Un enfoque cognitivo-discursivo en la formación de traductores: Una investigación empírico-experimental del producto y del proceso de la traducción con la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías

Brief description: 

[Cognitive-discourse approach to translator training: an empirical-experimental research into translation process and product using new technologies] (PHB2002-0010-PC), Programa Hispano-brasileño de Cooperación Interuniversitaria del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte entre el grup Pos-Lin Net de la Universidade Minas Gerais  and PACTE (2002-2004, 2004-2006)

The goal of this project is to continue the cooperation already established between the two groups of researchers. The aims are: (1) to guarantee the joint training of researchers in the field of translation studies; (2) to push forward a joint research into a new approach to the didactics of translation, having a cognitive-discourse focus and based on the empirical-experimental research of translation process and product, using the new available technologies.

To achieve these aims, the mobility and exchange of researchers and PhD candidates from both institutions are pursued, in order to share human resources and infrastructure. 

The ultimate goal is to guarantee, in the context of Spanish and Portuguese languages, translation training and translation studies research (field of recent creation) of high quality, able to compete with other countries with a longer tradition in both of them.  

Amount of funding: 
20.428,29 € (2002-2004, Spanish group), 42.123,00 € + (2004-2006, Spanish group)
From date to date (or pending): 
01/10/2002 - 31/10/2004; 01/10/2004 - 31/10/2006
Data collection: 
On-screen activity recorders
Other project members: 

Silvina Pagano, Adriana; Alberto Gohn, Carlos;  Magalhães,Célia Maria;   Marcio do Carmo,Cláudio;   Minelli de Oliveira, Janaina;  Aires Gomes,Maria Carmen;   Rothe-Neves, Rui: Rodríguez, Mónica; Kozlova, Inna

Languages involved: 

English, French, German, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese

For further information, visit...: 
Linked projects: 

PACTE. Grup de recerca consolidat, Ajuts per donar suport als grups de recerca consolidats de Catalunya (SGR) [Consolidated research group as recognized by the III Plan for Research in Catalonia 2001-2004]. 2002-2005

Project type: 


Project initiator:        



Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B