, D. ; Bork, U. ; Distler, M. ; Fritzmann, J. ; Kirchberg, J. ; Praetorius, C. ; Riediger, C. ; Weitz, J. ; Welsch, T. ; Wimberger, P. ; Beyer, K. ; Kamphues, C. ; Lauscher, J. ; Loch, Florian N. (Charité. Universitätsmedizin Berlin) ; Schineis, C. ; Angele, M. ; Kappenberger, A. ; Niess, H. ; Schiergens, T. ; Werner, J. ; Becker, R. ; Jonescheit, J. ; Doerner, J. ; Seiberth, R. ; Pergolini, I. ; Reim, D. ; Herzberg, Jonas (Krankenhaus Reinbek St. Adolf-Stift (Reinbek, Alemanya)) ; Honarpisheh, H. ; Strate, T. ; Boeker, C. ; Hakami, I. ; Mall, J. ; Liokatis, P. ; Smolka, W. ; Vassos, N. ; Nowak, K. ; Reinhard, T. ; Hölzle, F. ; Modabber, A. ; Winnand, P. ; Anthuber, M. ; Shiban, E. ; Sommer, B. ; Sommer, F. ; Wolf, S. ; Howaldt, H. ; Knitschke, M. ; Kauffmann, P. ; Wolfer, S. ; Kleeff, J. ; Lorenz, K. ; Michalski, C. ; Ronellenfitsch, Ulrich (Universitätsklinikum Halle (Alemanya)) ; Schneider, R. ; Bertolani, E. ; Königsrainer, A. ; Quante, M. ; Steidle, C. ; Überrück, L. ; Yurttas, C. ; Betz, Christian Stephan (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Alemanya)) ; Bewarder, J. ; Böttcher, A. ; Burg, S. ; Busch, C. ; Dreimann, M. ; Frosch, K.H. ; Gosau, M. ; Heuer, A. ; Izbicki, J. ; Klatte, T. ; Koenig, D. ; Moeckelmann, N. ; Nitschke, C. ; Perez, D. ; Priemel, M. ; Reiter, A. ; Smeets, R. ; Speth, U. ; Stangenberg, M. ; Thole, S. ; Uzunoglu, F.G. ; Viezens, L. ; Vollkommer, T. ; Zeller, N. ; Battista, M.J. ; Gillen, K. ; Hasenburg, A. ; Krajnak, S. ; Linz, V.C. ; Schwab, R. ; Amo-Antwi, K. ; Appiah-kubi, A. ; Konney, T. ; Tawiah, A. ; Boatey, S. ; Issaka, A. ; Korsah, M.A. ; Sheriff, M. ; Angelou, K. ; Haidopoulos, D. ; Rodolakis, A. ; Antonakis, P. ; Bramis, K. ; Chardalias, L. ; Contis, I. ; Dafnios, N. ; Dellaportas, D. ; Gklavas, A. ; Konstadoulakis, M. ; Memos, N. ; Papaconstantinou, I. ; Polydorou, A. ; Theodosopoulos, T. ; Vezakis, A. ; Antonopoulou, M.I. ; Manatakis, D.K. ; Tasis, N. ; Arkadopoulos, N. ; Danias, N. ; Economopoulou, P. ; Frountzas, M. ; Kokoropoulos, P. ; Larentzakis, A. ; Michalopoulos, N. ; Nastos, C. ; Parasyris, S. ; Pikoulis, E. ; Selmani, J. ; Vassiliu, P. ; Bouchagier, K. ; Klimopoulos, S. ; Paspaliari, D. ; Stylianidis, G. ; Akrivou, Dimitra (University of Thessaly (Volos, Grècia)) ; Baxevanidou, K. ; Bouliaris, K. ; Chatzikomnitsa, P. ; Delinasios, G. ; Doudakmanis, C. ; Efthimiou, M. ; Giaglaras, A. ; Kalfountzos, C. ; Kolla, C. ; Koukoulis, G. ; Zervas, K. ; Zourntou, S. ; Baloyiannis, I. ; Diamantis, A. ; Gkrinia, E. ; Hajiioannou, J. ; Korais, C. ; Koukoura, O. ; Perivoliotis, K. ; Saratziotis, A. ; Skoulakis, C. ; Symeonidis, D. ; Tepetes, K. ; Tzovaras, G. ; Zacharoulis, D. ; Alexoudi, V. ; Antoniades, K. ; Astreidis, I. ; Christidis, Panagiotis (General Hospital of Katerini (Katerini, Grècia)) ; Deligiannidis, D. ; Grivas, T. ; Ioannidis, O. ; Kalaitsidou, I. ; Loutzidou, L. ; Mantevas, A. ; Michailidou, D. ; Nikolaidou, Eirini (George Papanicolaou General Hospital ( Thessaloniki, Grècia)) ; Papadopoulou, S. ; Paraskevopoulos, K. ; Politis, S. ; Stavroglou, A. ; Tatsis, Dimitris (G. Papanikolaou General Hospital (Thessaloniki, Grècia)) ; Tilaveridis, I. ; Vahtsevanos, K. ; Venetis, G. ; Karaitianos, I. ; Tsirlis, T. ; Dinas, K. ; Margioula-Siarkou, C. ; Petousis, S. ; Baili, E. ; Charalabopoulos, A. (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Grècia)) ; Liakakos, T. ; Schizas, D. ; Spartalis, E. ; Syllaios, A. ; Zografos, Constantinos ; Anthoulakis, C. ; Christou, C.D. ; Papadopoulos, V. ; Tooulias, A. ; Tsolakidis, D. ; Zouzoulas, D. ; Athanasakis, E. ; Chrysos, E. ; Tsiaoussis, I. ; Xenaki, S. ; Xynos, E. ; Barrios Duarte, A. ; Lopez Muralles, I. ; Lowey, M.J. ; Portilla, A.L. ; Recinos, G. ; Chan, J.Y.K. ; Chan, S.M. ; Chong, C.C.N. ; Futaba, K. ; Ho, M.F. ; Hon, S.F. ; Lau, R.W.H. ; Mak, T.W.C. ; Ng, C.F. ; Ng, C.S.H. ; Ng, K.K.C. ; Ng, S.S.M. ; Teoh, A.Y.B. ; Teoh, J.Y. ; Foo, C.C. ; Banky, B. ; Suszták, N. ; Misra, S. ; Pareek, P. ; Vishnoi, Jeewan Ram (All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Jodhpur, Índia)) ; Ambre, S. ; Balasubiramaniyan, V. ; Chappity, P. ; Chaudhary, I. ; Colney, L. ; Das, M.K. ; Imaduddin, M. ; Jain, A. ; Jena, S.K. ; Kar, M. ; Mandal, S. ; Mishra, A. ; Mishra, S.S. ; Mishra, T.S. ; Mitra, J.K. ; Mittal, Y. ; Muduly, D.K. ; Nayak, P. ; Parida, P.K. ; Pradhan, P. ; Rajan, D.K. ; Rebba, E. ; Samal, D.K. ; Singh, A. ; Sultania, Mahesh (Bagchi-Sri Shankara Cancer Centre and Research Institute (Bhubaneswar, Índia)) ; Agarwal, S.P. ; Agrawal, A. ; Arora, R.K. ; Chaturvedi, J. ; Garg, P.K. ; Gaurav, A. ; Gupta, A. ; Kottayasamy Seenivasagam, R. ; Maharaj, D.D. ; Majumdar, Kinjal Shankar (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) ; Mishra, N. ; Mittal, A. ; Narain, T.A. ; Nirjhar, R. ; Poonia, D.R. ; Sadhasivam, S. ; Singh, M.P. ; Tiwari, A.R. ; Akula, A.K. ; Bandegudda, S.K. ; Bindlish, R.P. ; Chaitanya, A. ; Chandrasekhara Rao, L.M. ; Dalakoti, P. ; Dasu, S. ; Giridhar, A. ; Gorijavolu, N.B. ; Iyer, R.R. ; Jayakarthik, Y. ; Jonathan, G.T. ; Kalla, M.B. ; Kheni, Y. ; Kumar, C.S. ; Murtuza, S.A. ; Naidu, C.C.K. ; Nalukurthi, R.K. ; Nemade, H.O. ; Nusrath, S. ; Patnaik, S.C. ; Raju, K.V.V.N. ; Ramalingam, P.R. ; Rao, K.V. ; Rayani, B.K. ; Reddy Kallam, S.M. ; Reddy, S.R.R. ; Saksena, A.R. ; Sebastian, J.A. ; Sharma, R.M. ; Thammineedi, S.R. ; Krishnamurthy, A. ; Madhupriya, S. ; Raja, A. ; Ramakrishnan, A.S. ; Dutt, U.K. ; Grewal, S. ; Hans, P. ; Haque, P.D. ; Jain, Ritu (Christian Dental College (Ludhiana, Índia)) ; Kingsley, P.A. ; Mahajan, A. ; Mandrelle, K. ; Michael, V. ; Mukherjee, P. ; Varghese, A. ; Varghese, S.S. ; Veetil, S.K. ; Gaikwad, P. ; George, A.J. ; James, S.M. ; Jesudason, M.R. ; Mittal, R. ; Moorthy, M. ; Riju, Jeyashanth (Christian Medical College & Hospital (Tamil Nadu, Índia)) ; Sebastian, A. ; Sen, S. ; Singh, S. ; Sreekar, D. ; Thomas, V. ; Titus, D.K. ; Yezzaji, H.S. ; Aggarwal, M. ; Dhamija, P. ; Kumar, A. ; Chisthi, Meer (Government Medical College and Hospital (Thiruvananthapuram, Índia)) ; Gejoe, G. ; Gopakumar, D. ; Kollengode, V.V. ; Kuttanchettiyar, K.G. ; Yadev, I. ; Balasubramanian, A. ; Chaturvedula, L. ; Dharanipragada, K. ; Kalayarasan, R. ; Manikandan, R. ; Penumadu, P. ; Lakshminarayana, B. ; Mathew, S. ; Reddihalli, P.V. ; Shivdas, S. ; Akhtar, N. ; Chaturvedi, A. ; Gupta, S. ; Kumar, V. ; Rajan, S. ; Agrawal, N. ; Ahluwalia, P. ; Arora, A. ; Batra-Modi, K. ; Biswas, M. ; Chaturvedi, H. ; Gautam, G. ; Jain, M. ; Jain, S. ; Kumar, S. ; Nayyar, R. ; Tiwari, A. ; Bhushan Rangappa, V. ; Kadapathri, A. ; Kolur, T. ; Pethkar, R. ; Pillai, V. ; Popli, G. ; Sharma, J. ; Shetty, V. ; Subramaniam, N. ; Williams, J. ; Agarwal, P. ; Agarwal, Vikas ; Baghel, A. ; Sharma, D.B. ; Silodia, A. ; Singh, K.N. ; Yadav, S.K. ; Aziz, G. ; Chowdri, N. ; Mehraj, A. ; Parray, F.Q. ; Shah, Z.A. ; Wani, R.A. ; Ahmed, Z. ; Bali, R.S. ; Bhat, M.A. ; Laharwal, A.R. ; Mahmood, M. ; Mir, I.S. ; Muzamil, J. ; Najar, F.A. ; Rashid, A. ; Rather, M.H. ; Zaieem, M. ; Aggarwal, G. ; Agrawal, Vaibhav ; Ahmed, A. ; Ahmed, R. ; Bhaumik, J. ; Ghosh, Anik (Tata Medical Center (Kolkata, Índia)) ; Jain, D. ; Jain, P.V. ; Kewlani, V. ; Pipara, A. ; Shakya, S. ; Sharma, A. ; Thambudorai, R. ; Badwe, R.A. ; Bakshi, G. ; Chandankhede, U. ; Chaudhari, V. ; Chaukar, D. ; Chitkara, G. ; Dash, B. ; Deshmukh, A. ; deSoouza, A. ; Gulia, A. ; Maheshwari, A. ; Moiyadi, A. ; Nair, D. ; Nair, N.S. ; Niyogi, D. ; Pal, M. ; Pandey, D. ; Patkar, S. ; Poddar, P. ; Pramesh, C.S. ; Puri, A. ; Saklani, A. ; Shetty, P. ; Shrikhande, S.V. ; Singh, V. ; Thiagarajan, S. ; Islam, A.A. ; Kembuan, G. ; Pajan, H. ; Rahim, F. ; Brouki Milan, P. ; Mozafari, M. ; Rezaei Tavirani, M. ; Tizmaghz, Adnan (Iran University of Medical Sciences (Theran , Iran)) ; Safari, H. ; Aremu, M. ; Canas-Martinez, A. ; Cullivan, O. ; Murphy, C. ; Owens, P. ; Pickett, L. ; Akmenkalne, L. ; Byrne, J. ; Corrigan, M. ; Cullinane, C. ; Daly, A. ; Fleming, C. ; Jordan, P. ; Kayyal, M.Y. ; Killeen, S. ; Lynch, N. ; McCarthy, A. ; Mustafa, H. ; O'Brien, S. ; O'Leary, P. ; Syed, W.A.S. ; Vernon, L. ; O'Duffy, F. ; McHugh, A. ; Moran, T. ; Callanan, D. ; Dias, A. ; Ionescu, A. ; Sheahan, P. ; Balasubramanian, I. ; Boland, M. ; Carrington, E. ; Conlon, K. ; Evoy, D. ; Fagan, J. ; Fearon, N. ; Gallagher, T. ; Geary, E. ; Geraghty, J. ; Hanly, A. ; Heneghan, H. ; Kennedy, N. ; Kennelly, R. ; Maguire, D. ; Martin, S.T. ; McCartan, D. ; McDermott, E.W. ; McPartland, D. ; Ng, K.C. ; Prichard, R.S. ; Stafford, T. ; Winter, D. ; Alazawi, D. ; Barry, C. ; Boyle, T. ; Butt, W. ; Connolly, E. ; Donlon, N. ; Donohue, C. ; Fahey, B.A. ; Farrell, R. ; Fitzgerald, C. ; Kinsella, J. ; Larkin, J. ; Lennon, P. ; Maguire, P.J. ; Mccormick, P. ; Mehigan, B.J. ; Mohan, H. ; Nugent, T.S. ; O'Sullivan, H. ; Ravi, N. ; Reynolds, J.V. ; Rogers, A. ; Shokuhi, P. ; Smith, J. ; Smith, L.A. ; Timon, C. ; Bashir, Y. ; Bass, G. ; Connelly, T. ; Creavin, B. ; Earley, H. ; Elliott, Jessie A. (Trinity College Dublin (Irlanda)) ; Gillis, A. ; Kavanagh, D. ; Madden, A. ; Manecksha, Rustom (Trinity College Dublin (Irlanda)) ; Neary, P. ; O'Connell, C. ; O'riordan, J. ; Reynolds, I.S. ; Rice, D. ; Ridgway, P. ; Thomas, A. ; Umair, M. ; Whelan, M. ; Carroll, P. ; Corless, K. ; Finnegan, L. ; Fowler, A.L. ; Hogan, A. ; Kerin, Michael (National University of Ireland (Galway, Irlanda)) ; Lowery, A. ; McAnena, P. ; McKevitt, K. ; Ryan, None ; Coffey, J.C. ; Cunningham, R.M. ; Devine, M. ; Nally, D.M. ; Peirce, C. ; Tormey, S. ; Hardy, N. ; O'Malley, S. ; Ryan, M. ; Gaziants, V. ; Gold-Deutch, R. ; Lavy, R. ; Kalmovich-Muallem, L. ; Zmora, O. ; Macina, S. ; Mariani, Nicolò Maria (Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale Santi Paolo e Carlo (Milà, Itàlia)) ; Opocher, Enrico ; Pisani Ceretti, A. ; Ferrari, F. ; Odicino, F. ; Sartori, E. ; Cotsoglou, C. ; Granieri, S. ; Bianco, F. ; Camillo', A. ; Colledan, M. ; Tornese, S. ; Zambelli, M.F. ; Bissolotti, G. ; Fusetti, S. ; Lemma, F. ; Marino, M. ; Marino, M.V. ; Mirabella, A. ; Vaccarella, G. ; Sena, G. ; Agostini, C. ; Alemanno, G. ; Bartolini, I. ; Bergamini, C. ; Bruscino, A. ; Checcucci, C. ; De Vincenti, R. ; Di Bella, A. ; Fambrini, M. ; Fortuna, L. ; Maltinti, G. ; Muiesan, Paolo ; Petraglia, F. ; Prosperi, P. ; Ringressi, M.N. ; Risaliti, M. ; Sorbi, F. ; Taddei, A. ; Tucci, R. ; Bassi, C. ; Bortolasi, L. ; Campagnaro, T. ; Casetti, L. ; Conci, S. ; De Pastena, M. ; Esposito, A. ; Fontana, M. ; Guglielmi, A. ; Landoni, L. ; Malleo, G. ; Marchegiani, G. ; Nobile, S. ; Paiella, S. ; Pedrazzani, C. ; Rattizzato, S. ; Ruzzenente, A. ; Salvia, R. ; Turri, G. ; Tuveri, M. ; Altomare, D.F. ; Papagni, V. ; Picciariello, A. ; Bellora, Paolo (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Maggiore della Carità (Novara, Itàlia)) ; D'Aloisio, G. ; Ferrari, M. ; Francone, E. ; Gentilli, S. ; Nikaj, Herald (Azienda Ospedaliera Maggiore della Carita di Novara (Itàlia)) ; Andreani, L. ; Bianchini, M. ; Capanna, R. ; Caretto, M. ; Chiarugi, M. ; Coccolini, F. ; Cremonini, C. ; Di Franco, Gregorio (Università degli Studi di Pisa (Itàlia)) ; Domenici, L. ; Furbetta, N. ; Gadducci, A. ; Garibaldi, S. ; Gianardi, D. ; Giannini, A. ; Guadagni, S. ; Morelli, L. ; Musetti, S. ; Palmeri, M. ; Perutelli, A. ; Simoncini, T. ; Tartaglia, D. ; Anania, G. ; Carcoforo, P. ; Chiozza, M. ; De Troia, A. ; Koleva Radica, M. ; Portinari, M. ; Sibilla, M.G. ; Urbani, A. ; Fabbri, N. ; Feo, C.V. ; Gennari, S. ; Parini, S. ; Righini, E. ; Ampollini, L. ; Arcuri, M.F. ; Bellanti, L. ; Bergonzani, M. ; Bertoli, G. ; Bocchialini, G. ; Cattelani, L. ; D'Angelo, G. ; Gussago, F. ; Lanfranco, D. ; Manigrasso, E. ; Musini, L. ; Poli, T. ; Polotto, S. ; Santoro, G.P. ; Varazzani, A. ; Aguzzoli, L. ; Annessi, V. ; Borgonovo, G. ; Castro Ruiz, C. ; Coiro, S. ; Falco, G. ; Mandato, V.D. ; Mastrofilippo, V. ; Montella, M.T. ; Zizzo, M. ; Grossi, U. ; Novello, Simone ; Romano, M. ; Rossi, S. ; Zanus, G. ; Esposito, G. ; Frongia, F. ; Pisanu, A. ; Podda, M. ; Belluco, C. ; Lauretta, A. ; Montori, G. ; Moras, L. ; Olivieri, M. ; Bussu, F. ; Carta, A.G. ; Cossu, M.L. ; Cottu, P. ; Fancellu, A. ; Feo, C.F. ; Ginesu, G.C. ; Giuliani, G. ; Madonia, M. ; Perra, T. ; Piras, A. ; Porcu, A. ; Rizzo, Davide (Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Sassari (Itàlia)) ; Scanu, A.M. ; Tedde, A. ; Tedde, M. ; Aversano, A. ; Carbone, Fabio (IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital (Milà, Itàlia)) ; Delrio, P. ; Di Lauro, K. ; Fares Bucci, A. ; Rega, D. ; Spiezio, G. ; Pirozzolo, G. ; Recordare, A. ; Vignotto, C. ; Badalamenti, G. ; Campisi, G. ; Cordova, A. ; Franza, M. ; Maniaci, G. ; Rinaldi, G. ; Toia, F. ; Calabrò, M. ; Farnesi, F. ; Lunghi, E.G. ; Muratore, A. ; Pipitone Federico, N.S. ; D'Andrea, G. ; Familiari, P. ; Picotti, V. ; De Palma, G. ; Luglio, G. ; Pagano, G. ; Tropeano, F.P. ; Antonelli, B. ; Baldari, L. ; Beltramini, Giada Anna ; Boni, Luigi ; Cassinotti, E. ; Gianni', Aldo Bruno ; Pignataro, Lorenzo ; Rossi, G. ; Torretta, S. ; Abatini, C. ; Baia, M. ; Biasoni, D. ; Bogani, G. ; Cadenelli, P. ; Capizzi, V. ; Cioffi, S.P.B. ; Citterio, D. ; Comini, L.V. ; Cosimelli, M. ; Fiore, M. ; Folli, S. ; Gennaro, M. ; Giannini, L. ; Zwuqhi, S. ; Guaglio, M. ; Macchi, A. ; Martinelli, F. ; Mazzaferro, V. ; Mosca, A. ; Pasquali, S. ; Piazza, C. ; Raspagliesi, F. ; Rolli, L. ; Salvioni, R. ; Sarpietro, Giuseppe (University of Catania (Itàlia)) ; Sarre, C. ; Sorrentino, L. ; Agnes, Annamaria (Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCC (Roma, Itàlia)) ; Alfieri, S. ; Belia, F. ; Biondi, A. ; Cauteruccio, M. ; Cozza, V. ; D'Ugo, D. ; De Simone, V. ; Fagotti, A. ; Gasparini, G. ; Gordini, L. ; Litta, Francesco (Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS (Roma, Itàlia)) ; Lombardi, C.P. ; Lorenzon, L. ; Maccauro, G. ; Marra, A.A. ; Marzi, F. ; Moro, A. ; Parello, A. ; Perrone, E. ; Persiani, R. ; Ratto, C. ; Rosa, F. ; Saponaro, G. ; Scambia, G. ; Scrima, O. ; Sganga, G. ; Tudisco, R. ; Vitiello, R. ; Ziranu, A. ; Belli, A. ; Izzo, F. ; Palaia, R. ; Patrone, R. ; Carrano, Francesco Maria (Busto Arsizio Circle Hospital (Varese, Itàlia)) ; Carvello, M.M. ; De Virgilio, A. ; Di Candido, F. ; Ferreli, F. ; Gaino, F. ; Mercante, G. ; Rossi, V. ; Spinelli, A. ; Spriano, G. ; De Nardi, C. ; Donati, D.M. ; Frisoni, Tommaso ; Palmerini, E. ; Aprile, A. ; Barra, F. ; Batistotti, P. ; Ferrero, S. ; Fregatti, P. ; Massobrio, A. ; Pertile, D. ; Scabini, S. ; Soriero, D. ; Sparavigna, M. ; Adamoli, L. ; Ansarin, M. ; Cenciarelli, S. ; Chu, F. ; De Berardinis, R. ; Fumagalli Romario, U. ; Mastrilli, F. ; Pietrobon, G. ; Tagliabue, M. ; Badellino, E. ; Biglia, N. ; Chiado' Piat, F. ; Ferrero, A. ; Massobrio, R. ; De Manzoni Garberini, A. ; Mazzotti, F. ; Pasini, F. ; Ugolini, G. ; Barone, R. ; Birolo, S.L. ; Caccetta, M. ; Deirino, A. ; Garino, M. ; Grasso, M. ; Marafante, C. ; Masciandaro, A. ; Moggia, E. ; Mungo, S. ; Murgese, A. ; Raggio, E. ; Federico, P. ; Maida, P. ; Marra, E. ; Marte, G. ; Petrillo, A. ; Tammaro, T. ; Tufo, A. ; Berselli, M. ; Borroni, G. ; Cocozza, E. ; Conti, L. ; Desio, M. ; Livraghi, L. ; Marchionni, V. ; Quintodei, V. ; Rizzi, A. ; Baldi, C. ; Corbellini, C. ; Sampietro, G.M. ; Bordoni, P. ; Clarizia, G. ; Fleres, F. ; Franzini, M. ; Grechi, A. ; Longhini, A. ; Spolini, A. ; Cellerino, P. ; Galfrascoli, E. ; Iacob, G. ; Baldini, E. ; Capelli, P. ; Isolani, S.M. ; Ribolla, M. ; Bondurri, A. ; Colombo, F. ; Ferrario, L. ; Guerci, C. ; Maffioli, A. ; Armao, T. ; Ballabio, Michele (Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinic (Milà, Itàlia)) ; Bisagni, P. ; Gagliano, A. ; Longhi, M. ; Madonini, M. ; Pizzini, P. ; Baietti, A.M. ; Biasini, M. ; Maremonti, P. ; Neri, F. ; Prucher, G.M. ; Ricci, S. ; Ruggiero, F. ; Zarabini, A.G. ; Impellizzeri, H. ; Inama, M. ; Moretto, G. ; Barmasse, R. ; Mochet, S. ; Usai, A. ; Incollingo, P. ; Giacometti, M. ; Zonta, S. ; Marino Cosentino, L. ; Sagnotta, A. ; Dell'Oro, C. ; Fruscio, R. ; Grassi, T. ; Negri, Serena (Azienda Ospedaliera San Gerardo (Monza, Itàlia)) ; Nespoli, L.C. ; Tamini, N. ; Zambetti, B. ; Anastasi, A. ; Bartalucci, B. ; Bellacci, A. ; Canonico, G. ; Capezzuoli, L. ; Di Martino, C. ; Ipponi, P. ; Linari, C. ; Montelatici, M. ; Nelli, T. ; Spagni, G. ; Tirloni, L. ; Vitali, A. ; Abate, E. ; Casati, M. ; Casiraghi, T. ; Laface, L. ; Schiavo, M. ; Arminio, A. ; Cotoia, A. ; Lizzi, V. ; Vovola, F. ; Vergari, R. ; D'Ugo, S. ; Depalma, N. ; Spampinato, M.G. ; Annicchiarico, Alfredo (University of Parma (Itàlia)) ; Catena, Fausto ; Giuffrida, M. ; Perrone, G. ; Baronio, G. ; Carissimi, F. ; Montuori, M. ; Pinotti, Enrico (Azienda Ospedaliera San Gerardo (Monza, Itàlia)) ; Bartolucci, P. ; Binda, B. ; Brachini, G. ; Bruzzaniti, Placido (Ospedale Fabrizio Spaziani (Lazio, Itàlia)) ; Chiappini, A. ; Chiarella, V. ; Ciccarone, Francesca (Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli (Roma, Itàlia)) ; Cicerchia, P.M. ; Cirillo, B. ; Crocetti, D. ; De Toma, G. ; Di bartolomeo, A. ; Duranti, G. ; Fiori, E. ; Fonsi, G.B. ; Franco, G. ; Frati, A. ; Giugliano, M. ; Iannone, I. ; La Torre, F. ; Lapolla, P. ; Leonardo, C. ; Marruzzo, G. ; Meneghini, S. ; Mingoli, A. ; Ribuffo, D. ; Salvati, M. ; Santoro, A. ; Sapienza, P. ; Scafa, A.K. ; Simonelli, L. ; Zanacana, G. ; Zambon, M. ; Zuppi, E. ; Capolupo, G.T. ; Carannante, F. ; Caricato, M. ; Mascianà, G. ; Mazzotta, E. ; Gattolin, A. ; Migliore, M. ; Rimonda, R. ; Sasia, Diego (Santa Croce and Carle Hospital (Cuneo, Itàlia)) ; Travaglio, E. ; Chessa, A. ; Fiorini, A. ; Norcini, C. ; Colletti, G. ; Confalonieri, M. ; Costanzi, A. ; Frattaruolo, C. ; Mari, G. ; Monteleone, M. ; Bandiera, A. ; Bocciolone, L. ; Bonavina, G. ; Candiani, M. ; Candotti, G. ; De Nardi, P. ; Gagliardi, F. ; Medone, M. ; Mortini, Pietro (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milà, Itàlia)) ; Negri, G. ; Parise, P. ; Piloni, M. ; Sileri, P. ; Vignali, A. ; Belvedere, Angela (Ospedale sant'orsola (Bologna, Itàlia)) ; Bernante, P. ; Bertoglio, P. ; Boussedra, S. ; Brunocilla, E. ; Cervellera, M. ; Cescon, Matteo (IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna (Itàlia)) ; Cipriani, R. ; Cisternino, G. ; De Crescenzo, E. ; De Iaco, P. ; Del Gaudio, M. ; Dondi, G. ; Droghetti, M. ; Germinario, G. ; Gori, A. ; Frio, F. ; Jovine, E. ; Mineo Bianchi, F. ; Morezzi, D. ; Neri, J. ; Parlanti, D. ; Perrone, Anna Myriam (University of Bologna (Itàlia)) ; Pezzuto, A.P. ; Pignatti, M. ; Pinto, V. ; Poggioli, G. ; Ravaioli, M. ; Rottoli, M. ; Russo, I.S. ; Sartarelli, L. ; Schiavina, R. ; Serenari, Matteo (Alma Mater Studiorum Universita' di Bologna (Itàlia)) ; Serra, Margherita (IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna (Itàlia)) ; Solli, Piergiorgio (IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna (Itàlia)) ; Tonini, Valeria (University of Bologna IRCCS Sant'Orsola (Bologna, Itàlia)) ; Taffurelli, Mario (IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna (Itàlia)) ; Tanzanu, Marta (IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna (Itàlia)) ; Tesei, Marco (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (Itàlia)) ; Violante, Tommaso (Università degli Studi di Bologna (Itàlia)) ; Zanotti, Simone (IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna Policlinico S Orsola-Malpighi (Itàlia)) ; Borghi, Felice (Candiolo Cancer Institute-FPO- IRCCS (Itàlia)) ; Cianflocca, D. ; Di Maria Grimaldi, S. ; Donati, D. ; Gelarda, E. ; Geretto, P. ; Giraudo, G. ; Giuffrida, M.C. ; Maione, F. ; Marano, A. ; Palagi, S. ; Pellegrino, L. ; Peluso, C. ; Giaccardi, S. ; Testa, Valentina (ASL CN1 (Mondovì, Itàlia)) ; Agresta, Ferdinando ; Prando, D. ; Zese, M. ; Aquila, F. ; Gambacciani, C. ; Lippa, L. ; Pieri, F. ; Santonocito, O.S. ; Armatura, G. ; Bertelli, G. ; Frena, A. ; Marinello, P. ; Notte, F. ; Patauner, S. ; Scotton, G. ; Fulginiti, S. ; Sammarco, G. ; Vescio, G. ; Balercia, P. ; Catarzi, L. ; Consorti, G. ; Asti, E.L.G. ; Bernardi, D. ; Bonavina, L. ; Lovece, A. ; Di Marzo, F. ; Fujiwara, H. ; Hashimoto, D. ; Yamaki, S. ; Yamamoto, T. ; Daiko, H. ; Ishikawa, M. ; Ishiyama, K. ; Iwata, S. ; Kanematsu, K. ; Kanemitsu, Y. ; Kato, T. ; Kawai, A. ; Kobayashi, E. ; Kobayashi Kato, M. ; Moritani, K. ; Nakagawa, M. ; Nakatani, F. ; Oguma, J. ; Tanase, Y. ; Uno, M. ; Hada, T. ; Iwahashi, H. ; Miyamoto, M. ; Suminokura, J. ; Takano, M. ; Fujiwara, K. ; Fujiwara, N. ; Kurosaki, A. ; Ababneh, Hazim (Harvard Medical School (Boston, United States)) ; Al Abdallah, M. ; Ayasra, F. ; Ayasra, Y. ; Hammad, F. ; Qasem, A. ; Abu Za'nouneh, F.J. ; Al-Shraideh, A.A. ; Fahmawee, T. ; Hmedat, A. ; Ibrahim, A. ; Obeidat, K. ; Abdel Al, S. ; Abdel Jalil, R. ; Abou Chaar, M.K. ; Al-Masri, M. ; Al-Najjar, H. ; Alawneh, F. ; Alsaraireh, O. ; Elayyan, M. ; Ghanem, R. ; Lataifeh, I. ; Fakhradiyev, I. ; Saliev, T. ; Tanabayeva, Shynar (S D Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)) ; Almahmeed, H. ; Almazeedi, S. ; Alsabah, S. ; Jamal, M. ; Aldokali, N. ; Senossi, O. ; Subhi, M.T. ; Algallai, M. ; Alwarfly, S. ; AlZAEDE, S. ; Gahwagi, M. ; Moftah, M. ; Abusannoga, M. ; Alawami, A. ; Alawami, M. ; Albashri, M. ; Malek, A. ; Burgan, D. ; Kamoka, E. ; Kilani, A.I. ; Salamah,Abdulrauf A. (Tripoli Central Hospital (Típoli, Líbia)) ; Shuwayyah, A. ; Abdelkabir, M. ; Altomi, I. ; Altoumi, M. ; Bouhuwaish, A. ; Elmabri, A. ; Omar, M. ; Taher, A.S. ; Abdulwahed, Eman ; Alshareea, E. ; Aribi, N. ; Aribi, S. ; Biala, M. ; Ghamgh, R. ; Morgom, M. ; Alansari, S.A.A. ; Aldayri, Z. ; Alsoufi, A. ; Elhadi, A. ; Elhajdawe, F. ; Ellojli, I. ; ERgebi, A.A.D. ; Kredan, A. ; Msherghi, A. ; Nagib, T. ; Abudher, A. ; Alshareef, K. ; Elamin, F. ; Bradulskis, S. ; Dainius, E. ; Kubiliute, E. ; Kutkevicius, J. ; Parseliunas, A. ; Subocius, A. ; Venskutonis, D. ; Rasoaherinomenjanahary, F. ; Razafindrahita, J.B. ; Samison, L.H. ; Ong, E.C. ; Abdul Maei, N. ; Ngo, C.W. ; Ramasamy, S. ; Hamdan, K.H. ; Ibrahim, M.R. ; Tan, J.A. ; Thanapal, M.R. ; Choong, E. ; Lim, R.Z.M. ; Amin Sahid, N. ; Hayati, F. ; Jayasilan, J. ; Sriram, R.K. ; Subramaniam, S. ; Ibrahim, A.F. ; Che jusoh, A. ; Hussain, A.H. ; Mohamed Sidek, A.S. ; Mohd Yunus, M.F. ; Soh, J.Y. ; Wong, M.P. ; Zakaria, A.D. ; Zakaria, Z. ; Kampan, N. ; Mohd Azman, Z.A. ; Nur Azurah, A.G. ; Zainuddin, A.A. ; Fadzli, A.N. ; Fathi, N.Q. ; Koh, P.S. ; Liew, Y.T. ; Tang, C.Y. ; Teoh, L.Y. ; Wong, W.J. ; Xavier, R. ; Yahaya, A.S. ; Alvarez, M.R. ; Arrangoiz, R. ; Cordera, F. ; De la Rosa Abaroa, M.A. ; Gómez-Pedraza, A. ; Hernandez, R. ; Maffuz-Aziz, A. ; Posada, J.A. ; Lupián-Angulo, A.I. ; Soulé Martínez, C.E. ; Aboharp Hasan, Z. ; Alvarado Silva, C. ; Bazan Soto, A. ; Hernández Rubio, A. ; Jiménez Villanueva, X. ; Otoniel, L.R. ; Sosa Duran, EE. (Hospital Juárez de México) ; Becerra García, F.C. ; Melchor-Ruan, J. ; Romero Bañuelos, E. ; Vilar-Compte, D. ; Alfaro-Goldaracena, A. ; Buerba, G.A. ; Castillejos-Molina, R.A. ; Chan, C. ; Dominguez-Rosado, I. ; Medina-Franco, H. ; Mercado, Miguel Ángel (Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubiran (Tlalpan, Mèxic)) ; Oropeza-Aguilar, M. ; Peña Gómez Portugal, E. ; Posadas-Trujillo, O.E. ; Rodriguez-Covarrubias, F. ; Salgado-Nesme, N. ; Vilatoba, M. ; Arkha, Y. ; Bechri, H. ; El Ouahabi, A. ; Oudrhiri, M.Y. ; El Azhari, A. ; Louraoui, S.M. ; Rghioui, M. ; Bougrine, M. ; Derkaoui hassani, F. ; El abbadi, N. ; Amrani, L. ; Belkhadir, Z.H. ; Benkabbou, A. ; Chakib, O. ; El Ahmadi, B. ; El Bouazizi, Y. ; Essangri, H. ; Ghannam, A. ; Majbar, Anass Mohammed (Institut National d'Oncologie (Rabat, Marroc)) ; Mohsine, R. ; Souadka, A. ; Borgstein, A.B.J. ; Gisbertz, S.S. ; Van Berge Henegouwen, M.I. ; Hompes, R. ; Meima-van Praag, E.M. ; Pronk, A. ; Sharabiany, S. ; Grotenhuis, B. ; Hartveld, L. ; Reijers, Sophie (Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, Països Baixos)) ; Van Houdt, W. ; Baaij, J. ; Bolster-van Eenennaam, M. ; De Graaff, M. ; Sloothaak, D. ; Van Duijvendijk, P. ; Ebben, L.D.A. ; Kuiper, S.Z. ; Melenhorst, J. ; Poeze, M. ; Sluijpers, N.R.F. ; Vaassen, L.A.A. ; Posma-Bouman, L. ; Derksen, T. ; Franken, J. ; Oosterling, S. ; De Bree, R. ; Konsten, J. ; Van Heinsbergen, M. ; Adeyeye, A. ; Akinmade, A. ; Enoch, E. ; Fayose, S. ; Abur, P. ; Fidelis, L. ; Nwabuoku, S.E. ; Oyelowo, N. ; Sholadoye, T.T. ; Tolani, Musliu Adetola (Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (Zaria, Nigèria)) ; Olaogun, J. ; Abiyere, H. ; Adebara, I. ; Adeniyi, A. ; Adeyemo, O. ; Babalola, O.F ; Bakare, A. ; Banjo, O. ; Okunlola, A. ; Adeniran, A. ; Atobatele, K. ; Eke, G. ; Faboya, O. ; Ogunyemi, A. ; Omisanjo, O. ; Oshodi, O. ; Oshodi, Y. ; Williams, O. ; Ademuyiwa, A. ; Afolabi, B. ; Akinajo, O. ; Alakaloko, F. ; Atoyebi, O. ; Balogun, O. ; Belie, O. ; Bode, C. ; Chibuike George, I. ; Elebute, O. ; Ladipo-Ajayi, O.A ; Ohazurike, E. ; Okunowo, A. ; Olajide, T.O. ; Seyi-Olajide, J. ; Daniel, A. ; Egbuchulem, I.K. ; Lawal, T.A. ; Nwaorgu, O. ; Ogundoyin, O. ; Olulana, D. ; Onakoya, P. ; Oyelakin, O. ; Abdullahi, H. ; Agida, E. ; Aisuodionoe-Shadrach, O. ; Ajibola, H. ; Akaba, G. ; Sani, A.S. ; Chinda, J. ; Dawang, Y. ; Garba, S. ; Mshelbwala, P. ; Obande, J. ; Olori, S. ; Olute, A. ; Osagie, O. ; Pius Ogolekwu, I. ; Umar, A. ; Abdur-Rahman, L. ; Adeleke, N. ; Aremu, I. ; Bello, J. ; Olasehinde, O. ; Popoola, A. ; Raji, H.O. ; Massoud, J.G. ; Massoud, R. ; Sorour, T.M. ; Abassy, J. ; Ahmed, Kamran ; Alvi, A. ; Arshad, M. ; Khan, S. ; Pirzada, A. ; Saleem, A. ; Siddiqui, T. ; Turk, K. ; Hanif, F. ; Haroon, M. ; Khan, M.I. ; Jamal, A. ; Kerawala, A.A. ; Memon, A.S. ; Nafees Ahmed, R. ; Rai, L. ; Javed, S. ; Mahmood, U. ; Shabbir, R.K. ; Yaqoob, Eesha (Covid-2019 MENA Research Response (Egipte)) ; Afzal, A. ; Ahmed Riaz, S. ; Akbar, A. ; Ali, A.A. ; Ali, G. ; Janjua, A. ; Mohsin, M. ; Naqi, S.A. ; Saleem, I. ; Shaukat, A. ; Sohail, M. ; Afzal, M.F. ; Khokhar, M.I. ; Latif, F. ; Ayub, B. ; Hassan, N. ; Martins, R.S. ; Ramesh, P. ; Sayyed, R. ; Ayyaz, M. ; Butt, U.I ; Kashif, M. ; Khan, W.H. ; Qureshi, A.U. ; Umar, M. ; Waris Farooka, M. ; Wasim, T. ; Bhatti, A.B.H. ; Ayubi, A. ; Rashid, I. ; Waqar, S.H. ; Al-Slaibi, I. ; I. A. Alzeerelhouseini, H. ; Jobran, F. ; Abukhalaf, S.A. ; Arrue, E. ; Cukier, M. ; Rodriguez-Zentner, H. ; Borda-Luque, G. ; León Palacios, J.L. ; Lizzetti, G. ; Vasquez Ojeda, X.P. ; Falcon Pacheco, G.M. ; Robles, R. ; Jocson, R. ; Teh, C. ; Uy Magadia, E. ; Major, P. ; Bak, M. ; Dubienska, K. ; Lawnicka, A. ; Murawa, D. ; Bobinski, M. ; Kotarski, J. ; Rasoul-Pelinska, K. ; Brociek, A. ; Chloupek, A. ; Janik, M. ; Kowalewski, P. ; Kwiatkowski, A. ; Panasiewicz, P. ; Roszkowski, R. ; Rot, P. ; Sroczynski, P. ; Waledziak, Maciej (Military Institute of Medicine (Warsaw, Polònia)) ; Azevedo, C. ; Machado, D. ; Mendes, F. ; De Sousa, X. ; Fernandes, U. ; Ferreira, C. ; Guidi, G. ; Leal, C. ; Marçal, A. ; Marques, R. ; Martins, D. ; Melo, A. ; Tenreiro, N. ; Vaz Pereira, R. ; Vieira, B. ; Almeida, J.I. ; Almeida-Reis, R. ; Correia de Sá, T. ; Costa, M.J.M.A. ; Fernandes, V. ; Ferraz, I. ; Lima da Cruz, L. ; Lima da Silva, C. ; Lopes, L. ; Machado, N. ; Marialva, J. ; Nunes Coelho, M. ; Pedro, J. ; Pereira, C. ; Ribeiro, A. ; Ribeiro, C.G. ; Santos, R. ; Saraiva, P. ; Silva, R.L. ; Tavares, F. ; Teixeira, M. ; Valente, P. ; Almeida, A.C. ; Amaral, M.J. ; Andrade, R. ; Athayde Nemésio, R. ; Breda, D. ; Camacho, C. ; Canhoto, C. ; Colino, M. ; Correia, S. ; Costa, M. ; De Barros, J. ; De Oliveira López, A.L. ; Duque, M. ; Garrido, S. ; Guerreiro, P. ; Guimarães, A. ; Lázaro, A. ; Lopes, C. ; Martins, R. ; Nogueira, O. ; Oliveira, A. ; Oliveira, J.M. ; Rodrigues, M. ; Ruivo, A. ; Santos, E. ; Silva, M. ; Simões, J. ; Valente da Costa, A. ; Almeida, A. ; Castanheira Rodrigues, S. ; Cavaleiro Leitão de Carvalho, A.S. ; Devezas, V. ; Faria, C.S. ; Jácome, F. ; Magalhães Maia, M. ; Nogueiro, J. ; Pereira, A. ; Pereira-Neves, A. ; Pina-Vaz, T. ; Santos-Sousa, H. ; Silveira, H. ; Vaz, S. ; Vieira, P. ; Gomes da Costa, A. ; Lobo Antunes, I. ; Pinto, J. ; Tojal, A. ; Cardoso, N. ; Cardoso, P. ; Domingues, J.C. ; Henriques, P. ; Manso, M.I. ; Martins dos Santos, G. ; Morais, H. ; Pereira, R. ; Revez, T. ; Ribeiro, R. ; Ribeiro, V.I. ; Soares, A. ; Sousa, S. ; Teixeira, J. ; Amorim, E. ; Baptista, V.H. ; Cunha, M.F. ; Dias, B. ; Fazenda, A. ; Melo Neves, J.P. ; Policarpo, F. ; Sampaio da Nóvoa Gomes Miguel, I.I. ; Veiga, D. ; Bandovas, J.P. ; Borges, N. ; Branquinho, A. ; Chumbinho, B. ; Correia, J. ; Fidalgo, H. ; Figueiredo de Barros, I. ; Frade, S. ; Gomes, J. ; Kam da Silva Andrade, A. ; Maciel, J. ; Pereira Rodrigues, A. ; Pina, S. ; Silva, N. ; Silveira Nunes, I. ; Sousa, R. ; Ascensão, J. ; Azevedo, P. ; Costeira, B. ; Cunha, C. ; Garrido, R. ; Gomes, H. ; Lourenço, I. ; Mendinhos, G. ; Miranda, P. ; Nobre Pinto, A. ; Peralta Ferreira, M. ; Ribeiro, J. ; Rio Rodrigues, L. ; Sousa Fernandes, M. ; Azevedo, J. ; Galvão, D. ; Soares, A.C. ; Vieira, A. ; Patrício, B. ; Santos, P.M.D.D. ; Vieira Paiva Lopes, A.C. ; Cunha, R. ; Faustino, A. ; Freitas, A. ; Jacob Oliveira, B. ; Martins, A.B. ; Mendes, J.R. ; Parreira, R. ; Rosa, J. ; Teves, M. ; Abreu da Silva, A. ; Claro, M. ; Costa Santos, D. ; Deus, A.C. ; Grilo, J.V. ; Castro Borges, F. ; Corte Real, J. ; Henriques, S. ; Lima, M.J. ; Matos Costa, P. ; Alagoa Joao, A. ; Camarneiro, R. ; Capunge, I. ; Fragoso, M. ; Frazão, J. ; Martins, A. ; Pedro, V. ; Pera, R. ; Ramalho de Almeida, F. ; Sampaio Soares, A. ; Vale, R. ; Vasconcelos, M. ; Brito da Silva, F. ; Caiado, A. ; Fonseca, F. ; Ângelo, M. ; Baiao, J.M. ; Martins Jordão, D. ; Vieira Caroço, T. ; Messias, J. ; Millan, A. ; Salgado, I. ; Santos, P. ; Baía, C. ; Canotilho, R. ; Correia, A.M. ; Ferreira Pinto, A.P. ; Peyroteo, M. ; Videira, J.F. ; Escobar, P. ; Maldonado Santiago, M. ; Kassir, R. ; Sauvat, F. ; Bonci, E. ; Gata, V. ; Titu, S. ; Bezede, C. ; Chitul, A. ; Ciofic, E. ; Cristian, D. ; Grama, F. ; Pirtea, L. ; Secosan, C. ; Ciubotaru, C. ; Negoi, I. ; Negoita, V.M. ; Stoica, B. ; Ginghina, O. ; Iordache, N. ; Iosifescu, R.V. ; Mardare, M. ; Mirica, R.M. ; Spanu, A. ; Văcărasu, Andrei Bogdan (Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Sfantul Ioan (Bucarest, Romania)) ; Zamfir-Chiru-Anton, M. ; Garmanova, T. ; Kazachenko, E. ; Markaryan, D. ; Rodimov, S. ; Tsarkov, P. ; Tulina, I. ; Abelevich, A. ; Bazaev, A. ; Kokobelyan, A.K. ; Yanishev, A. ; Litvin, A. ; Litvina, Y. ; Provozina, A. ; Agapov, M. ; Galliamov, E. ; Kakotkin, V. ; Kubyshkin, V. ; Semina, E. ; Novikova, A. ; Zakharenko, A. ; Alshahrani, M. ; Alsharif, F. ; Eskander, M. ; Al Raddadi, R. ; Majrashi, S. ; Mashat, A. ; Akeel, N. ; Alharthi, M. ; Aljiffry, M. ; Basendowah, M. ; Farsi, A. ; Ghunaim, M. ; Khoja, A. ; Maghrabi, A. ; Malibary, N. ; Nassif, M. ; Nawawi, A. ; Samkari, A. ; Trabulsi, N. ; A Azab, M. ; Aldosri, M. ; Alghanem, A. ; Alguraigari, A. ; ALjohani, K. ; Alqahtani, D. ; Alzaidi, T.M. ; Basyouni, A. ; Elhussain, E. ; Jaloun, H. ; Mudawi, I. ; Shafei, M. ; Al Awwad, S. ; Alghamdi, M. ; Alnumani, T. ; Nasser, M. ; Said bayazeed, A. ; Abdelrhman, S. ; Awad, S. ; Ghedan, S. ; I Sharara, M. ; Mashaly, A. ; Aburahmah, M. ; Al Otaibi, F. ; Al-alem, I. ; Al-Badawi, I.A. ; AlDahash, H. ; Alhazzaa, N. ; Alhefdhi, A. ; Alhelal, B. ; AlKattan, K. ; Almalik, O. ; Alomair, A. ; Alomar, Osama ; Alotaibi, N.H. ; Alresaini, F. ; Alrifai, O. ; Alsakka, M. ; Alsalamah, R. ; Alsemari, M. ; Alsobhi, S. ; AlSumai, T. ; Farrash, F. ; Khan, P. ; Mahasin, Z. ; Othman, E. ; Pant, R. ; Robaidi, H. ; Saleh, W. ; Shaheen, M. ; Spangenberg, P. ; Velagapudi, S. ; Al Habes, H. ; Alkarak, S. ; Alqannas, M. ; Alyami, M. ; Alzamanan, M. ; Cortés-Guiral, D. ; Elawad, A. ; Adi, H. ; Al ahmad, F. ; Al Ayed, A. ; Al zahrani, A. ; Alalawi, Y. ; Alishi, Y. ; Alqahtani, B. ; AlAamer, O. ; Alriyees, L. ; Alselaim, N. ; Alfaifi, J. ; Alkreedees, N. ; Almutrafi, S.N. ; Alramadhan, M. ; Alshitwi, A. ; D'Souza, J. ; Abdulkareem, A. ; Ajlan, A. ; Akkour, K. ; Al-Habib, A. ; Al-Khayal, K. ; Alatar, A. ; Alburakan, A. ; Alhalal, H. ; Alhassan, B. ; Alhassan, N. ; Aljassir, F. ; Alobeed, O. ; Alsaif, A. ; Alsaif, F. ; Alshammari, S. ; Alshaygy, I. ; Barry, Mazin (Université d'Ottawa (Canadà)) ; Bin Nasser, A. ; Bin Traiki, T. ; Bokhari, A. ; Elwatidy, S. ; Helmi, H. ; Madkhali, A. ; Nouh, T. ; Rabah, P.D. ; Zubaidi, Ahmad (College of Medicine (Riyadh, Aràbia Saudita)) ; Al Amri, A. ; Abdulfattah, F. ; Al Hasan, I. ; Al-Kharashi, E. ; Alanazi, F. ; Albaqami, F. ; Alghamdi, A. ; Alghuliga, A. ; Aljaber, F. ; Alsowaina, K. ; Alsuhaibani, A. ; Arab, N. ; Badahdah, F.A ; Alobaysi, S. ; Alshahrani, A. ; Paunovic, I. ; Slijepcevic, N. ; Aleksic, L. ; Antic, A. ; Barisic, G. ; Ceranic, M. ; Ebrahimi, K. ; Galun, D. ; Grubac, None ; Ivanovic, N. ; Jelenkovic, J. ; Kecmanovic, D. ; Kmezic, S. ; Knezevic, D. ; Krivokapic, Z. ; Latincic, Stojan (Clinical Centre of Belgrade (Sèrbia)) ; Markovic, V. ; Matic, S. ; Miladinov, M. ; Pavlov, M. ; Pejovic, I. ; Radenkovic, D. ; Sabljak, P. ; Skrobic, O. ; Šljukic, V. ; Tadic, B. ; Vasljevic, J. ; Velickovic, D. ; Zivanovic, M. ; Doklestic, K. ; Gregoric, P. ; Ivancevic, N. ; Loncar, Z. ; Micic, D. ; Perovic, M. ; Srbinovic, L. ; Andrijasevic, S. ; Bozanovic, T. ; Cerovic Popovic, R. ; Dokic, M. ; Janjic, Tijana (Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics. Clinical center of Serbia) ; Jeremic Stefanovic, Katarina (University of Belgrade (Sèrbia)) ; Kadija, S. ; Ladjevic Likic, I. ; Mirkovic, L. ; Pantovic, S. ; Pilic, Igor (Klinicki Centar Srbije (Belgrat, Sèrbia)) ; Radojevic, M. ; Stefanovic, A. ; Vidakovic, S. ; Vilendecic, Z. ; Antic, S. ; Dunderovic, D. ; Jelovac, D. ; Jezdic, Z. ; Konstantinovic, V. ; Kotlar, B. ; Kuzmanovic, C. ; Lazic, M. ; Pajic, S. ; Petrovic, M. ; Popovic, F. ; Pucar, A. ; Romic, M. ; Sumrak, S. ; Vujanac, V. ; Bascarevic, V. ; Bogdanovic, I. ; Grujicic, D. ; Ilic, R. ; Jokovic, M. ; Milicevic, M. ; Milisavljevic, F. ; Miljkovic, A. ; Paunovic, A. ; Šcepanovic, V. ; Stanimirovic, A. ; Todorovic, M. ; Folic, M. ; Jotic, A. ; Krejovic Trivic, S. ; Milovanovic, J. ; Trivic, A. ; Bumbasirevic, U. ; Dzamic, Z. ; Kajmakovic, B. ; Prijovic, N. ; Zivkovic, M. ; Buta, M. ; Cvetkovic, A. ; Djurisic, I. ; Gacic, S. ; Goran, M. ; Inic, Z. ; Jeftic, N. ; Jevric, M. ; Jokic, V. ; Markovic, Ivan (University of Belgrade (Sèrbia)) ; Milanovic, M. ; Nikolic, S. ; Pejnovic, L. ; Savkovic, N. ; Spurnic, I. ; Stevic, D. ; Stojiljkovic, D. ; Vucic, N. ; Zegarac, M. ; Karamarkovic, A. ; Kenic, M. ; Kovacevic, B. ; Krdzic, I. ; Milutinovic, V. ; Savic, G. ; Chan, C.W. ; Lieske, B. ; Gális, B. ; Šimko, K. ; Cokan, A. ; Crnobrnja, B. ; Dovnik, A. ; Knez, J. ; Pakiž, M. ; Almgla, N. ; Bernon, M. ; Boutall, A. ; Cairncross, L. ; Chinnery, G. ; Herman, A. ; Hilton, T. ; Jonas, E. ; Kloppers, Christo (Groote Schuur Hospital (Observatory, Sud-àfrica)) ; Malherbe, F. ; Mugla, W. ; Nel, D. ; Rayamajhi, S. ; Scriba, M. ; Van Wyngaard, T. ; Vogel, J. ; Castaño-Leon, A.M. ; Delgado Fernandez, J. ; Eiriz Fernandez, C. ; Espino Segura-Illa, M. ; Esteban Sinovas, O. ; Garcia Perez, D. ; Gomez, P. ; Jimenez-Roldan, L. ; Lagares, Alfonso (Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (Madrid)) ; Moreno-Gomez, L. ; Paredes, I. ; Pérez Núñez, A. ; Sánchez Aniceto, G. ; Santas Alegret, M. ; Fernández Rodríguez, P. ; Paniagua García-Señoráns, Marta (Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo) ; Sanchez-Santos, R. ; Vigorita, V. ; Acrich, E. ; Baena Sanfeliu, E. ; Barrios, O. ; Golda, T. ; Santanach, C. ; Serrano-Navidad, M. ; Sorribas Grifell, M. ; Vives, R.V. ; Arce Gil, J. ; Escolà, D. ; Jiménez, A. ; Alcázar, J.A. ; Angoso-Clavijo, M. ; Blanco-Antona, F. ; Carabias-Orgaz, A. ; Díaz Maag, R. ; Eguía Larrea, M. ; Esteban Velasco, C. ; Garcia, J. ; García-Plaza, A.G.P. ; Gonzalez-Muñoz, J.I. ; Muñoz-Bellvis, L. ; Parreño-Manchado, F.C. ; Sánchez Tocino, J.M. ; Sanchez-Casado, A.B. ; Trebol, J. ; Hernandez Gutierrez, J. ; Tébar Zamora, A. ; Sánchez Mozo, A. ; Cayetano Paniagua, L. ; Gomez Fernandez, L. ; Artigues, E. ; Bernal-Sprekelsen, J.C. ; Catalá Bauset, Juan Carlos (Consorci Hospital General Universitari (València)) ; Gilabert-Estellés, J. ; Collera, P. ; Diaz Del Gobbo, R. ; Farre Font, R. ; Flores Clotet, R. ; Gómez Díaz, C.J. ; Guàrdia, N. ; Guariglia, C.A. ; Osorio, A. ; Sanchez Jimenez, R. ; Sanchon, L. ; Soto Montesinos, C. ; Albi Martin, B. ; García Villayzán, J.E. ; Alonso-Lamberti, L. ; Assaf, M. ; Baeza Pintado, N. ; Carabias-Orgaz, A ; García-Quijada, J. ; Huertas Fernandez, M.A. ; Jimenez Miramón, J. ; Jimenez, V. ; Jover, J.M. ; Landeo Agüero, S.A. ; Leon, R. ; Martín Salamanca, M.B. ; Pérez Simón, V. ; Ponce, S. ; Rodriguez, J.L. ; Salazar, A. ; Valle Rubio, A. ; Aguado, Héctor J ; Aldecoa Ansorregui, I. ; Bravo Infante, R. ; De Lacy, F.B. ; Di Somma, A. ; Díaz-Feijoo, B. ; Enseñat Nora, J. ; Fabregas, N. ; Ferrés, A. ; Gil Ibañez, B. ; González Sánchez, Juan José ; Gracia, I. ; Hoyos Castro, J.A. ; Lacy Fortuny, Antonio Ma. de ; Langdon, Cristobal (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Momblán, D. ; Morales, X. ; Oleaga, L. ; Otero, A. ; Pedrosa, L. ; Poblete Carrizo, J. ; Reyes Figueroa, L.A. ; Roldan Ramos, P. ; Rumia-Arboix, J. ; Tercero-Uribe, A.I. ; Topczewski, Thomaz E. (Hospital Clinic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Torales, J. ; Torne, A. ; Torné, R. ; Turrado-Rodriguez, V. ; Valero, Ricard (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Valverde, S. ; Anula, R. ; Avellana, R. ; Camarero Rodríguez, E. ; Catalán Garza, V. ; Dziakova, J. ; García Alonso, M. ; Lasses Martínez, B. ; López Antoñanzas, L. ; Muguerza, J.M. ; Ochagavía, S. ; Peña Soria, M.J. ; Rivera-Alonso, D. ; Saez Carlin, P. ; Sánchez del Pueblo, C. ; Sanz Ortega, G. ; Sanz-Lopez, R. ; Torres, A. ; Garcés-Albir, M. ; Lopez, F. ; Martín-Arévalo, J. ; Moro-Valdezate, D. ; Pla-Marti, V. ; Beltrán de Heredia, J. ; De Andrés-Asenjo, B. ; Gómez Sanz, T. ; Jezieniecki, C. ; Nuñez Del Barrio, H. ; Ortiz de Solórzano Aurusa, F.J. ; Romero de Diego, A. ; Ruiz Soriano, M. ; Trujillo Díaz, J. ; Vazquez Fernandez, A. ; Lora-Cumplido, P. ; Sosa, M.V. ; Balaguè Ponz, Carmen (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Ballester, Eulalia ; Moral Duarte, Antonio (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Sánchez López, Anna (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Targarona, Eduardo M. (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Galvan-Perez, A. ; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, E. ; Minaya Bravo, A.M. ; San Miguel-Mendez, C. ; Alonso de la Fuente, N. ; Cazador Labat, M. ; Cecchini, Lluís ; Espinosa, C.A. ; Jimenez Toscano, M. ; López Campillo, A. ; Mancebo, G. ; Martorell, P. ; Munarriz, M. ; Grau-Talens, E.J. ; Martin-Perez, B. ; Benavides Buleje, J.A. ; Carrasco Prats, M. ; Fernández, P.V. ; Fernández-López, A. ; García Escudero, D. ; García Porcel, V.J. ; Garcia Soria, V. ; Giménez Francés, C. ; González Valverde, F.M. ; Gurrea-Almela, E. ; López-Morales, P. ; Marco Garrido, A. ; Martínez Alonso, J.A. ; Medina, E. ; Muñoz Camarena, J.M. ; Parra Baños, Pedro Antonio ; Peña Ros, E. ; Ramirez Faraco, M. ; Ruiz-Marín, M. ; Sanchez Rodriguez, C. ; Valero Soriano, M. ; Allué Cabañuz, M. ; Colsa Gutiérrez, P. ; García Domínguez, M. ; Gimenez Maurel, T. ; Martín Anoro, L.F. ; Ponchietti, Luca (Hospital General San Jorge (Osca, Aragó)) ; Rodriguez Artigas, J.M. ; Roldón Golet, M. ; Utrilla Fornals, A. ; Estaire Gómez, M. ; Fernández Camuñas, None ; Garcia Santos, E.P. ; Jimenez Higuera, E. ; López de la Manzanara Cano, C.A. ; Martínez-Pinedo, C. ; Moreno Pérez, A. ; Muñoz-Atienza, V. ; Padilla-Valverde, D. ; Picón Rodríguez, R. ; Redondo Calvo, F.J. ; Sánchez-García, S. ; Sanchez-Pelaez, D. ; Curtis Martínez, C. ; Fernández-Candela, A. ; Sánchez-Guillén, L. ; Colombari, R.C. ; Del valle, E. ; Fernández, M. ; Lozano Lominchar, P. ; Rey Valcarcel, C. ; Steiner, M.A. ; Tudela, M. ; Zorrilla Ortúzar, J. ; Alcaide Matas, Fernando (Hospital General Mateu Orfila (Mahon, Balears)) ; García Pérez, J.M. ; Troncoso Pereira, P. ; Blas Laina, J.L. ; Cros, B. ; Escartin, J. ; Garcia Egea, J. ; Nogués, A. ; Talal El-Abur, I. ; Yánez, C. ; Mora-Guzmán, I. ; Cárdenas Puiggrós, L. ; Abellán, M. ; Achalandabaso Boira, M. ; Jorba, Rosa (Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII de Tarragona (Catalunya)) ; Memba Ikuga, R. ; Olona, C. ; Sales Mallafré, R. ; Aguilo, O. ; Cavallé Busquets, P. ; Gavalda Pellice, M.G.P. ; Jorda Sole, M. ; Mateu, I. ; Miralles Curto, M. ; Salinas Peña, J. ; Fernández Martínez, D. ; García Flórez, Luis Joaquín (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; Solar-Garcia, L. ; Aragon Achig, E.J. ; Barbier, L. ; Caja Vivancos, P. ; Gainza, A. ; García Gutierrez, J.J. ; García-Operé, G. ; Gómez-Suárez, J. ; Jiménez-Jiménez, M. ; Mallabiabarrena Ormaechea, G. ; Marín, H. ; Martin Playa, P. ; Melchor Corcóstegui, I. ; Municio-Martín, J.A. ; Oñate, M. ; Pascua-Gómez, L.A. ; Pesántez Peralta, M.A. ; Prieto Calvo, M. ; Rodriguez Fraga, A. ; Villalabeitia Ateca, I. ; De Andres Olabarria, U. ; Durán Ballesteros, M. ; Fernández Pablos, F.J. ; Ibáñez-Aguirre, F.J. ; Sanz Larrainzar, A. ; Ugarte-Sierra, B. ; Acosta Mérida, M.A. ; Ortiz López, D. ; Yepes Cano, A.F. ; Correa Bonito, A. ; De la Hoz Rodríguez, None ; Delgado Búrdalo, L. ; Di Martino, M. ; García Sánz, I. ; García Septiem, J. ; Maqueda González, R. ; Martin-Perez, E. ; Muñoz de Nova, J.L. ; Calvo Espino, P. ; Guillamot Ruano, P. ; Colao García, L. ; Díaz Pérez, D. ; Esteban Agustí, E. ; Galindo Jara, P. ; Gutierrez Samaniego, M. ; Hernandez Bartolome, M.A. ; Serrano González, J. ; Alonso Poza, A. ; Diéguez, B. ; García-Conde, M. ; Hernández-García, M. ; Losada, M. ; Chiesa-Estomba, Carlos Miguel ; González García, J. ; Larruscain, E. ; Sistiaga-Suárez, J.A. ; Alvarez, E. ; Chavarrias, N. ; Frías, L. ; García Pineda, V. ; Gegúndez Simón, A. ; Gómez Rivas, J. ; Gortázar de las Casas, S. ; Gracia, M. ; Guevara, J. ; Hernández Gutierrez, A. ; Loayza, A. ; María Dolores, D.T. ; Martí, C. ; Melendez, M. ; Moreno-Palacios, E. ; Perez, Y. ; Prieto Nieto, M.I. ; Ramos-Martín, P. ; Rubio-Perez, I. ; Saavedra, J. ; Sánchez Méndez, J.I. ; Siegrist Ridruejo, J. ; Toribio Vazquez, C. ; Urbieta, A. ; Yebes, A. ; Zapardiel, I. ; Aparicio-López, D. ; Cantalejo diaz, M. ; De Miguel Ardevines, M.D.C. ; Dobón Rascón, Miguel Ángel (Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (Saragossa)) ; Duque-Mallén, V. ; Gascon Ferrer, I. ; González-Nicolás Trébol, M.T. ; Gracia-Roche, C. ; Herrero Lopez, M. ; Jariod Ferrer, U.M. ; Kälviäinen, H. ; Lanzon, A. ; Martinez German, A. ; Matute, M. ; Redondo, C. ; Sánchez Fuentes, N. ; Santero-Ramirez, M.S. ; Saudí, S. ; Simón Sanz, M.V. ; Uson, T. ; Blazquez Martin, A. ; Diez Alonso, M. ; García Rico, E. ; Garcia-Loarte Gomez, E. ; Garcia-Moreno Nisa, F. ; Gutiérrez Calvo, Alberto ; Hernandez, P. ; Lasa, Inmaculada (Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid)) ; Mendoza-Moreno, Fernando (Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid)) ; Morales Palacios, Nelson (Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid)) ; Acero, J. ; Vera Mansilla, Cristina (Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid)) ; Acero, J. ; Haddad, A. ; Barranquero, A.G. ; Caballero Silva, Usue (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Cabañero Sánchez, Alberto (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Cavestany Garcia-Matres, Cristina (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Cerro Zaballos, C. ; Fra Fernández, Sara (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Moreno Mata, Nicolás (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Muñoz Molina, Gemma María (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Núñez, J. ; Ocaña, J. ; Ramos, D. ; Acebes García, Fernando (Hospital Universitario Río Hortega (Valladolid)) ; Bailón, Martín (Hospital Universitario Río Hortega (Valladolid)) ; Bueno Cañones, Alejandro David (Hospital Universitario Río Hortega (Valladolid)) ; Choolani Bhojwani, E. ; Marcos-Santos, Pablo (Hospital Universitario Río Hortega (Valladolid)) ; Miguel, T. ; Pacheco Sánchez, David (Hospital Universitario Río Hortega (Valladolid)) ; Pérez-Saborido, Baltasar (Hospital Universitario Río Hortega (Valladolid)) ; Sanchez Gonzalez, J. ; Tejero-Pintor, F.J. ; Alconchel, F. ; Conesa, A. ; Gil Martínez, J. ; Gutiérrez Fernández, A.I. ; Lopez-Abad, Alicia (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Nicolás-López, T. ; Ramirez Romero, P. ; Roca Calvo, M.J. ; Rodrigues, K. ; Ruiz Manzanera, J.J. ; Soriano, A.I. ; Cano, A. ; Capitan-Morales, Luis-Cristobal (Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Cirugía) ; Cintas Catena, Juan (Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Gomez-Rosado, Juan Carlos (Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Cirugía) ; Oliva Mompean, Fernando (Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Cirugía) ; Pérez Sánchez, M.A. (Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Río Lafuente, Francisco D. (Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Cirugía) ; Torres Arcos, Cristina (Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Cirugía) ; Valdes-Hernandez, Javier (Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Cirugía) ; Bruna Esteban, Marcos (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (València)) ; Cholewa, H. ; Domingo, S. ; Frasson, M. ; Lago, V. ; Marina Martin, T. ; Martínez Chicote, C. ; Sancho-Muriel, J. ; Estraviz-Mateos, B. ; Fernández Gómez Cruzado, L. ; González de Miguel, M. ; Landaluce-olavarria, A. ; Lecumberri, D. ; Abad Gurumeta, Alfredo (Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor (Madrid)) ; Abad-Motos, A. ; Martínez-Hurtado, E. ; Ripollés-Melchor, J. ; Ruiz Escobar, A. ; Cuadrado-García, Angel (Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía (Madrid)) ; Garcia-Sancho Tellez, L. ; Heras Aznar, J. ; Maté Mate, P. ; Ortega Vázquez, I. ; Picardo, A.L. ; Rojo López, J.A. ; Sanchez Cabezudo Noguera, F. ; Serralta de Colsa, D. ; Anchuelo Latorre, J. ; Cagigas Fernández, Carmen ; Caiña Ruiz, R. ; Fernandez Diaz, M.J. ; Gomez Ruiz, M. ; Hernanz, F. ; Jimeno Fraile, J. ; Martínez-Pérez, P. ; Poch, C. ; Santarrufina Martinez, S. ; Valbuena Jabares, V. ; Moliner-Sachez, C. ; Pingarron-Martin, L. ; Rey-Biel, J. ; Ruiz Martin, I. ; Cagigal Ortega, E.P. ; Cervera, I. ; Díaz Peña, P. ; Garcia de Castro Rubio, E. ; Enjuto, D. ; Fernández Bernabé, P. ; Garcés García, R. ; Gonzalez, J. ; Hernández, I. ; Herrera-Merino, N. ; Marqueta De Salas, M. ; Martinez Pascual, P. ; Perez Gonzalez, M. ; Ramos Bonilla, A. ; Rodríguez Gómez, L. ; Alfonso Garcia, M. ; Craus-Miguel, A. ; Fernández Vega, L. ; Ferrer-Inaebnit, Ester (Hospital Universitari Son Espases (Palma de Mallorca, Balears)) ; Gil Catalán, A. ; González Argente, F.X. ; Jeri, S. ; Oseira, A. ; Pujol Cano, N. ; Soldevila Verdeguer, C. ; Villalonga, B. ; Bescós-Atin, Coro ; Blanco-Colino, Ruth ; Braña, Irene ; Caimari, B. ; de Pablo García-Cuenca, Alba ; Duran-Valles, F. ; Espin-Basany, Eloy ; Giralt López de Sagredo, J. ; Pamias Romero, Jorge ; Prat, N. ; Pujol Pina, Rosa ; Saez-Barba, Manel ; Arulanantham, A. ; Bandara, G.B.K.D. ; Jayarajah, U. ; Ravindrakumar, S. ; Rodrigo, V.S.D. ; Ali Adil, A.A. ; Elhafiz, M.H.Y. ; Ali, E.E. ; Awadelkarim, M. ; Bakheit, I. ; Elbahri, H. ; Hamid, H.K.S. ; Essa, M.E.A. ; Ahmed, A.A. ; Hassan, A. ; Hilles, M.M.Y. ; Saleh, M. ; Arkani, S. ; Freedman, J. ; Elbe, P. ; Lindqvist, E.K. ; Angenete, E. ; Park, J. ; Taflin, H. ; Greiff, L. ; Hagander, L. ; Älgå, A. ; Heinius, G. ; Nordberg, M. ; Pieniowski, E. ; Gkekas, I. ; Löfgren, N. ; Rutegård, M. ; Sund, M. ; Arigoni, M. ; Bernasconi, M. ; Christoforidis, D. ; Di Giuseppe, M. ; La Regina, D. ; Mongelli, F. ; Chevallay, M. ; Dwidar, O. ; Gialamas, E. ; Sauvain, M. ; Giger, R. ; Hool, S. ; Klenke, F. ; Kollàr, A. ; Kurze, C. ; Mueller, S.A. ; Kiessling, S. ; Stoeckli, S. ; Adamina, Michel ; Bächler, T. ; Crugnale, A.S. ; Giardini, M. ; Guglielmetti, L. ; Peros, G. ; Solimene, F. ; Gass, M. ; Metzger, J. ; Scheiwiller, A. ; Gutschow, Christian A. ; Turina, M. ; Al Asadi, T. ; Alkhateb, S. ; Altom, R. ; Bakkar, B. ; Maa Albared, S. ; Melhem, S. ; Hamdan, A. ; Hammed, A. ; Hammed, S. ; Hossain, M. ; Mahfoud, M. ; Moussa, A. ; Alsayyad, R. ; Alsrouji, S. ; Ashour, G. ; Hareth Al-Nahr, M. ; Slitin, A. ; Tanos, C. ; Kacem, M.J. ; Maghrebi, H. ; Sebai, A. ; Aghayeva, A. ; Hamzaoglu, I. ; Sahin, I. ; Akaydin, E. ; Aliyeva, Z. ; Aytac, E. ; Baca, B. ; Dülgeroglu, O. ; Ozben, V. ; Ozmen, B.B. ; Uras, C. ; Arikan, Akif Enes (Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University (Istanbul, Turquia)) ; Bilgin, I.A. ; Bozkirli, B. ; Ceyhan, G.O. ; Kara, H. ; Karahasanoglu, T. ; Celik, H. ; Meydanli, M.M. ; Akbas, A. ; Altinel, Y. ; Calikoglu, F. ; Ercan, G. ; Ercetin, C. ; Hacim, N.A. ; Meriç, S. ; Tokocin, M. ; Vartanoglu, T. ; Yigitbas, H. ; Akilli, H. ; Ayhan, A. ; Kuscu, E. ; Dogangün, M. ; Iflazoglu, N. ; Yalkin, None ; Turna, A. ; Onan, M.A. ; Akgor, U. ; Cennet, O. ; Dincer, H.A. ; Erol, T. ; Gultekin, M. ; Orhan, N. ; Ozgul, N. ; Salman, M.C. ; Soyak, B. ; Aydemir, L. ; Basaran, B. ; Sen, C. ; Ulusan, Murat (Istanbul University (Turquia)) ; Açikgöz, A.S. ; Alhamed, A. ; Aykanat, Y. ; Bese, T. ; Cebi, S. ; Demirkiran, F. ; Ergün, S. ; Kayan, B. ; OZcelik, M.F. ; Sanli, A.N. ; Uludag, S.S. ; Velidedeoglu, M. ; Zengin, A.K. ; Bozkurt, M.A. ; Kara, Y. ; Kocatas, A. ; Candas Altinbas, B. ; Çekiç, A.B. ; Eyuboglu, K. ; Guner, A. ; Türkyilmaz, S. ; Usta, M.A. ; Cimenoglu, B. ; Demirhan, R. ; Saracoglu, K. ; Azamat, I.F. ; Balik, E. ; Bugra, D. ; Giray, B. ; Kulle, C.B. ; Taskiran, C. ; Vatansever, D. ; Güler, S.A. ; Güresin, A. ; Tatar, O.C. ; Utkan, N.Z. ; Yildirim, A. ; Yüksel, E. ; Abbasov, A. ; Yanar, H. ; Ugurlu, M.U. ; Akin Korhan, E ; Altintoprak, F. ; Bayhan, Z. ; Cakmak, G. ; Çapoglu, Recayi (Sakarya Üniversites (Serdivan, Turquia)) ; Çelebi, F. ; Demir, H. ; Dikicier, E. ; Firat, N. ; Gönüllü, E. ; Kamburoglu, M.B. ; Kocer, B. ; Küçük, I.F. ; Mantoglu, B. ; Çolak, E. ; Kucuk, G.O. ; Uyanik, M.S. ; Goksoy, B. ; Bozkurt, E. ; Citgez, B. ; Mihmanli, M. ; Tanal, M. ; Yetkin, G. ; Akalin, M. ; Arican, C. ; Avci, E.K. ; Aydin, C. ; Emiroglu, M. ; Kaya, T. ; Kebabçi, E. ; Kilinc, G. ; Kirmizi, Y. ; Ögücü, H. ; Salimoglu, S. ; Sert, I. ; Tugmen, C. ; Tuncer, K. ; Uslu, G. ; Yesilyurt, D. ; Karaman, E. ; Kolusari, A. ; Yildiz, A. ; Gultekin, F.A. ; Lule, H. ; Oguttu, B. ; Abdelgalil, K. ; Agilinko, J. ; Ahmeidat, A. ; Barabasz, M. ; Bekheit, M. ; Cheung, L.K. ; Colloc, T. ; Cymes, W. ; Elhusseini, M. ; Gradinariu, George (Golden Jubilee National Hospital (Glasgow, Escòcia)) ; Hannah, A. ; Kamera, B.S. ; Mignot, G. ; Shaikh, S. ; Sharma, P. ; Abu-Nayla, I. ; Al-Mohammad, A. ; Ali, S. ; Ashcroft, J. ; Azizi, A. ; Baker, O. ; Balakrishnan, A. ; Byrne, M. ; Colquhoun, A. ; Cotter, A. ; Coughlin, Patrick (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (Regne Unit)) ; Davies, R.J. ; Durrani, A. ; Elshaer, M. ; Fordington, S. ; Forouhi, P. ; Georgiades, F. ; Grimes, H. ; Habeeb, A. ; Hudson, V. ; Hutchinson, P. ; Irune, E. ; Jah, A. ; Khan, D.Z. ; Kolias, A. ; Kyriacou, H. ; Lamb, B. ; Liau, S. ; Luke, L. ; Mahmoud, R. ; Mannion, R. ; Masterson, L. ; Mitrofan, C. ; Mohan, M. ; Morris, A. ; Murphy, S. ; O'Neill, J.R. ; Price, S. ; Pushpa-rajah, J. ; Raby-Smith, W. ; Ramzi, J. ; Rooney, S.M. ; Santarius, T. ; Singh, A.A. ; Stewart, G.D. ; Tan, X.S. ; Townson, A. ; Tweedle, E. ; Walker, C. ; Waseem, S. ; Yordanov, S. ; Jones, T. ; Kattakayam, A. ; Loh, C. ; Lunevicius, R. ; Nunes, Q. ; Pringle, S. ; Schache, A. ; Shaw, R. ; Sheel, A. ; Sud, A. ; Sundhu, M. ; Rossborough, C. ; Angelou, D. ; Choynowski, M. ; McAree, B. ; McCanny, A. ; Neely, D. ; Kamel, F. ; Kumar, L. ; Madani, R. ; Nisar, P. ; Tutoveanu, G. ; Bittar, M.N. ; Creanga, M. ; Elniel, M. ; Law, J. ; Youssef, M. ; Ahad, S. ; De La Cruz Monroy, M.F.I. ; Hashem, Mohamed (Assiut University Faculty of Science (Egipte)) ; Langlands, F. ; Mosley, F. ; Oktseloglou, V. ; Omar, I. ; Patel, F. ; Alanbuki, A. ; Patel, M. ; Shabana, A. ; Rathinaezhil, R. ; Perera, E. ; Raveendran, D. ; Ravi-Shankar, K. ; Thiruchelvam, J. ; Che Bakri, N.A. ; Jawad, Z. ; Jiao, L. ; Nazarian, S. ; Vashisht, R. ; Arrowsmith, L. ; Campbell, W. ; Grove, T. ; Kontovounisios, C. ; Warren, O. ; Rolland, P. ; Aggarwal, A. ; Brown, S. ; Jelley, C. ; Neal, N. ; Kaur, R. ; Leung, E. ; Sundar, S. ; Doulias, T. ; Li, M. ; Martin, E. ; Rodwell, H. ; Clifford, R. ; Eardley, N. ; Krishnan, E. ; Manu, N. ; Roy Mahapatra, S. ; Serevina, O.L. ; Smith, C. ; Vimalachandran, D. ; Bordenave, M. ; Houston, R. ; Putnam, G. ; Robson, A. ; Tustin, H. ; Emslie, K. ; Labib, P.L. ; Marchbank, A. ; Miller, D. ; Minto, G. ; Natale, J. ; Nwinee, H. ; Panahi, Pedram ; Rogers, L. ; Abubakar, A. ; Akhter Rahman, M.M. ; O'Brien, H. ; Sasapu, K. ; Inglis, R. ; Ng, H.J. ; De Gea Rico, A. ; Ghazali, N. ; Lambert, J. ; Markose, G. ; Math, S. ; Sarantitis, I. ; Shreshtha, D. ; Simpson, R. ; Sonanis, S. ; Sultana, A. ; Taggarsi, M. ; Timbrell, S. ; Vaz, O.P. ; Vitone, L. ; Day, A. ; Dent, H. ; Fahim, M. ; Waheed, S. ; Hunt, A. ; Laskar, N. ; Steinke, J. ; Thrumurthy, S. ; Massie, E. ; McGivern, K. ; Rutherford, D. ; Wilson, M. ; Hardie, J. ; Kazzaz, S. ; Bacarese-Hamilton, T. ; Ip, M. ; James, A. ; Salerno, G. ; Stockdale, T. ; Handa, S. ; Kaushal, M. ; Kler, A. ; Patel, P. ; Redfern, J. ; Tezas, S. ; Aawsaj, Y. ; Amonkar, S. ; Blackwell, L. ; Blake, D. ; Carter, J. ; Emerson, H. ; Fisher, A. ; Katory, M. ; Korompelis, P. ; McCormick, W. ; Mustafa, A. ; Pearce, L. ; Ratnavelu, N. ; Reehal, R. ; Damola, A. ; Kretzmer, L. ; Lalou, L. ; Lim, P. ; Manku, B. ; Parwaiz, I. ; Sandher, M. ; Stafford, J. ; Abdelkarim, M. ; Asqalan, A. ; Gala, T. ; Ibrahim, S. ; Maw, A. ; Mithany, R. ; Morgan, R. ; Sundaram Venkatesan, G. ; Holroyd, D. ; Jamieson, N. ; Jones, C. ; Shin, J.S. ; Ang, K. ; Caruana, E.J. ; Chandarana, K. ; Chowdhry, M.F. ; Mohammad, A. ; Nakas, A. ; Rathinam, S. ; Banfield, D. ; Boal, M. ; Brown, O. ; Dean, Harry ; Dwerryhouse, S. ; Higgs, S. ; Vallance, A. ; Boyd, E. ; Irvine, V. ; Kirk, A. ; Bakolas, G. ; Boulton, A. ; Chandock, A. ; Khan, T. ; Kumar, M. ; Agoston, P. ; Billè, A. ; Challacombe, B. ; Fraser, S. ; Harrison-Phipps, K. ; King, J. ; McCrindle, S. ; Mehra, G. ; Mills, L. ; Najdy, M. ; Nath, R. ; Okiror, L. ; Pilling, J. ; Rizzo, V. ; Routledge, T. ; Sayasneh, A. ; Stroman, L. ; Wali, A. ; Fehervari, M. ; Fotopoulou, C. ; Habib, N. ; Hamrang-Yousefi, S. ; Pai, M. ; Ploski, J. ; Rajagopal, P. ; Saso, S. ; Sodergren, M. ; Spalding, D. ; Laws, S. ; Hardie, C. ; McNaught, C. ; Alam, R. ; Budacan, A. ; Cahill, J. ; Kalkat, M. ; Karandikar, S. ; Kenyon, L. ; Naumann, David N. (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust) ; Patel, A. ; Chen, F. ; Cheung, J. ; Ayorinde, J. ; Chase, T. ; Cuming, T. ; Ghanbari, A. ; Humphreys, L. ; Tayeh, S. ; Aboelkassem Ibrahim, A. ; Bichoo, R. ; Cao, H. ; Chai, A.K.W. ; Choudhury, J. ; Evans, C. ; Fitzjohn, H. ; Ikram, H. ; Khalifa, E. ; Langstroth, M. ; Loubani, Mahmoud (Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (Hull, Regne Unit)) ; McMillan, A. ; Nazir, S. ; Qadri, S.S.A. ; Robinson, A. ; Ross, E. ; Sehgal, T. ; Wilkins, A. ; Dixon, J. ; Dunning, J. ; Freystaetter, K. ; Jha, M. ; Kusuma, V.R.M. ; Lester, S. ; Madhavan, A. ; Thulasiraman, S.V. ; Viswanath, Y. ; Curl-Roper, Thomas (Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (Norwich, Regne Unit)) ; Delimpalta, C. ; Liao, C.C.L. ; Velchuru, V. ; Westwood, E. ; Belcher, E. ; Bond-Smith, G. ; Chidambaram, S. ; Di Chiara, F. ; Fasanmade, K. ; Fraser, L. ; Fu, H. ; Ganau, M. ; Gore, S. ; Goricar, M. ; Graystone, J. ; Jeyaretna, D. ; Khatkar, H. ; Lami, M. ; Maher, M. ; Mastoridis, S. ; McVeigh, J. ; Mihai, R. ; Myatt, R. ; Piper, R. ; Prabhu, S. ; Shah, K. ; Selbong, U. ; Shah, K. ; Silva, P. ; Smillie, R. ; Soleymani majd, Hooman (Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Regne Unit)) ; Sravanam, S. ; Stavroulias, D. ; Tebala, G.D. ; Vatish, M. ; Verberne, C. ; Wallwork, K. ; Williams, M.A. ; Winter, S.C. ; Ahmed, Iftiquar ; Djouani, A. ; Eddy, B. ; Folkard, S. ; Hassan, F. ; Kommu, Sashi S. (East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (Canterbury, Regne Unit)) ; Papadopoulos, G. ; Simoes, A. ; Streeter, E. ; Tait-Bailey, J. ; Thomas, M. ; Wang, Wanxin (East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (Canterbury, Regne Unit)) ; Yao, M. ; Anscomb, N. ; Baldwin-Smith, R. ; Davies, M. ; Grainger, C. ; Haji, A. ; Haq, A. ; Nunoo-Mensah, J.W. ; Rizk, M. ; Bhatti, M.I. ; Boyd-Carson, H. ; Elsey, E. ; Gemmill, E. ; Herrod, P. ; Jibreel, M. ; Lenzi, E. ; Saafan, T. ; Sapre, D. ; Sian, T. ; Watson, N. ; Athanasiou, A. ; Borg, E. ; Bourke, G. ; Bradshaw, L. ; Brunelli, A. ; Burke, J. ; Coe, P. ; Costigan, F. ; Elkadi, H. ; Ho, M. ; Johnstone, J. ; Kanatas, Anastasios (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (Leeds, Regne Unit)) ; Kantola, V. ; Kaufmann, A. ; Laios, A. ; Lam, S. ; MacInnes, E. ; Munot, S. ; Nahm, C. ; Otify, M. ; Pompili, C. ; Raslan, M. ; Salminen, H. ; Smith, I. ; Theophilou, G. ; Toogood, Giles (University of Leeds (Regne Unit)) ; Wade, R. ; Ward, D. ; West, C. ; Al-Harbawee, A. ; Alharawee, A. ; Annamalai, S. ; Ashmore, C. ; Boddy, A. ; Hossain, T. ; Irvine, E. ; Kassam, K. ; Kourdouli, A. ; Chean, C.S. ; Dharamavaram, S. ; Gvaramadze, A. ; Jibril, A. ; Kulkarni, N. ; Pereira, I. ; Prusty, L. ; Shanthakunalan, K. ; Srikumar, B. ; Thekkinkattil, Dinesh (National Health Service NHS (Lincoln, Regne Unit)) ; Adegbola, Samuel O. (St. Mark's Hospital (Harrow, Regne Unit)) ; Menakaya, C. ; Noel, Jonathan (Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (Londres, Regne Unit)) ; Harky, A. ; Shackcloth, M. ; Askari, A. ; Cirocchi, N. ; Kudchadkar, Shantata (St. Richard's Hospital (Chichester, Regne Unit)) ; Patel, K. ; Sagar, J. ; Shaw, S. ; Talwar, R. ; Abdalla, M. ; Edmondson, R. ; Ismail, O. ; Jones, D. ; Newton, K. ; Stylianides, N. ; Aderombi, A. ; Andaleeb, U. ; Bajomo, O. ; Beatson, K. ; Garrett, W. ; Mehmood, M. ; Ng, V. ; Al-Habsi, R. ; Brimioulle, M. ; Divya, G.S. ; Keeler, B. ; Soulsby, R.E. ; Taylor, A. ; Al-Sarireh, B. ; Clancy, R. ; Cripps, P. ; Dobbs, T. ; Egan, R. ; Fabre, I. ; Harries, R. ; Henry, A. ; Kittur, M. ; Li, Z. ; Parkins, K. ; Soliman, F. ; Spencer, N. ; Thompson, D. ; Burgess, C. ; Gemmell, C. ; Grieco, C. ; Hollyman, M. ; Hunt, L. ; Morrison, J. ; Ojha, S. ; Abbadessa, F. ; Barnard, S. ; Dawe, N. ; Hammond, John Stotesbury (Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Regne Unit)) ; Koshy, R.M. ; Mahmoud Ali, F. ; McPherson, I. ; Mellor, C. ; Moir, J. ; Pandanaboyana, S. ; Powell, J. ; Rai, B. ; Roy, C. ; Sachdeva, A. ; Saleh, C. ; Tingle, S. ; Williams, T. ; Manickavasagam, J. ; McDonald, C. ; McGrath, N. ; McSorley, N. ; Ragupathy, K. ; Ramsay, L. ; Solth, A. ; Aristotelous, C. ; Kakisi, O. ; Seebah, K. ; Shaikh, I. ; Sreedharan, L. ; Touil, L. ; Shah, J. ; Ameerally, P. ; Baguley, M. ; Gnanachandran, C. ; Heer, B. ; Rogers, M. ; Woods, R. ; Aujayeb, A. ; Mills, S. ; Abu, J. ; Addae-Boateng, E. ; Bratt, D. ; Brock, L. ; Burnside, N. ; Cadwell-Sneath, S. ; Gajjar, K. ; Gan, C. ; Grundy, C. ; Hallam, K. ; Hassell, K. ; Hawari, M. ; Joshi, A. ; Khout, H. ; Konstantinidi, K. ; Lee, R.X.N. ; Nunns, D. ; Schiemer, R. ; Walton, T. ; Weaver, H. ; Whisker, L. ; Williamson, K. ; Ahmed, M.E. ; Bukhari, S.I. ; Illingworth, B. ; Kanthasamy, S. ; Knights, E. ; Ong, S.L. ; Pujari, R. ; Tan, K.H.M. ; Vanker, R. ; Michel, M. ; Patil, S. ; Ravindran, S. ; Sarveswaran, J. ; Scott, L. ; Biliatis, I. ; Edmond, M. ; King, E. ; Babawale, O. ; Hodgson, D. ; Ismail, M. ; Khan, J. ; Lokman, U. ; Phan, Y.C. ; Almond, M. ; Bhangu, A. ; Breik, O. ; Cato, L.D. ; Chowdhury, Y.A. ; Desai, A. ; Ford, S. ; Griffiths, E. ; Idle, M. ; Kamal, M. ; Karia, K. ; Kisiel, A. ; Kulkarni, R. ; Mak, J.K.C. ; Martin, T. ; Parente, A. ; Parmar, S. ; Pathanki, A.M. ; Phelan, L. ; Praveen, P. ; Saeed, Saeed ; Sharma, N. ; Singh, J. ; Solomou, G. ; Soon, W.C. ; Stevens, A. ; Tirotta, F. ; Topham, C. ; Ughratdar, I. ; Vijayan, D. ; Ballantyne, K. ; Barker, L. ; Chapman, K. ; Charalambous, M. ; Chianakwalam, C. ; English, C. ; Evans, J. ; Fell, A. ; Frimpong, D. ; Halkias, Constantine ; Iyer, R. ; Merh, R. ; Neagu, G. ; Nikolaou, S. ; Poddar, A. ; Pronisceva, V. ; Reddy, V. ; Williams, N. ; Alakandy, L. ; Bhattathiri, P. ; Brown, J. ; Canty, M. ; Day, E. ; Geddes, A. ; Grivas, A. ; Hassan, S. ; Lammy, Simon (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Glasgow, Escòcia)) ; Littlechild, P. ; Maseland, C. ; Mathieson, C. ; McCaul, J. ; McMahon, J. ; O'Kane, R. ; St. George, E. ; Suttner, N. ; Taylor, W. ; Tilling, E. ; English, W. ; Kaul, S. ; Khan, A.H. ; Khan, F. ; Mansuri, A. ; Mukherjee, S. ; Sarigul, M. ; Tan, K.L. ; Vulliamy, P. ; Woodham, A. ; Yang, Y.H. ; Adiamah, A. ; Brewer, H. ; Chowdhury, A. ; Humes, D. ; Jackman, J. ; Koh, A. ; Lewis-Lloyd, C. ; Navarro, A. ; Oyende, Olamide (Queen Medical Centre (Nottingham, Regne Unit)) ; Reilly, J. ; Vohra, R. ; Worku, D. ; Cool, P. ; Cribb, G. ; Shepherd, K. ; Bisset, C. ; Moug, S. ; Chadha, R. ; Elson, N. ; Galleano, R. ; Faulkner, G. ; Langone, A. ; Panayi, Z. ; Saleh, P. ; Tuminello, F. ; Underwood, C. ; Brixton, G. ; Findlay, L. ; Klatte, T. ; Majkowska, A. ; Manson, J. ; Potter, R. ; Al-Khyatt, W. ; Bhalla, A. ; Chia, Z. ; Daliya, P. ; Goyal, A. ; Grimley, E. ; Hamad, A. ; Malcolm, F.L. ; Ng, J.C.K. ; Phillips, A. ; Theophilidou, E. ; Williams, S. ; Bowden, J. ; Campain, N. ; Daniels, I. ; Fowler, G. ; John, J. ; Massey, L. ; McDermott, F. ; McGrath, J. ; McLennan, A. ; Ng, Michael (Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (Devon, Regne Unit)) ; Pascoe, J. ; Rajaretnam, N. ; Angamuthu, N. ; Bulathsinhala, S. ; Chowdhury, S. ; Davidson, B. ; Fusai, G. ; Gilliland, J. ; Hart, C. ; Hidalgo Salinas, C. ; Knowles, J. ; Machairas, Nikolaos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Grècia)) ; Mirnezami, R. ; Pissanou, T. ; Pollok, J.M. ; Raptis, D.A. ; Soggiu, F. ; Tzerbinis, H. ; Varcada, M. ; Xyda, S. ; Beamish, A. ; Davies, E. ; Foulkes, R. ; Magowan, D. ; Nassa, H. ; Ooi, R. ; Price, C. ; Smith, L. ; Solari, F. ; Tang, A. ; Williams, G. ; Abd Kahar, N.N. ; Al-Tamimi, Y. ; Bacon, A. ; Beasley, N. ; Catto, James (University of Sheffield Medical School (Sheffield, Regne Unit)) ; Chan, L.H. ; Chew, D. ; Crank, M. ; Ilenkovan, N. ; Macdonald, M. ; Narice, B. ; Rominiyi, O. ; Saad, S. ; Sinha, S. ; Thompson, A. ; Varley, I. ; Brennan, P. ; Drake, T. ; Harrison, E.M. ; Linder, G. ; Mayes, J. ; McGregor, R. ; Pasricha, R. ; Skipworth, R.J.E. ; Zamvar, Vipin (Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (Escòcia)) ; Hawkin, P. ; Raymond, T. ; Ryska, O. ; Baron, R. ; Dunne, D. ; Gahunia, S. ; Halloran, C. ; Howes, N. ; McKinney, R. ; McNicol, F. ; Rajput, K. ; Russ, J. ; Sutton, Rosemary ; Szatmary, P. ; Tan, J.R. ; Whelan, P. ; Anzak, A. ; Banerjee, A. ; Fuwa, O. ; Hughes, F. ; Jayasinghe, J.D. ; Knowles, C. ; Kocher, H.M. ; Leal Silva, I. ; Ledesma, F.S. ; Minicozzi, A. ; Navaratne, L. ; Patki, P. ; Rahman, R. ; Ramamoorthy, R. ; Sohrabi, C. ; Tanabalan, C. ; Thaha, M. ; Thakur, B. ; Venn, M. ; Yip, V. ; Baumber, R. ; Parry, J. ; Evans, S. ; Jeys, L. ; Morris, G. ; Parry, M. ; Ahmadi, N. ; Aresu, G. ; Barrett-Brown, Z.M. ; Coonar, A. ; Durio Yates, H. ; Gearon, D. ; Hogan, J. ; King, M. ; Peryt, A. ; Pradeep, I.S. ; Adishesh, M. ; Atherton, R. ; Baxter, K. ; Brocklehurst, M. ; Chaudhury, M. ; Krishnamohan, N. ; McAleer, J. ; Owens, G. ; Parkin, E. ; Patkar, P. ; Phang, I. ; Aladeojebi, A. ; Ali, M. ; Barmayehvar, B. ; Gaunt, A. ; Gowda, M. ; Halliday, E. ; Kitchen, M. ; Mansour, F. ; Nanjaiah, P. ; Zakai, D. ; Abbassi-Ghadi, N. ; Assalaarachchi, H. ; Currie, A. ; Flavin, M. ; Frampton, A. ; Hague, M. ; Hammer, C. ; Hopper, J. ; Horsnell, J. ; Humphries, S. ; Kamocka, A. ; Madhuri, T.K. ; Preston, S. ; Singh, P. ; Stebbing, J. ; Tailor, A. ; Walker, D. ; Coomber, E. ; Jaunoo, S. ; Kennedy, L. ; Airey, A. ; Bunni, J. ; Crowley, R. ; Fairhurst, K. ; Frost, J. ; George, R. ; Lee, S. ; Mitchell, S. ; Phull, J. ; Richards, S. ; Aljanadi, F. ; Campbell, A. ; Glass, A. ; Hraishawi, I. ; Jones, M. ; McIlmunn, C. ; McIntosh, S. ; Mhandu, P. ; O'Donnell, C. ; Turkington, R. ; Al-Ishaq, Z. ; Bhasin, S. ; Bodla, A.S. ; Burahee, A. ; Crichton, A. ; El-Ghobashy, Alaa (The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (West Midlands, Regne Unit)) ; Fossett, R. ; Pigadas, N. ; Rahman, E. ; Snee, D. ; Vidya, R. ; Yassin, N. ; Fountain, D. ; Hasan, M.T. ; Karabatsou, K. ; Laurente, R. ; Pathmanaban, O. ; Barlow, C. ; Ding, D. ; Foster, J. ; Longstaff, L. ; Brett-Miller, C. ; Buruiana, F.E. ; Al-mukhtar, A. ; Giblin, A. ; Kelty, C. ; Lee, M. ; Lye, G. ; Newman, T. ; Sharkey, A. ; Steele, C. ; Sureshkumar Shah, N. ; Whitehall, E. ; Blair, J. ; Lakhiani, A. ; Parry-Smith, W. ; Sahu, B. ; Athwal, R. ; Baker, A. ; Jones, L. ; Konstantinou, C. ; Ramcharan, S. ; Vatish, J. ; Wilkin, R. ; Alzetani, A. ; Amer, K. ; Badran, A. ; Colvin, H.V. ; Ethunandan, M. ; Sekhon, G.K. ; Shakoor, Z. ; Shields, H. ; Singh, R. ; Talbot, T. ; Wensley, F. ; Lawday, S. ; Lyons, A. ; Newman, S. ; Chung, E. ; Hagger, R. ; Hainsworth, A. ; Hunt, I. ; Karim, A. ; Owen, H. ; Ramwell, A. ; Santhirakumaran, G. ; Smelt, J. ; Tan, C. ; Vaughan, P. ; Williams, K. ; Baker, C. ; Davies, A. ; Gossage, J. ; Kelly, M. ; Knight, W. ; Bromage, Steve ; Hall, J. ; Kaushik, V. ; Rudic, M. ; Vallabh, N. ; Zhang, Y. ; Harris, G. ; James, Greg (University College London (Regne Unit)) ; Kang, C. ; Lin, D.J. ; Rajgor, A.D. ; Royle, T. ; Scurrah, R. ; Steel, B. ; Watson, Laura Jayne (Sunderland Royal Hospital (Sunderland, Regne Unit)) ; Choi, D. ; Hutchison, R. ; Luoma, V. ; Marcus, H.J. ; May, R. ; Menon, A. ; Pramodana, B. ; Webber, L. ; Hayes, A. ; Jones, R. ; Sivarajah, G. ; Smith, M. ; Smrke, A. ; Strauss, D. ; Abouelela, F.A.M. ; Aneke, I.A. ; Asaad, P. ; Brown, B. ; Collis, J. ; Duff, S. ; Khan, A. ; Moura, F. ; Taylor, M. ; Wadham, B. ; Warburton, H. ; Elmoslemany, T. ; Millward, C.P. ; Zakaria, R. ; Mccluney, S. ; Parmar, C. ; Shah, S. ; Allison, J. ; Babar, M.S. ; Bowen, J. ; Collard, B. ; Goodrum, S. ; Lau, K. ; Sargent, M. ; Scott, R. ; Thomas, E. ; Whitmore, H. ; Balasubramaniam, D. ; Jayasankar, B. ; Kapoor, S. ; Ramachandran, A. ; Semple, C. ; Elhamshary, A. ; Imam, S.M.B. ; Kapriniotis, K. ; Lindsay, J. ; Rakhshani-Moghadam, S. ; Beech, N. ; Chand, M. ; Green, L. ; Kalavrezos, N. ; Kiconco, H. ; McEwen, R. ; Schilling, C. ; Sinha, D. ; Pereca, J. ; Chopra, S. ; Egbeare, D. ; Thomas, R. ; Arumugam, S. ; Ibrahim, B. ; Khan, K. ; Combellack, T. ; Hill, G. ; Jones, S. ; Kornaszewska, M. ; Mohammed, M. ; Tahhan, G. ; Valtzoglou, V. ; Blencowe, N. ; Eskander, P. ; Gash, K. ; Gourbault, L. ; Hanna, M. ; Maccabe, T.A. ; Main, B. ; Olivier, James (Southmead Hospital (Bristol, Regne Unit)) ; Newton, C. ; Roswadowski, S. ; Ryan, N. ; Teh, E. ; West, D. ; Al-omishy, H. ; Baig, M. ; Bates, H. ; Di Taranto, G. ; Dickson, K. ; Dunne, N. ; Gill, C. ; Howe, D. ; Jeevan, D. ; Khajuria, A. ; Martin-Ucar, Antonio Eduardo ; McEvoy, K. ; Naredla, P. ; Robertson, S. ; Sait, M. ; Sarma, D.R. ; Shanbhag, S. ; Shortland, T. ; Simmonds, S. ; Skillman, J. ; Tewari, N. ; Walton, G. ; Akhtar, M.A. ; Brunt, A. ; McIntyre, J. ; Milne, K. ; Rashid, M.M. ; Sgrò, A. ; Stewart, K.E. ; Turnbull, A. ; Abou-Foul, A.K. ; Gossedge, G. ; O'Donnell, S. ; Oldfield, F. ; Thomson, S. ; Aguilar Gonzalez, M. ; Talukder, S. ; Boyle, C. ; Fernando, D. ; Gallagher, K. ; Laird, A. ; Tham, D. ; Bath, M. ; Basnyat, P. ; Davis, H. ; Montauban, P. ; Shrestha, A. ; Agarwal, K. ; Arif, T. ; Magee, C. ; Nambirajan, T. ; Powell, S. ; Vinayagam, R. ; Flindall, I. ; Hanson, A. ; Mahendran, V. ; Green, S. ; Lim, M. ; MacDonald, L. ; Miu, V. ; Onos, L. ; Sheridan, K. ; Young, R. ; Alam, Florencia ; Griffiths, O. ; Houlden, C. ; Kolli, V.S. ; Lala, A.K. ; Leeson, S. ; Peevor, R. ; Seymour, Z. ; Consorti, E. ; Gonzalez, R. ; Grolman, R. ; Kwan-Feinberg, R. ; Liu, T. ; Merzlikin, O. ; Brown, A. ; Cooper, Z. ; Hirji, S. ; Jolissaint, J. ; Mahvi, D. ; Okafor, B. ; Raut, C.P. ; Roxo, V. ; Salim, A. ; Bessen, Sarah (The Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, Estats Units)) ; Chen, L. ; Dagrosa, L. ; Fay, K. ; Fleischer, C. ; Hasson, R. ; Henderson, Elisabet ; Leech, M. ; Loehrer, A. ; Markey, C. ; Paydarfar, J. ; Rosenkranz, K. ; Telma, K. ; Tocci, N. ; Wilkinson-Ryan, I. ; Bokenkamp, M. ; Brown, K. ; Fleming, D. ; Heron, C. ; Hill, C. ; Kay, H. ; Leede, E. ; McElhinney, K. ; Olson, K.A. ; Osterberg, E.C. ; Riley, C. ; Srikanth, P. ; Barbour, J. ; Blazer, D. ; DiLalla, G.A. ; Fayanju, O. ; Hwang, E.S. ; Kahmke, R. ; Kazaure, H. ; Lazarides, A. ; Lee, W. ; Lidsky, M. ; Menendez, Carolyn (Duke University (Durham, Estats Units)) ; Moris, D. ; Plichta, J. ; Pradhan, M.C. ; Puscas, L. ; Rice, H.E. ; Rocke, D. ; Rosenberger, L. ; Scheri, R. ; Smith, B.D. ; Stang, M.T. ; Tolnitch, L. ; Turnage, K. ; Visgauss, J. ; Walton, F.S. ; Watts, T. ; Zani, S. ; Farma, J. ; Cardona, K. ; Russell, M.C. ; Clark, J. ; Kwon, D. ; Goel, N. ; Kronenfeld, J. ; Bigelow, B. ; Etchill, E. ; Gabre-Kidan, A. ; Jenny, H. ; Kent, A. ; Ladd, M.R. ; Long, C. ; Malapati, H. ; Margalit, A. ; Rapaport, S. ; Rose, J. ; Stevens, K. ; Tsai, L. ; Vervoort, D. ; Yesantharao, P. ; Dehal, A. ; Klaristenfeld, D. ; Huynh, K. ; Kaafarani, H. ; Naar, L. ; Qadan, M. ; Brown, L. ; Ganly, I. ; Mullinax, J.E. ; Alpert, N. ; Gillezeau, C. ; Miles, D.D.S. ; Taioli, E. ; Cha, D.E. ; Gleeson, Elizabeth (University of Edinburgh (Escòcia)) ; Horn, C. ; Sarpel, U. ; Gusani, N. ; Hazelton, J. ; Maines, J. ; Oh, J.S. ; Ssentongo, A. ; Ssentongo, P. ; Bhama, A. ; Colling, K. ; Najarian, M. ; Azam, M. ; Choudhry, A. ; Marx, W. ; Abedin, Y. ; Arzumanov, G. ; Chokshi, R. ; Gabrilovich, S. ; Glass, N. ; Kalyoussef, E. ; Parvin-Nejad, F.P. ; Roden, D. ; Stein, J. ; Suarez-Ligon, A. ; Tsui, G. ; Zhao, K. ; Fleming, J. ; Fuson, A. ; Gigliotti, J. ; Ovaitt, A. ; Ying, Y. ; Abel, M.K. ; Andaya, V. ; Bigay, K. ; Boeck, M.A. ; Chern, H. ; Corvera, C. ; El-Sayed, I. ; Glencer, A. ; Ha, P. ; Hamilton, B.C.S. ; Heaton, C. ; Hirose, K. ; Jablons, D.M. ; Kirkwood, K.S. ; Kornblith, L.Z. ; Kratz, J.R. ; Lee, Rex H. (UCSF School of Medicine (San Francisco, Estats Units)) ; Miller, P.N. ; Nakakura, E.K. ; Nunez-Garcia, B. ; O'Donnell, R.J. ; Ozgediz, D. ; Park, P. ; Robinson, B. ; Sarin, A. ; Sheu, B. ; Varma, M.G. ; Wai, K.C. ; Wustrack, R. ; Xu, M.J. ; Zimel, M. ; Beswick, D. ; Goddard, J. ; Manor, J. ; Song, J. ; Cioci, Alessia (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Pavlis, William (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Rakoczy, Kyla (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ruiz, German Mínguez (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Saberi, Rebecca A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Fullmer, Tanner M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Gaskill, Cameron E. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Gross, N. ; Kiong, Kimberley (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Roland, Christina Lynn (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Zafar, Syed Nabeel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Abdallah, Mahieddine (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Abouassi, A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Aigbivbalu, E. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Eid, J. ; George, B. ; Kulkarni, Girish Baburao (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Marwan, Hisham (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Mehdi, M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; San Andrés, M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Sundaresan, J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Aoun, Salah G. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ban, V.S. ; Batjer, H.H. ; Bosler, K. ; Caruso, J. ; Sumer, B. ; Abbott, D. ; Acher, A. ; Aiken, Taylor (University of Wisconsin Madison. COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Barrett, J. ; Foley, E. ; Schwartz, Patrick (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Hawkins, Alexander T. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Maiga, Amelia Walling (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ruzgar, Nensi Melissa (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Sion, Melanie Kay (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ullrich, Sarah J. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Laufer, Joel (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Scasso, Santiago (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Al-Naggar, Hamza M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Al-Shehari,Mohammed Mohammed (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Almassaudi, A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Alsayadi, Musaed M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Alsayadi, Ramzi A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Nahshal, Maha M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Shream, Sarah A. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; AL-Ameri, Sarah (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Aldawbali, M. (COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Sen, C.
Background: Surgery is the main modality of cure for solid cancers and was prioritised to continue during COVID-19 outbreaks. This study aimed to identify immediate areas for system strengthening by comparing the delivery of elective cancer surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic in periods of lockdown versus light restriction. [...]
2021 - 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00493-9
The Lancet. Oncology, Vol. 22 Núm. 11 (November 2021) , p. 1507-1517  
16 p, 4.3 MB Common variants in Alzheimer's disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores / De Rojas, Itziar (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Moreno-Grau, Sonia (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Tesi, Niccolo (Delft Univeristy of Technology) ; Grenier-Boley, Benjamin (Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; Andrade, Victor (University Clinic Bonn) ; Jansen, Iris E. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Pedersen, Nancy L. (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia)) ; Stringa, Najada (Amsterdam UMC-Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Zettergren, Anna (University of Gothenburg) ; Hernández, Isabel (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Montrreal, Laura (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Antúnez, Carmen (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Antonell, Anna (Universitat de Barcelona) ; Tankard, Rick M. (Murdoch University) ; Bis, Joshua C. (University of Washington) ; Sims, Rebecca (Cardiff University) ; Bellenguez, Céline (Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; Quintela, Inés (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; González-Perez, Antonio (Centro Andaluz de Estudios Bioinformáticos, Sevilla) ; Calero, Miguel (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Franco-Macías, Emilio (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Macías, Juan (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Blesa, Rafael (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Cervera Carles, Laura (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Mendez-Gonzalez, Manuel (Universidad de Oviedo) ; Frank-García, Ana (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) ; Royo, Jose Luís (Universidad de Málaga) ; Moreno, Fermin (Biodonostia Osasun Ikerketako Institutura (País Basc)) ; Huerto Vilas, Raquel (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica) ; Baquero, Miquel (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (València)) ; Diez-Fairen, Monica (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Lage, Carmen (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; García-Madrona, Sebastián (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; García-González, Pablo (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Alarcón-Martín, Emilio (Universidad de Málaga) ; Valero, Sergi (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Sotolongo Grau, Oscar (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Ullgren, Abbe (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suècia)) ; Naj, Adam C. (University of Pennsylvania) ; Lemstra, Afina W. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Benaque, Alba (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Pérez-Cordón, Alba (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Benussi, Alberto (University of Brescia) ; Rábano, Alberto (BT-CIEN, Madrid, Spain) ; Padovani, Alessandro (University of Brescia) ; Squassina, Alessio (University of Cagliari) ; de Mendonça, Alexandre (University of Lisbon) ; Arias Pastor, Alfonso (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica) ; Kok, Almar A. L. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Meggy, Alun (Cardiff University) ; Pastor, Ana Belén (BT-CIEN, Madrid, Spain) ; Espinosa, Ana (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Corma-Gómez, Anaïs (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Martín Montes, Angel (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Sanabria, Ángela (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; DeStefano, Anita L. (Boston University) ; Schneider, Anja (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Haapasalo, Annakaisa (University of Eastern Finland) ; Kinhult Ståhlbom, Anne (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suècia)) ; Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne (University of Copenhagen) ; Hartmann, Annette M. (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) ; Spottke, Annika (University of Bonn) ; Corbatón-Anchuelo, Arturo (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas) ; Rongve, Arvid (University of Bergen) ; Borroni, Barbara (University of Brescia) ; Arosio, Beatrice (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Nacmias, Benedetta (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi) ; Nordestgaard, Børge G. (Herlev Gentofte Hospital) ; Kunkle, Brian W. (University of Miami) ; Charbonnier, Camille (Normandie Univ, UNIROUEN) ; Abdelnour, Carla (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Masullo, Carlo (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) ; Martínez Rodríguez, Carmen (Hospital Universitario de Cabueñes (Gijón)) ; Muñoz-Fernandez, Carmen (Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín) ; Dufouil, Carole (CHU de Bordeaux) ; Graff, Caroline (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suècia)) ; Ferreira, Catarina B. (Universidade de Lisboa) ; Chillotti, Caterina (University Hospital of Cagliari) ; Reynolds, Chandra A. (University of California-Riverside) ; Fenoglio, Chiara (Dino Ferrari Center. University of Milan) ; Van Broeckhoven, Christine (University of Antwerp) ; Clark, Christopher (University of Zürich) ; Pisanu, Claudia (University of Cagliari) ; Satizabal, Claudia L. (UT Health San Antonio) ; Holmes, Clive (University of Southampton) ; Buiza-Rueda, Dolores (Universidad de Sevilla) ; Aarsland, Dag (Stavanger University Hospital) ; Rujescu, Dan (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) ; Alcolea, Daniel (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Galimberti, Daniela (Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda, Ospedale Policlinico) ; Wallon, David (Normandie Univ, UNIROUEN) ; Seripa, Davide (Fondazione IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza) ; Grünblatt, Edna (University of Zurich) ; Dardiotis, Efthimios (University of Thessaly. School of Medicine) ; Düzel, Emrah (Otto-von-Guericke University) ; Scarpini, Elio (Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda, Ospedale Policlinico) ; Conti, Elisa (University of Milano-Bicocca) ; Rubino, Elisa (AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Gelpi, Ellen (Medical University of Vienna) ; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Eloy (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Duron, Emmanuelle (APHP, Hôpital Broca) ; Boerwinkle, Eric (Baylor College of Medicine) ; Ferri, Evelyn (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Tagliavini, Fabrizio (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Küçükali, Fahri (University of Antwerp) ; Pasquier, Florence (CHU CNR-MAJ, Lille) ; Sanchez-Garcia, Florentino (Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín) ; Mangialasche, Francesca (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia)) ; Jessen, Frank (University of Cologne) ; Nicolas, Gaël (Hospital Universitario de Cabueñes (Gijón)) ; Selbæk, Geir (University of Oslo) ; Ortega, Gemma (National Institute of Health Carlos III) ; Chêne, Geneviève (CHU de Bordeaux, Pole de Santé Publique) ; Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios (University of Cyprus) ; Rossi, Giacomina (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Spalletta, Gianfranco (Baylor College of Medicine) ; Giaccone, Giorgio (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Grande, Giulia (Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University) ; Binetti, Giuliano (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Papenberg, Goran (Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University) ; Hampel, Harald (Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital) ; Bailly, Henri (Université Paris Descartes) ; Zetterberg, Henrik (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit). UK Dementia Research Institute) ; Soininen, Hilkka (Kuopio University Hospital ( Finlàndia)) ; Karlsson, Ida K. (Jönköping University) ; Alvarez, Ignacio (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Appollonio, Ildebrando (San Gerardo hospital) ; Giegling, Ina (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) ; Skoog, Ingmar (University of Gothenburg) ; Saltvedt, Ingvild (Norwegian University of Science and Technhology) ; Rainero, Innocenzo (University of Torino) ; Rosas Allende, Irene (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; Hort, Jakub (St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine (Technical University of Munich) ; Van Dongen, Jasper (Institute Born-Bunge) ; Vidal, Jean-Sébastien (Université Paris Descartes) ; Lehtisalo, Jenni (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Wiltfang, Jens (University of Aveiro) ; Thomassen, Jesper Qvist (Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet) ; Kornhuber, Johannes (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) ; Haines, Jonathan L. (Case Western Reserve University) ; Vogelgsang, Jonathan (Harvard Medical School) ; Pineda, Juan A. (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Fortea, Juan (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Popp, Julius (Lausanne University Hospital) ; Deckert, Jürgen (University Hospital, Wuerzburg) ; Buerger, Katharina (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Morgan, Kevin (University of Nottingham) ; Fließbach, Klaus (University Clinic Bonn) ; Sleegers, Kristel (University of Antwerp) ; Molina-Porcel, Laura (Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer) ; Kilander, Lena (Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala) ; Weinhold, Leonie (University Hospital of Bonn) ; Farrer, Lindsay A. (Boston University) ; Wang, Li-San (University of Pennsylvania) ; Kleineidam, Luca (University Clinic Bonn) ; Farotti, Lucia (University of Perugia) ; Parnetti, Lucilla (University of Perugia) ; Tremolizzo, Lucio (Ospedale San Gerardo (Itàlia)) ; Hausner, Lucrezia (University of Heidelberg) ; Benussi, Luisa (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Froelich, Lutz (University of Heidelberg) ; Ikram, M. Arfan (Erasmus Medical Center) ; Deniz-Naranjo, M. Candida (Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín) ; Tsolaki, Magda (University of Thessaloniki) ; Rosende-Roca, Maitée (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Löwenmark, Malin (Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala) ; Hulsman, Marc (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Spallazzi, Marco (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria) ; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A. (University of Miami) ; Esiri, Margaret (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences) ; Bernal Sánchez-Arjona, María (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Dalmasso, Maria Carolina (University of Cologne) ; Martínez-Larrad, María Teresa (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas) ; Arcaro, Marina (Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda, Ospedale Policlinico) ; Nöthen, Markus M. (University of Bonn) ; Fernández-Fuertes, Marta (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Dichgans, Martin (Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology) ; Ingelsson, Martin (Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala) ; Herrmann, Martin J. (University Hospital, Wuerzburg) ; Scherer, Martin (University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf) ; Vyhnalek, Martin (St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Kosmidis, Mary H. (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Yannakoulia, Mary (Harokopio University) ; Schmid, Matthias (University Hospital of Bonn) ; Ewers, Michael (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Heneka, Michael T. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Wagner, Michael (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Scamosci, Michela (University of Perugia) ; Kivipelto, Miia (Stockholms Sjukhem, Research & Development Unit, Stockholm, Sweden) ; Hiltunen, Mikko (University of Eastern Finland. Institute of Biomedicine) ; Zulaica, Miren (Biodonostia Osasun Ikerketako Institutura (País Basc)) ; Alegret, Montserrat (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Fornage, Myriam (University of Texas) ; Roberto, Natalia (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; van Schoor, Natasja M. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Seidu, Nazib M. (University of Gothenburg) ; Banaj, Nerisa (IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Armstrong, Nicola (Murdoch University) ; Scarmeas, Nikolaos (Columbia University) ; Scherbaum, Norbert (University of Duisburg-Essen) ; Goldhardt, Oliver (Technical University of Munich) ; Hanon, Olivier (Université Paris Descartes) ; Peters, Oliver (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Skrobot, Olivia Anna (University of Bristol) ; Quenez, Olivier (FHU G4 Génomique. Normandie Univ) ; Lerch, Ondrej (St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Bossù, Paola (IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Caffarra, Paolo (University of Parma) ; Dionigi Rossi, Paolo (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Sakka, Paraskevi (Athens Association of Alzheimer's disease and Related Disorders) ; Hoffmann, Per (University Hospital Basel (Basilea, Suïssa)) ; Holmans, Peter (Cardiff University) ; Fischer, Peter (Social Medicine Center East- Donauspital) ; Riederer, Peter (University Hospital of Würzburg) ; Yang, Qiong (Boston University) ; Marshall, Rachel (Cardiff University) ; Kalaria, Rajesh N. (Campus for Ageing anf Vitality, Newcastle upon Tyne) ; Mayeux, Richard (Columbia University) ; Vandenberghe, Rik (University Hospitals Leuven (Bèlgica)) ; Cecchetti, Roberta (University of Perugia) ; Ghidoni, Roberta (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth (University of Copenhagen) ; Sorbi, Sandro (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi) ; Hägg, Sara (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia)) ; Engelborghs, Sebastiaan (VUB University Hospital Brussels) ; Helisalmi, Seppo (University of Eastern Finland) ; Botne Sando, Sigrid (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Kern, Silke (University of Gothenburg) ; Archetti, Silvana (Brescia Hospital) ; Boschi, Silvia (University of Torino) ; Fostinelli, Silvia (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Gil, Silvia (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Mendoza, Silvia (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Mead, Simon (University College London. Institute of Prion Diseases) ; Ciccone, Simona (IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Djurovic, Srdjan (University of Bergen) ; Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie (University of Bonn) ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi (University of Leipzig) ; Kuulasmaa, Teemu (University of Eastern Finland) ; del Ser, Teodoro (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Lebouvier, Thibaud (CHU CNR-MAJ, Lille, France) ; Polak, Thomas (University Hospital, Wuerzburg) ; Ngandu, Tiia (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Population Health Unit) ; Grimmer, Timo (Technical University of Munich) ; Bessi, Valentina (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi Largo Brambilla) ; Escott-Price, Valentina (Cardiff University) ; Giedraitis, Vilmantas (Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala) ; Deramecourt, Vincent (CHU CNR-MAJ, Lille, France) ; Maier, Wolfgang (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Jian, Xueqiu (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Pijnenburg, Yolande (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Kehoe, Patrick (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; García-Ribas, Guillermo (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Sánchez-Juan, Pascual (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Pastor, Pau (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Pérez-Tur, Jordi (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe) ; Piñol-Ripoll, Gerard (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica) ; Lopez de Munain, Adolfo (Universidad del País Vasco) ; García-Alberca, Jose María (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Bullido, María J. (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Álvarez, Victoria (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; Lleó, Alberto (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Real, Luis M. (Universidad de Málaga) ; Mir, Pablo (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Medina, Miguel (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Scheltens, Philip (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Holstege, Henne (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Marquié, Marta (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Sáez, María Eugenia (Centro Andaluz de Estudios Bioinformáticos, Sevilla) ; Carracedo, Ángel (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras) ; Amouyel, Philippe (Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; Schellenberg, Gerard D. (University of Pennsylvania) ; Williams, Julie (Cardiff University) ; Seshadri, Sudha (Framingham Heart Study) ; van Duijn, Cornelia M. (University of Oxford) ; Mather, Karen A. (Neuroscience Research Australia) ; Sanchez-Valle, Raquel (Universitat de Barcelona) ; Serrano-Ríos, Manuel (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas) ; Orellana, Adelina (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Tárraga, Lluís (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Blennow, Kaj (University of Gothenburg) ; Huisman, Martijn A (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Andreassen, Ole A. (Oslo University Hospital (Oslo, Noruega)) ; Posthuma, Danielle (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Clarimón, Jordi (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Boada, Mercè (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; van der Flier, Wiesje M. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Ramirez, Alfredo (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Lambert, Jean-Charles (Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; van der Lee, Sven J. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Ruiz, Agustín (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Genetic discoveries of Alzheimer's disease are the drivers of our understanding, and together with polygenetic risk stratification can contribute towards planning of feasible and efficient preventive and curative clinical trials. [...]
2021 - 10.1038/s41467-021-22491-8
Nature communications, Vol. 12 (june 2021)  
15 p, 570.6 KB C9orf72, age at onset, and ancestry help discriminate behavioral from language variants in FTLD cohorts / Costa, Beatrice ; Manzoni, Claudia ; Bernal-Quiros, Manuel ; Kia, Demis A. ; Aguilar Barberà, Miquel ; Alvarez, Ignacio ; Alvarez, Victoria ; Andreassen, Ole A. ; Anfossi, Maria ; Bagnoli, Silvia ; Benussi, Luisa ; Bernardi, Livia ; Binetti, Giuliano ; Blackburn, Daniel ; Boada, Mercè ; Borroni, Barbara ; Bowns, Lucy ; Bråthen, Geir ; Bruni, Amalia ; Chiang, Huei-Hsin ; Clarimón, Jordi (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Colville, Shuna ; Conidi, Maria E. ; Cope, Tom E. ; Cruchaga, Carlos ; Cupidi, Chiara ; Di Battista, Maria Elena ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine ; Diez-Fairen, Monica ; Dols Icardo, Oriol (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Durante, Elisabetta ; Flisar, Dušan ; Frangipane, Francesca ; Galimberti, Daniela ; Gallo, Maura ; Gallucci, Maurizio ; Ghidoni, Roberta ; Graff, Caroline ; Grafman, Jordan H. ; Grossman, Murray ; Hardy, John ; Hernández, Isabel ; Holloway, Guy J. T. ; Huey, Edward D. ; Illán-Gala, Ignacio (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Karydas, Anna ; Khoshnood, Behzad ; Kramberger, Milica G. ; Kristiansen, Mark ; Lewis, Patrick ; Lleó, Alberto (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Madhan, Gaganjit K. ; Maletta, Raffaele ; Maver, Aleš ; Menendez-Gonzalez, Manuel ; Milan, Graziella ; Miller, Bruce L. ; Mol, Merel O. ; Momeni, Parastoo ; Moreno-Grau, Sonia ; Morris, Chris M. ; Nacmias, Benedetta ; Nilsson, Christer ; Novelli, Valeria ; Öijerstedt, Linn ; Padovani, Alessandro ; Pal, Suvankar ; Panchbhaya, Yasmin ; Pastor, Pau ; Peterlin, Borut ; Piaceri, Irene ; Pickering-Brown, S. ; Pijnenburg, Yolande ; Puca, Annibale A. ; Rainero, Innocenzo ; Rendina, Antonella ; Richardson, Anna M. T. ; Rogaeva, Ekaterina ; Rogelj, Boris ; Rollinson, Sara ; Rossi, Giacomina ; Rossmeier, Carola ; Rowe, James B. ; Rubino, Elisa ; Ruiz, Agustín ; Sanchez-Valle, Raquel ; Sando, Sigrid B. ; Santillo, Alexander F. ; Saxon, Jennifer ; Scarpini, Elio ; Serpente, Maria ; Smirne, Nicoletta ; Sorbi, Sandro ; Suh, EunRan ; Tagliavini, Fabrizio ; Thompson, Jennifer C. ; Trojanowski, John Q. ; Van Deerlin, Vivianna M. ; Van der Zee, Julie ; Van Broeckhoven, Christine ; van Rooij, Jeroen ; Van Swieten, John C. ; Veronesi, Arianna ; Vitale, Emilia ; Waldö, Maria L. ; Woodward, Cathy ; Yokoyama, Jennifer ; Escott-Price, Valentina ; Polke, James M. ; Ferrari, Raffaele ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
We sought to characterize C9orf72 expansions in relation to genetic ancestry and age at onset (AAO) and to use these measures to discriminate the behavioral from the language variant syndrome in a large pan-European cohort of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) cases. [...]
2020 - 10.1212/WNL.0000000000010914
Neurology, Vol. 95 (december 2020) , p. e3288-e3302  
13 p, 722.8 KB A C6orf10 / LOC101929163 locus is associated with age of onset in C9orf72 carriers / Zhang, Ming (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Ferrari, Raffaele (University College London. Institute of Neurology) ; Tartaglia, Maria Carmela (Department of Medicine, Division of Neurology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Keith, Julia (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Surace, Ezequiel I (Instituto de Investigaciones Neurológicas Dr. Raúl Carrea (Buenos Aires, Argentina)) ; Wolf, Uri (University of Toronto. Department of Psychiatry) ; Sato, Christine (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Grinberg, Mark (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Liang, Yan (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Xi, Zhengrui (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Dupont, Kyle (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; McGoldrick, Philip (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Weichert, Anna (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; McKeever, Paul M. (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Schneider, Raphael (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; McCorkindale, Michael D. (University College London. Institute of Neurology) ; Manzoni, Claudia (School of Pharmacy, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, UK) ; Rademakers, Rosa (Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA) ; Graff-Radford, Neill R. (Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA) ; Dickson, Dennis W. (Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA) ; Parisi, Joseph E. (Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA) ; Boeve, Bradley (Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA) ; Petersen, Ronald C. (Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA) ; Miller, Bruce L. (Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco Memory and Aging Center, San Francisco, CA, USA) ; Seeley, William W. (Department of Neurology and Department of Pathology, University of California San Francisco Memory and Aging Center, San Francisco, CA, USA) ; van Swieten, John C. (Department of Neurology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) ; van Rooij, Jeroen (Department of Neurology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) ; Pijnenburg, Yolande (Amsterdam UMC. University Medical Center) ; van der Zee, Julie (Laboratory of Neurogenetics, Institute Born-Bunge, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium) ; Van Broeckhoven, Christine (Laboratory of Neurogenetics, Institute Born-Bunge, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium) ; Le Ber, Isabelle (Reference Center for Rare and Young Dementias, Institute of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease (IM2A), Department of Neurology, Hopital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France) ; Van Deerlin, Vivianna (University of Pennsylvania) ; Suh, EunRan (University of Pennsylvania) ; Rohrer, Jonathan D. (University College London. Institute of Neurology) ; Mead, Simon (University College London. Institute of Prion Diseases) ; Graff, Caroline (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suècia)) ; Öijerstedt, Linn (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suècia)) ; Pickering-Brown, S. (Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, University of Manchester, UK) ; Rollinson, Sara (Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, University of Manchester, UK) ; Rossi, Giacomina (Division of Neurology V and Neuropathology, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milano, Italy) ; Tagliavini, Fabrizio (Scientific Directorate, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milano, Italy) ; Brooks, William S. (Neuroscience Research Australia and Prince of Wales Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) ; Dobson-Stone, Carol (School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) ; Halliday, Glenda M. (University of Sydney. Brain and Mind Centre) ; Hodges, John R. (Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders, Sydney, Australia) ; Piguet, Olivier (School of Psychology and Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia) ; Binetti, Giuliano (MAC Memory Center, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy) ; Benussi, Luisa (Molecular Markers Laboratory, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy) ; Ghidoni, Roberta (Molecular Markers Laboratory, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy) ; Nacmias, Benedetta (Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Research and Child Health, University of Florence, Florence, Italy) ; Sorbi, Sandro (IRCCS Don Gnocchi, Florence, Italy) ; Bruni, Amalia (Regional Neurogenetic Centre, Lamezia Terme, Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale Catanzaro, Italy) ; Galimberti, Daniela (Neurodegenerative Disease Unit, University of Milan, Fondazione Ca' Granda, IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico, Milan, Italy) ; Scarpini, Elio (Neurodegenerative Disease Unit, University of Milan, Fondazione Ca' Granda, IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico, Milan, Italy) ; Rainero, Innocenzo (Department of Neuroscience "Rita Levi Montalcini", University of Torino, Torino, Italy) ; Rubino, Elisa (Department of Neuroscience "Rita Levi Montalcini", University of Torino, Torino, Italy) ; Clarimón, Jordi (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Lleó, Alberto (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina) ; Ruiz, Agustin (Institut Català de Neurociènces Aplicades) ; Hernández, Isabel (Institut Català de Neurociènces Aplicades) ; Pastor, Pau (Fundació per la Recerca Biomèdica i Social Mútua de Terrassa) ; Diez-Fairen, Monica (Fundació per la Recerca Biomèdica i Social Mútua de Terrassa) ; Borroni, Barbara (Centre for Neurodegenerative Disorders, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy) ; Pasquier, Florence (Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille) ; Deramecourt, Vincent (Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille) ; Lebouvier, Thibaud (Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille) ; Perneczky, Robert (Imperial College London. School of Public Health) ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine (Technische Universität München) ; Grafman, Jordan (Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Northwestern University (Chicago, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Huey, Edward D. (The Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain (Columbia, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Mayeux, Richard (The Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center, The Departments of Neurology, Psychiatry, Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA) ; Nalls, Michael A.. (National Institute on Aging (Bethesda, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Hernandez, Dena (National Institute on Aging (Bethesda, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Singleton, Andrew B (National Institute on Aging (Bethesda, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Momeni, Parastoo (Rona Holdings, Silicon Valley, CA, USA) ; Zeng, Zhen (Merck & Co., Inc, Kenilworth, NJ, USA) ; Hardy, John (University College London. Institute of Neurology) ; Robertson, Janice (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Zinman, Lorne (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada) ; Rogaeva, Ekaterina (Department of Medicine, Division of Neurology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada)
Discovery of disease age-of-onset modifiers is important for clinical trials and drug design. Zhang et al. perform a genome-wide analysis of epigenetic functional polymorphisms and identify an association between the C6orf10/LOC101929163 locus and age of FTD/ALS onset. [...]
2018 - 10.1093/brain/awy238
Brain, Vol. 141 (september 2018) , p. 2895-2907  
10 p, 1.3 MB Genetic variation across RNA metabolism and cell death gene networks is implicated in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia / Bonham, Luke W. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Steele, Natasha Z. R. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Karch, Celeste M. (Department of Psychiatry. Washington University) ; Broce, Iris (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Geier, Ethan G. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Wen, Natalie L. (Department of Psychiatry. Washington University) ; Momeni, Parastoo (Texas Tech University Health Science Center. Laboratory of Neurogenetics) ; Hardy, John (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit). Department of Molecular Neuroscience) ; Miller, Zachary A. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Hess, Christopher P. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Lewis, Patrick (School of Pharmacy. University of Reading. Whiteknights) ; Miller, Bruce L. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Seeley, William W. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Manzoni, Claudia (School of Pharmacy. University of Reading. Whiteknights) ; Desikan, Rahul S. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Baranzini, Sergio E. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Ferrari, Raffaele (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit). Department of Molecular Neuroscience) ; Yokoyama, Jennifer S. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Hernandez, D. G. (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit)) ; Nalls, M. A. (National Institute on Aging (Bethesda, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Rohrer, J. D. (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Ramasamy, Adaikalavan (The Jenner Institute. University of Oxford) ; Kwok, J. B. J. (School of Medical Sciences. University of New South Wales) ; Dobson-Stone, Carol (School of Medical Sciences. University of New South Wales) ; Schofield, P. R. (School of Medical Sciences. University of New South Wales) ; Halliday, G. M. (School of Medical Sciences. University of New South Wales) ; Hodges, J. R. (School of Medical Sciences. University of New South Wales) ; Piguet, O. (School of Medical Sciences. University of New South Wales) ; Bartley, Lauren (School of Medical Sciences. University of New South Wales) ; Thompson, E. (Department of Paediatrics. University of Adelaide) ; Haan, E. (Department of Paediatrics. University of Adelaide) ; Hernández, Isabel (Institut Català de Neurociènces Aplicades) ; Ruiz, A. (Institut Català de Neurociènces Aplicades) ; Boada, Mercè (Institut Català de Neurociènces Aplicades) ; Borroni, Barbara (Neurology Clinic. University of Brescia) ; Padovani, Alessandro (Neurology Clinic. University of Brescia) ; Cruchaga, Carlos (Hope Center. Washington University School of Medicine) ; Cairns, Nigel J (Department of Pathology and Immunology. Washington University) ; Benussi, Luisa (Molecular Markers Laboratory. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Binetti, Giuliano (MAC Memory Clinic. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Ghidoni, R. (Molecular Markers Laboratory. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Forloni, G. (Biology of Neurodegenerative Disorders. IRCCS Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri") ; Albani, Diego (Biology of Neurodegenerative Disorders. IRCCS Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri") ; Galimberti, Daniela (Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Fenoglio, Chiara (Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Serpente, M. (Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Scarpini, E. (Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Clarimón, Jordi (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Lleó, Alberto (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Blesa, Rafael (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Landqvist Waldö, M. (Unit of Geriatric Psychiatry. Department of Clinical Sciences. Lund University) ; Nilsson, K. (Unit of Geriatric Psychiatry. Department of Clinical Sciences. Lund University) ; Nilsson, C. (Clinical Memory Research Unit. Department of Clinical Sciences. Lund University) ; Mackenzie, I. R. A. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of British Columbia) ; Hsiung, G. Y. R. (Division of Neurology. University of British Columbia) ; Mann, D. M. A. (Institute of Brain. Behaviour and Mental Health. University of Manchester. Salford Royal Hospital) ; Grafman, J. (Department of Psychology. Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Northwestern University) ; Morris, C. M. (Newcastle University. Institute of Neuroscience and Institute for Ageing) ; Attems, Johannes (Newcastle University. Institute of Neuroscience and Institute for Ageing) ; Griffiths, T. D. (Newcastle University. Institute of Neuroscience and Institute for Ageing) ; McKeith, I. G. (Newcastle University. Institute of Neuroscience and Institute for Ageing) ; Thomas, A. J. (Newcastle University. Institute of Neuroscience and Institute for Ageing) ; Pietrini, P. (IMT School for Advanced Studies. Lucca) ; Huey, Edward D (Taub Institute. Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology. Columbia University) ; Wassermann, E. M. (Behavioral Neurology Unit. National Insititute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. National Insititutes of Health) ; Baborie, A. (Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology. University of Alberta Edmonton) ; Jaros, E. (Institute of Neuroscience and Institute for Ageing. Campus for Ageing and Vitality. Newcastle University) ; Tierney, M. C. (Behavioral Neurology Unit. National Insititute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. National Insititutes of Health) ; Pastor, Pau (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Razquin, C. (Neurogenetics Laboratory. Division of Neurosciences. Center for Applied Medical Research. Universidad de Navarra) ; Ortega-Cubero, S. (Neurogenetics Laboratory. Division of Neurosciences. Center for Applied Medical Research. Universidad de Navarra) ; Alonso, E. (Clínica Universidad de Navarra) ; Perneczky, Robert (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technische Universität München) ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technische Universität München) ; Alexopoulos, Panagiotis (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technische Universität München) ; Kurz, A. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technische Universität München) ; Rainero, Innocenzo (Neurology I. Department of Neuroscience. University of Torino. Italy. A.O. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Rubino, E. (Neurology I. Department of Neuroscience. University of Torino. Italy. A.O. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Pinessi, L. (Neurology I. Department of Neuroscience. University of Torino. Italy. A.O. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Rogaeva, Ekaterina (University of Toronto. Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; St George Hyslop, Peter (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research) ; Rossi, G. (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Tagliavini, Fabrizio (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Giaccone, Giorgio (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Rowe, J. B. (Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute) ; Schlachetzki, J. C. M. (University of California San Diego. Department of Cellular & Molecular Medicine) ; Uphill, J. (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit). Department of Neurodegenerative Disease) ; Collinge, John (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit). Department of Neurodegenerative Disease) ; Mead, S. (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit). Department of Neurodegenerative Disease) ; Danek, Adrian (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) ; Van Deerlin, V. M. (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Grossman, Murray (Department of Neurology and Penn Frontotemporal Degeneration Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Trojanowski, J. Q. (Laboratory of Neurogenetics. Institute Born-Bunge. University of Antwerp) ; Van der Zee, Julie (Laboratory of Neurogenetics. Institute Born-Bunge. University of Antwerp) ; Cruts, Marc (Laboratory of Neurogenetics. Institute Born-Bunge. University of Antwerp) ; Van Broeckhoven, C. (Laboratory of Neurogenetics. Institute Born-Bunge. University of Antwerp) ; Cappa, S. F. (Neurorehabilitation Unit. Department of Clinical Neuroscience. Vita-Salute University and San Raffaele Scientific Institute) ; Leber, Isabelle (CNRS UMR 7225. F-75013) ; Hannequin, D. (Service de Neurologie. Inserm U1079. CNR-MAJ. Rouen University Hospital) ; Golfier, V. (Service de Neurologie. CH Saint Brieuc) ; Vercelletto, M. (Service de neurologie. CHU de Nantes) ; Brice, Alexis (CNRS UMR 7225. F-75013) ; Nacmias, Benedetta (University of Florence. Department of Neurosciences) ; Sorbi, Sandro (University of Florence. Department of Neurosciences) ; Bagnoli, Silvia (University of Florence. Department of Neurosciences) ; Piaceri, I. (University of Florence. Department of Neurosciences) ; Nielsen, J. E. (Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. Section of Neurogenetics. The Panum Institute. University of Copenhagen) ; Hjermind, L. E. (Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. Section of Neurogenetics. The Panum Institute. University of Copenhagen) ; Riemenschneider, M. (Laboratory for Neurogenetics. Saarland University) ; Mayhaus, M. (Laboratory for Neurogenetics. Saarland University) ; Ibach, B. (Department of Psychiatry. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics) ; Gasparoni, G. (Laboratory for Neurogenetics. Saarland University) ; Pichler, S. (Laboratory for Neurogenetics. Saarland University) ; Gu, W. (Luxembourg Centre For Systems Biomedicine (LCSB). University of Luxembourg) ; Rossor, M. N. (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Fox, N. C. (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Warren, J. D. (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Spillantini, M. G. (University of Cambridge. Department of Clinical Neurosciences) ; Morris, H. R. (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit). Department of Molecular Neuroscience) ; Rizzu, P. (Tübingen Site. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Heutink, Peter (Tübingen Site. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) ; Snowden, J. S. (Institute of Brain. Behaviour and Mental Health. University of Manchester. Salford Royal Hospital) ; Rollinson, Sara (Institute of Brain. Behaviour and Mental Health. University of Manchester. Salford Royal Hospital) ; Richardson, A. (Salford Royal Foundation Trust. Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences. University of Manchester) ; Gerhard, Alexander (Institute of Brain. Behaviour and Mental Health. University of Manchester. Salford Royal Hospital) ; Bruni, A. C. (Regional Neurogenetic Centre. ASPCZ) ; Maletta, Raffaele (Regional Neurogenetic Centre. ASPCZ) ; Frangipane, F. (Regional Neurogenetic Centre. ASPCZ) ; Cupidi, C. (Regional Neurogenetic Centre. ASPCZ) ; Bernardi, Livia (Regional Neurogenetic Centre. ASPCZ) ; Anfossi, Maria (Regional Neurogenetic Centre. ASPCZ) ; Gallo, M. (Regional Neurogenetic Centre. ASPCZ) ; Conidi, Maria E. (Regional Neurogenetic Centre. ASPCZ) ; Smirne, N. (Regional Neurogenetic Centre. ASPCZ) ; Rademakers, Rosa (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic Jacksonville) ; Baker, M. (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic Jacksonville) ; Dickson, Dennis W. (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic Jacksonville) ; Graff-Radford, N. R. (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic Jacksonville) ; Petersen, R. C. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Knopman, D. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Josephs, K. A. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Boeve, Bradley (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Parisi, J. E. (Department of Pathology. Mayo Clinic Rochester) ; Karydas, A. M. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; Rosen, H. (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)) ; van Swieten, J. C. (Department of Medical Genetics. VU university Medical Centre) ; Dopper, E. G. P. (Department of Medical Genetics. VU university Medical Centre) ; Seelaar, H. (Department of Medical Genetics. VU university Medical Centre) ; Pijnenburg, Y. A. L. (VU University Medical Centre. Department of Neurology) ; Scheltens, Philip (VU University Medical Centre. Department of Neurology) ; Logroscino, Giancarlo (Department of Basic Medical Sciences. Neurosciences and Sense Organs. "Aldo Moro" University of Bari) ; Capozzo, Rosa (University of Bari) ; Novelli, V. (Medical Genetics Unit. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli) ; Puca, A. A. (Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Salerno) ; Franceschi, M. (Neurology Department. IRCCS Multimedica) ; Postiglione, A. (Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery. University of Naples Federico II) ; Milan, G. (Geriatric Center Frullone ASL Napoli 1 Centro) ; Sorrentino, P. (Geriatric Center Frullone ASL Napoli 1 Centro) ; Kristiansen, M. (UCL Genomics. Institute of Child Health (ICH). UCL) ; Chiang, H. H. (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suècia)) ; Graff, C. (Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (Suècia)) ; Pasquier, Florence (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille. Inserm 1171. DISTALZ. CHU 59000) ; Rollin, A. (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille. Inserm 1171. DISTALZ. CHU 59000) ; Deramecourt, Vincent (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille. Inserm 1171. DISTALZ. CHU 59000) ; Lebouvier, Thibaud (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille. Inserm 1171. DISTALZ. CHU 59000) ; Kapogiannis, D. (National Institute on Aging (NIA/NIH)) ; Ferrucci, Luigi (National Institute on Aging (Baltimore, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Pickering-Brown, S. (University of Manchester) ; Singleton, Andrew B (National Institute on Aging (Bethesda, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) is a clinical syndrome characterized by neurodegeneration and progressive loss of semantic knowledge. Unlike many other forms of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), svPPA has a highly consistent underlying pathology composed of TDP-43 (a regulator of RNA and DNA transcription metabolism). [...]
2019 - 10.1038/s41598-019-46415-1
Scientific reports, Vol. 9 Núm. 1 (january 2019) , p. 10854  
6 p, 202.5 KB Short term effects of ambient sulphur dioxide and particulate matter on mortality in 12 European cities : results from time series data from the APHEA project / Katsouyanni, K. (University of Athens Medical School (Atenes, Grècia)) ; Touloumi, G. (University of Athens Medical School (Atenes, Grècia)) ; Spix, C. (Institut für Epidemiologie (Neuherberg, Alemanya)) ; Schwartz, J. (Harvard School of Public Health (Boston, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Baladucci, F. (Université de Grenoble. Faculté de Medicine (França)) ; Medina, S. (Observatoire Regional de la Santé (Paris, França)) ; Rossi, G. (National Research Council. Institute of Clinical Physiology (Pisa, Itàlia)) ; Wojtyniak, B. (National Institute of Hygiene (Varsòvia, Polònia)) ; Sunyer Deu, Jordi (Institut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica (Barcelona, Catalunya)) ; Bacharova, L. (National Centre for Health Promotion (Bratislava, Eslovàquia)) ; Schouten, J. P. (University of Groningen. Department of Epidemiology and Statistics (Països Baixos)) ; Ponka, A. (Helsinki City Centre of the Environment (Helsinki, Finlàndia)) ; Anderson, H. R. (St George's Hospital Medical School (Londres, Regne Unit))
Objectives: To carry out a prospective combined quantitative analysis of the associations between all cause mortality and ambient particulate matter and sulphur dioxide. Design: Analysis of time series data on daily number of deaths from all causes and concentrations of sulphur dioxide and particulate matter (measured as black smoke or particles smaller than 10 ìm in diameter (PM10)) and potential confounders. [...]
BMJ : British Medical Journal, Vol. 314 (1997) , p. 1658-1663  

Fons personals i institucionals 6 registres trobats  
71 p, 22.6 MB Semiramide / Rossini, Gioachino 1792-1868 ; Bogart, John-Paul ; Caballé, Montserrat ; Gandolfi, Romano ; Giménez, Eduard ; Rossi, Gaetano ; Ruiz, Josep ; Siciliani, Alessandro ; Sicuri, Vittorio ; Valentini-Terrani, Lucia ; Ysàs, Rosa Maria ; Cor del Gran Teatre del Liceu ; Orquestra del Gran Teatre del Liceu ; Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu
Barcelona : 1985 (Temporada 1985-1986)  
81 p, 37.5 MB Semiramide / Rossi, Gaetano ; Rossini, Gioachino 1792-1868 ; Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu
86 p, 36.9 MB Chiara di Rosemberg / Rossi, Gaetano ; Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu
24 p, 4.7 MB La prigione di Edimburgo : In tre atti, da rappresentarsi nel teatro dell'eccellentissima città di Barcellona, nel giulio del 1840 / Ricci, Federico ; Rossi, Gaetano ; Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu
Barcelona : Tipografia della Vedova e Figli d'Antonio Brusi, 1840  
24 p, 4.1 MB Linda de Chamounix : melodramma in tre atti, parole di Gaetano Rossi da rappresentarsi nel teatro dell'eccellentissima città di Barcellona l'anno 1844 / Donizetti, Gaetano 1797-1848 ; Rossi, Gaetano ; Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu
Barcelona : Don Agostino Gaspar e Roca, 1844  
25 p, 4.6 MB Chiara di Rosembergh : melodramma in due atti da rappresentarsi nel gran teatro del Liceo filarmonico-drammatico barcellonese di S. M. donna Isabella seconda, nell'inverno del 1848 / Ricci, Luigi ; Rossi, Gaetano ; Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu
Barcelona : Tomás Gorchs, 1848  

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